A&P III QUIZ 12 Flashcards
What are the interactive complex chemical processes making life possible
Is Polysaccharide or Monosaccharide a complex carbohydrate
What is the breakdown of glycagon to release glucose
Is the Soleus, Peronius or Fibularis Tertius in the anterior compartment of the lower leg
Fibularis tertius
Are saturated or unsaturated fats solid at room temperature
What are the building blocks that form proteins
Amino Acids
What mineral is required for nerve conduction and muscle contraction
Flexor Carpi Radialis or Supinator - which has an attachment on the anterior, proximal radius
What is the state of blood that is untreated for diabetes
Lipids, proteins or carbs. Which serves as insulation, protection and stored energy
T or F
The kidneys are approximately 4-5” long and are located in the retroparitenial cavity
What is the functional unit of the kidney
Does the Glomerulus filter blood plasma or urine
Blood plasma
Out of the 3 steps of filtration which returns fluid to the blood.
tubular reabsorption
What is a function of the kidneys:
Secrete bile
WBC production
Filter blood plasma
Filter blood plasma
What’s the Pathology with the build up of uric acid crystals in the tissue
What is the long tube where kidney stones can get stuck - that delivers urine to the bladder from the kidneys
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis attaches to the:
Medial or lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Medial epicondyle
What is true of flexor digitorum profundus:
It attaches to the medial epicondyle
It attaches to the lateral epicondyle
It is deep to Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Deep to Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Remember 2 out of the 6 nutrients needed for growth, maintenance and repair of the body
Vitamins Minerals Proteins Fat Carbs H2O