A &P-Cardiovascular system Flashcards
Performers in team games such as netball need to be suitably prepared to meet the demands of the game.
(i) In order to play netball effectively, performers need to be fit. What do you understand by the term fitness? (1 mark)
(ii) Discuss whether you must be healthy in order to be fit. (2 marks)
(i) Ability to meet everyday demands of the environment to cope.
(ii) Healthy – social, mental and physical well-being. E.g the absence of loneliness, disease or mental illness like depression.
Fitness- see above.
An athlete may be healthy as they do not have cancer or depression. However, they may be unfit as they lack cardiovascular endurance. For example they may be a PE teacher who is unable to deliver a lesson without becoming fatigued due to their poor Cardiovascular endurance.
(1) A high percentage of body fat can have a negative impact on health and fitness.
Define the terms health and fitness.
(2) Other than diet, explain how two different lifestyle choices can have a negative impact on health.
A Health – social, mental and physical well-being, not merely the absence of disease
B Fitness – the ability to carry out everyday tasks without undue fatigue/the ability to the meet/cope with the demands of the environment
Everyday tasks must link to fatigue
(ii) A Smoking – reduces lung/oxygen transport capacity/causes lung cancer/heart disease/stroke
Accept any named disease.
B (Lack of) exercise – obesity/reduced flexibility/strength/mobility issues /increased blood pressure/heart disease/diabetes
Also accept inactivity or equivalents for exercise.
C Alcohol/drugs – damages liver/heart disease/cancer/diabetes/depression
D Work-life balance – stress
E (Lack of) sleep – fatigue/stress
F Over-training – long term injury
Do not accept answers relating to diet, eg supplements or fitness
Describe how heart disease can result in a heart attack.
[2 marks]
* Hardening of coronary arteries/build-up of plaque/cholesterol/fat in the coronary arteries/atherosclerosis/arteriosclerosis (1)
* Causes blockage/blood clot (1)
* Limiting the supply of oxygen to the heart/angina (1)
Accept any other appropriate description of how heart disease can result in a heart attack.
What is the difference between Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)? How do they relate to illnesses such as CHD?
[2 marks]
- LDL is bad cholesterol as it trasnports cholesterol to the blood in the tissues.
- HDL is good cholesterol as it transports cholesterol to the liver where it is broken down
3.LDL increases the chance of Coronary heart disease and HDL decreases the chance of Coronary Heart Disease
Outline two ways an active lifestyle can reduce the risk of heart disease.
[2 marks]
* Decrease in cholesterol/LDL/fat in coronary arteries (1)
* Lower blood pressure (1)
* Stronger heart/cardiac hypertrophy/higher stroke volume (1)
Do not accept decrease in HDL.
Accept any other appropriate outline of how an active lifestyle can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Explain what causes a stroke and explain the potential effects a stroke may have
[2 marks]
- A stroke occurs when the blood supply is cut off to the brain, meaning the brain does not recieve a sufficent level of oxygen.
- This can lead to a disability or death.
State two positive effect that high density lipoproteins have on the body. [2 mark]
* Remove excess cholesterol (1)
* Transport excess cholesterol to the liver (1)
* Protect the artery walls against LDL cholesterol / an anti-inflammatory effect (1)
* Help protect blood cells and important chemical messengers in the blood from being broken down by the liver / positive anti-oxidant effect (1)
* Reduce the risk of heart disease (1)
Accept first answer only.
Accept any other positive effect that high density lipoproteins have on the body.
Suggest how improved fitness, brought about by regular training, may benefit the health of an individual.
[2 marks]
Award one mark for each of the following points (max 2 marks):
- Reduces weight / fat / less obesity / reduced cholesterol
- Strengthens heart / reduce chance of heart attack / coronary risk factors
- Improved social / mental / physical well-being
Explain the cause and effect of high blood pressure
[3 marks]
- Firstly, blood pressure refers to the force exerted by the blood against the wall of the blood vessels. This can be referred to by blood flow x resistance.
- When the ventricles contract SYSTOLIC PRESSURE forces blood from the heart.
- When the ventricles relax DIASTOLIC PRESSURE allows blood to enter the heart.
- High blood pressure puts strain on the arteries and can cause a heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease or stroke.
Explain the role of the atrioventricular node in the cardiac conduction system.
[3 marks]
* Receives impulse from sinoatrial node (1)
* Delays (transmission of) impulse (1)
* To allow ventricular filling/enable the atria to fully contract (1)
* Sends impulse down septum/through bundle of His/to purkinje fibres (1)
Accept any other appropriate explanation of the role of the atrioventricular node in the cardiac conduction system.
Max 3 marks
Define A-VO2 diff
[1 mark]
* Difference between oxygen content of arterial and venous blood (1)
* Difference in oxygen content of arterial and venous blood leaving and returning to the heart (1)
Analyse how changes in venous return occurring during exercise help performance in aerobic events such as a triathlon.
[8 marks]
AO1 Knowledge of venous return mechanisms
Reference to and description of venous return mechanisms:
* valves – prevent backflow of blood
* skeletal muscle pump – working muscles contract and compress veins to push blood back towards the heart
* respiratory pump – increased respiration/changes in pressure in the thorax compress veins to push blood back towards the heart
* smooth muscle – found in veins and contracts to push blood back towards the heart
* suction pump of the heart – pulls blood back toward the heart.
