A Tale Of 2 Cities Flashcards
Auspicious (adj)
Promising success, favorable
A cart used to carry prisoners to the guillotine
Demur (v)
Object of refuse on grounds if conscious or cowardice
Incredulity (n) (dis
Disbelief, skepticism
Deportment (n)
Behavior or demeanor
Sagacity (n)
Wisdom, discernment, sound judgement
Intangible (adj)
Incapable of being physically touched, indefinite or unclear to the mind
Incorrigible (adj)
Incapable of being corrected or reformed, hardened
Prattle (v)
To talk in a foolish or simple-minded way, chatter, babble
Ardor (n) (great pas
Great warmth of feeling, passion
Magnanimous (adj)
Noble in mind and heart, generous in granting forgiveness
Assiduous (adj)
Constant, unceasing, diligent
Vestige (n)
A trace, a trace that something once existed disappeared
Capitulate (v)
Stop resisting, surrender
Elicit (v)
To draw or bing forth. Educe, evoke
Propensity (n)
A natural inclination, preference
Inter (v)
To bury
Dubious (adj)
Doubtful, questionable
Taciturn (adj)
Inclined to silence, unsalable
To scold, criticize, blame