A style questions Flashcards
What was the Cold War?
-A Cold War between Soviet and USA that never came to warfare
-Both sides feared the others weapons
-Mutually assured destruction
What was the long telegram?
George kennan (USA)
-Soviet’s would never stop trying to take over
-Will always be our enemies
-can and will be stopped w/o war
-keep people happy wealthy and free so they chose communism
What was agreed at yalta?
- Germany divided into 4
-Germany would pay respirations to soviet
-creation of United Nations
What was agreed at postdam?
-polish/german border settled at order Neisse line
-Germany got denazified
-each country could take respirations from their own zone
What was the Truman doctrine?
Truman said…
- communism was growing so their job to stop it (containment)
-Greece and Turkey in danger of turning communist so USA helped them ($400 for military)
What was Marshall aid?
-USA saw how Europe was struggling as a result of war so they spent large amounts of money to help them recover
Money spent on
Military / weapons
What role did churchills speech play in US foreign policy
- Eastern Europe cut off from world, behind the line was soviet influence
- showed Brittin’s gov how seriously they viewed the soviet’s actions
- marked beginning of cold war
Describe events of Berlin blockade
- stalins response to new currency
- he hoped this would force the 3 powers out of his zone and turn into communist
- blocked traffic east to west (of berlin)
- turned off gas and electricity supplies
- stalin failed his goal and blockade lifted May 1949
What was the Berlin airlift?
Britian France and USA…
-supplied berlin using aircrafts during blockade
- 300,000 flights brought berlin necessities
What was nato?
security alliance USA was a part of