AO2 Application to increased venous return during exercise
Changes in venous return during exercise:
* during exercise increased use of muscles in arms (swimming) and legs (swimming, cycling, running) compresses veins more pushing more blood back to the heart
* increased breathing rate during exercise causes increased effect of respiratory pump returning more blood to the heart
* suction pump of the heart increase as the heart beats harder and faster during exercise
* overall increase in venous return during exercise.
AO3 Analysis of reasons why these changes are required to occur
* Starling’s law.
* This causes the heart muscle to stretch more increasing ejection fraction/stroke volume/cardiac output.
* More blood leaving the heart means more blood sent to the lungs for greater gas exchange (removal of CO2 and uptake of O2).
* More blood to working muscles supplying O2 for resynthesis of ATP.
* The more O2 that is supplied the longer the performer can work aerobically for, limiting the production of fatiguing by-products such as lactate.
* Can work at higher intensities for longer periods of time.
Describe how the body redistributes blood to the skeletal muscles during exercise.
[4 marks]
* Chemoreceptors / baroreceptors / proprioceptors detect changes (change in blood pressure, change in movement, change in acidity of blood) due to exercise (1)
* Vasomotor centre / medulla oblongata controls the blood flow (1)
* (At nonessential organs) increased sympathetic nervous impulses / (Pre-capillary) sphincters contract / close / cause vasoconstriction (1)
* (At the working muscles) decreased sympathetic nervous impulses / (Pre-capillary) sphincters relax / open / cause vasodilation (1)
* Vasoconstriction occurs to nonessential organs / vasodilation occurs to working muscles (1)
Accept any other appropriate descriptions of how the body redistributes blood to the skeletal muscles during exercise.
Gas exchange at the muscle will change during exercise as the Bohr shift will occur.
Describe the Bohr shift.
[2 marks]
* Occurs as a result of increased CO2 in the blood / increased blood acidity / decreased blood pH / increased temperature (1)
* Increase in hydrogen ions (1)
* Bohr shift is when an oxyhaemoglobin disassociation curve moves to the right (1)
* Haemoglobin has a lower affinity for oxygen at working muscles / gives up oxygen more easily / at higher partial pressures (1)
Accept any other appropriate explanation of Bohr Shift and its impact on performance.
The picture below shows an athlete leaving a cryotherapy chamber.
Analyse how cryotherapy aids recovery from exercise by causing the body to redistribute blood flow.
(Total 8 marks)
AO1 – Knowledge of cryotherapy and redistribution of blood
* Cryotherapy is the use of cold temperatures to help an athlete recover from exercise more quickly and effectively
* This can take the form of cryotherapy chambers and ice baths
* Redistribution of blood occurs due to the vascular shunt mechanism
* This process involves the vasodilation and vasoconstriction of blood vessels
AO2 – Application of redistribution of blood to cryotherapy after exercise
* Cold temperatures will cause blood vessels to the extremities to vasoconstrict
* Directing blood to the core
* Redistribution of blood controlled by Medulla / Vasomotor centre
* Via sympathetic / parasympathetic nervous system
* Vasoconstriction caused by the pre-capillary sphincters contracting
* This narrows the internal diameter of the blood vessels
* This is the body’s way of trying to maintain body temperature
* When cryotherapy ends, vasodilation will occur
* Redistributing blood around the body as temperature increases
* Vasodilation caused by the pre-capillary sphincters relaxing
* Widening of the internal diameter of the blood vessels occurs
AO3 – Analysis of how cryotherapy uses redistribution of blood flow to aid recovery from exercise
* Vasoconstriction during cryotherapy means swelling is decreased. A reduction in swelling at this early stage may limit the damage that occurs and allow recovery to be quicker
* Reduction in swelling helps to manage pain allowing the performer to remain mobile
* Vasodilation flushes muscles with blood which may help to begin the process of lactic acid removal / speed up slow component of EPOC
* Oxygenated nutrient rich blood returning to the muscles can help restore myoglobin oxygen stores / provides nutrients to begin the recovery process
* Cryotherapy may limit the impact of delayed muscle soreness meaning the performer is able to return to maximal training sooner
Credit other relevant analysis of the impact of cryotherapy on the redistribution of blood and recovery from exercise.
[15 marks]
When starting to exercise venous return will increase. This will result in more blood returning to the right-hand side of the heart.
Describe three mechanisms that support venous return.
(Total 3 marks)
((Skeletal) muscle pump) – increased contraction of muscles press nearby veins (to squeeze blood back to the heart) (1).
(Respiratory pump) – increased breathing rate will alter / change pressure in thoracic cavities / area to (assist blood flow back to the heart) (1).
(Suction pump of heart) – more blood pumped out of the heart, so more blood then drawn / forced back (1).
Pocket valves – (located in veins), stop backflow (by closing) and help shunt blood back to heart (1). Smooth muscle – located in the walls of the veins / involuntary muscle contraction (help to squeeze blood back to heart) (1).
