A&P Exam 4 Flashcards
A blastomere is a; and a blastocyst is
cell produced by cleavage / a hollow ball of cells
Which of the following is a function of HCG
Protects the blastocyst against being rejected
Which is of the following is NOT true about the fetal stage of development
It includes the blastocyst and morula stages.
A major body part derived from endoderm is
Nervous system and skin
A lack of oxytocin secretion from the posterior pituitary gland during birth
Will reduce uterine wall contractions
After birth, the foramen ovale is closed as a result of
increasing pressure in the left atrium
Amniotic fluid
protects the embryo against being jarred by movements
Apoptosis occurs
from the embryo onward
Centenarians are
People who live pass the age of 100
Compared to cow milk, human milk has
1/3 of the protein
Dizygotic twins result from
Two eggs and two sperms
During the embryonic stage. the primary germ layers develop from the
develop from embryotic disc
Embryonic stem cells are derived from the
inner cell mass of a blastocyst
Fertilization usually occurs in
Uterine tube
Fetal hemoglobin becomes largely replaced with adult hemoglobin
At four months after birth
Compared to adult hemoglobin, fetal hemoglobin
binds oxygen more readily
Human life span is
120 years
In fetal circulation, blood from the ; flows directly into the
ductus arteriosus
Labor is regulated by
positive feedback control
Sperm movement through the uterus and uterine tubes is aided by muscle
Tertogens are substances that
state present during gestation that is capable of inducing abnormal postnatal structure or function
The ductus arteriosus allows fetal blood to move from the
pulmonary trunk into the aorta
The foramen ovale is an opening that allows fetal blood to pass from the
right atrium to the left atrium
Opening in the interatrial septum of the fetal heart.
The implantation of the blastocyst results from
enzymes digesting the endometrium around the blastocyst
The inner cell mass
gives rise to the embryo
A baby has three copies of each chromosome in every cell
The ductus venosus is a fetal vessel that transports blood from
Umbilical vein and inferior vena cava in fetus
A human cell that has 47 chromosomes is
A human cell with 46 chromosomes is
A human cell that has 69 chromosomes is
A karyotype is
a size ordered chart of chromosomes
A multifactorial trait is determined by
one or more genes and the environment
An allele that is not expressed in the heterozygous condition is
An allele that masks that effect of another
An example of sex-influenced trait
Different alleles of the same gene are said to be
Genetics is the study
inheritance of characteristics
How alike are our genomes
nearly 100% 99.9
Identical alleles are said to be
In incomplete dominance
one allele is not dominant over the other / phenotype is not intermediate in between
The human genome consists of
DNA which most don’t encode proteins
The origin of the 46 chromosomes in a human zygote
half from sperm and half from egg
The processes that pass genetic information from generation to generation
meiosis and fertilization
A pedigree is a chart that aligns chromosome pairs by size
The hormones that maintain the uterine wall during the last 5 to 6 months of
placental estrogen and progesterone