a test of difference: Whitney and Wilcoxon Flashcards
why would we choose Mann -
- a worked example
we are looking for a DIFFERENCE between two groups of employers based on their rating of whether a candidate with schizophrenia was suitable for a job interview
there are TWO INDEPENDENT groups of employers this means that the design is UNRELATED
Finally, the level of measurement is ordinal data as it is based on scores on an “unsafe” scale which are converted to ranks for the purpose of the test
what are the hypothesis
ALTERNATE HYPOTHESIS: there is a difference in ratings for suitability for an interview based on whether a job applicant is described as having been diagnosed with schizophrenia (Group A) or not (Group B)
This would be non - directional two- tailed
NULL HYPOTHESIS: there is no difference in ratings for sustainability for an interview based on whether a job applicant is described as having been diagnosed with schizophrenia (Group A) or not (Group B)
This would be non - directional two- tailed
what are the steps in a Mann - Whitney test
Step 1: the table of ranks
Step 2: working out the value of u
Step 3: the calculated and critical values
how do we know whether the data is significant or not
if the calculated value is less than the critical value, the results are significant
this means we can reject the null hypothesis and accept then alternate hypothesis
why should we choose Wilcoxon
- a worked example
in this worked example we are looking for a difference in anger scored before and after an anger management programme
the data is ORDINAL as angers cores are based on a subjective “unsafe” self - report questionnaire
what are the two different hypotheses
Alternative hypothesis: there is a difference in young offender’s scores on an anger questionnaire before and after treatment (non- directional two- tailed)
NULL HYPOTHESIS: there is no difference in young offender’s scores on anger questionnaire before ad after treatment
what are the difference steps in Wilcoxon test
Step 1: calculate a difference and rank the difference
Step 2: working out the value of T
Step 3: The calculated and critical value
how do we work out the calculated value
the calculated value of value of T is the sum of the less frequent sign
how do we know if the results is significant
if the critical value of T is more than the calculated value, then the results are significant
this means we can accept the alternative hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis