A1: Psychological Defenitions Flashcards
According to WHO, what is the definition of health?
A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
What is ill health?
Any deviation from (health definition).
What is the biomedical definition?
Diagnosis and treatment of health problems focuses primarily on physical or biological factors.
What is the biopsychosocial definition?
(Engel, 1977) - diagnosis and treatment of health should take into account biological characteristics (e.g. genes), psychological/behavioural characteristics (e.g. stress) and social environment (e.g. family).
What is meant by health as a continuum?
Health varies between two extremes, you can be very healthy, very unhealthy or anywhere in between.
What is addiction?
A mental health problem in which an individual takes a substance or engages in a behaviour that is pleasurable but eventually becomes compulsive with harmful consequences.
What is physiological addiction?
Involves compulsively taking a substance in which you can build up a tolerance and experience withdrawal symptoms when you reduce or abstain.
What is a behavioural addiction?
Involves compulsively doing an action (behaviour) in which you can build up tolerance and experience withdrawal symptoms when you reduce or abstain.
What are Griffifths six components of addiction?
Salience, tolerance, withdrawal, relapse, conflict, mood alteration.
What is salience?
The addict comes to depend upon the substance/behaviour and it becomes the most important thing in their life.
What is tolerance?
More of the substance/behaviour is needed to experience the same ‘buzz’ from the last/first time.
What is withdrawal?
Unpleasant symptoms experienced when the addict reduces/abstains from the substance/behaviour. Can be physiological (headaches) or psychological (low mood).
What is relapse?
Reverting back to an addiction after a period of reduction/abstinence.
What is interpersonal conflict?
Interpersonal conflict is when the addict is clashing with the people around them due to their addiction.
What is intrapersonal conflict?
Intrapersonal conflict is an internal clash within the addict due to their addiction.
What is mood alteration?
The addict’s mood tends to change dramatically when taking the substance/engaging in the behaviour.
What is stress?
A physiological and psychological state of arousal that arises when we believe we do not have the ability to cope with perceived threats (stressors).
What is a stressor?
Any feature of the environment that causes a stress response.
What is perceived ability to cope?
The perceptions of the stressor will influence the stress response.
What are internal and external coping resources?
Internal: psychological, includes resilience
External: social support
What are physical and psychological stressors?
Physical: environment - temperature, noise, overcrowding
Psychological: major events in lives, everyday niggles/annoyances, the workplace, personalities
In terms of the stress response, what is physical and psychological stress responses?
Physical: how the body physically responds to a stressor
Psychological: emotion you experience when a stressor occurs.