A05 Rossetti vs Ibsen Flashcards
Nora confronts
every convention and male prejudice that cages her - Kate Millett, 1971
Ibsen and marriage
he revealed it to be far from a divine institution - August Strindberg, 1880s
Ibsen review
Social Demokraten, 1879, said that Torvald fails to understand Nora’s value as a human being
-1000s of such doll-like house
Simon Avery - Rossetti’s speakers demonstrate a resistance to social expectations, which define the acceptable roles of women
Lynda Palazzo - Rossetti hints that male gender oppression is a sin
word choice
Simon Avery says that the word choice is often “austere”
Victorian women were seen as passionless angels in the home but Karen Armstrong argues that GM defies this
Simone de Beauvoir
stated that women are “objects” in patriarchal society
fallen women
Richard Gill - Rossetti is “thoughtfully aware” of the plight of fallen women
attitude to fallen women
unlike her contemporaries, like William Acton who published a report called “Prostitution”, Rossetti does not dismiss ‘fallen women’ with hasty judgement
Winter: My Secret
Simon Avery - she manipulates power so she is in control
No Thank you, John - asserts a woman’s right to say “no”
Simon Mold - Rossetti gives a vibrant voice to the female experience, despite Victorian women being denied social, economic and political freedom
Hattie Morahan, 2013
the play is just as “relatable” now
it is women’s
confinement in the domestic sphere that correlates with the subordination of women’s rights - L Code, 2000