NB; Description must be present – no marks for just naming mechanisms.
Accept other appropriate descriptions of venous return mechanisms.
Describe the role of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in the regulation of heart rate.
[3 marks]
* Medulla/cardiac control centre sends impulse to the Sino-atrial node (SAN)/pacemaker. (1)
* Sympathetic nervous system increases heart rate. (1)
* Sympathetic impulses travel down the sympathetic/accelerator nerve. (1)
* Parasympathetic nervous system decreases heart rate. (1)
* Parasympathetic nervous systems travel down the vagus nerve. (1)
Accept any other appropriate description the role of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in the regulation of heart rate.
Maximum 3 marks
Describe how the cardiac conduction system causes the heart to contract.
[4 marks]
* The sino-atrial node (SAN) (the pace maker of the heart) sends an impulse/electrical signal through the walls of the atria (1)
* Spreads as a wave of excitation (1)
* This causes atrial systole / atria contract (1)
* The impulse then passes to the atrio-ventricular node (AVN), (which delays the impulse (for around 0.1 seconds, enabling atria to fully empty) (1)
* The impulse passes down the Bundle of His (in the septum of the heart), to the Purkinje fibres in the (walls of) the ventricles (1)
* Ventricular systole then occurs / ventricles contract (1).
Students must refer to the system in order.
The table below represents heart rate and stroke volume for an untrained performer as intensity of exercise increases.
Calculate cardiac output for the untrained performer at point D in the table above.
[2 marks]
Award one mark for correct calculation and one mark for use of units.
Untrained =
* Cardiac output = 120 x 100
* = 12000 ml / min / 12 L / min.
The table below represents heart rate and stroke volume for an untrained performer as intensity of exercise increases.
Explain how and why the components of cardiac output differ for a trained performer at point A.
[3 marks]
* Trained athlete would have a lower resting heart rate of below 60 bpm / bradycardia (1)
* The trained athlete has a higher resting stroke volume (more blood ejected per beat) (1)
* Regular training of trained performer leads to cardiac hypertrophy (1)
* This means a trained performer will have stronger heart / more forceful contraction (1).
If endurance events take place in warm conditions, cardiovascular drift can occur.
Analyse how cardiovascular drift may result in lower levels of performance.
[3 marks]
* Athletes will sweat reducing the plasma volume of blood. (1)
* Blood becomes more viscous/thicker which reduces venous return. (1)
* Due to Starling’s law stroke volume/ejection fraction will decrease. (1)
* As stroke volume/ejection fraction decreases heart rate increases to maintain/increase cardiac output. (1)
* Having a higher heart rate at a lower than normal intensity increases the athlete’s rate of perceived effort/the performer mentally thinks they are working harder than they are. (1)
* Some blood can be redirected to the skin for heat loss (1)
* Leads to reduced Stroke Volume (1)
Accept any other appropriate analysis of how cardiovascular drift may result in lower levels of performance.
Explain the role of adrenaline on heart rate prior to and during a 400 m race.
[3 marks]
A. Anticipatory rise happens prior to the race.
Has to be explained in correct context prior to the race
B. Maintains increased heart rate during race.
C. (Adrenaline) to the sino-atrial / SA node.
D. Increased activity / firing at the SA node.
Max 3 marks
Explain the importance of haemoglobin for a long distance runner.
[3 marks]
A. Important for oxygen transport in the blood / carries oxygen to the muscles
B. Endurance athletes work aerobically
With oxygen too vague
C. Increased red blood cells, increased aerobic capacity / stamina
D. Delays fatigue / delayed OBLA / prevents build-up of lactic acid
Max 3 marks
The Bohr Shift is the movement of the oxyhaemoglobin disassociation curve to the right during exercise.
Identify the two factors that cause the Bohr Shift.
[2 marks]
- Increase in carbon dioxide
- increase in temperature.
The graph below shows the cardiac output, pulse rate and stroke volume of an athlete exercising in a warm environment for 45 minutes.
Consider the effect of prolonged exercise in a warm environment on cardiac output and its components. Refer to the graph in your answer.
[4 marks]
AO2 (sub max 2 marks)
* Cardiac output increases during prolonged exercise (1)
* This is because heart rate gradually increases to compensate for a reduction / decrease in stroke volume (1)
* This is known as cardiovascular drift (1)
* Stroke volume decreases during prolonged exercise in a warm environment because of the fluid lost from plasma (1)
* Cardiac output needs to increase during prolonged exercise in a warm environment to cool the body and to create energy (1)
Accept other appropriate explanations of the effect of prolonged exercise in a warm environment on cardiac output and its components.
Paul and Mark are both 20 years old. Paul does no exercise. Mark is a cross country runner who trains three times a week.
How would maximal cardiac output differ between Paul and Mark? Justify your answer.
[3 marks]
How (AO2)
* Mark’s maximal cardiac output would be higher (1)
Why (AO3) (sub max 2 marks)
* Mark’s cardiac output would be higher due to greater maximum stroke volume (1)
* This is due to Paul and Mark having the same maximum heart rate (1)
* Mark has a greater stroke volume due to cardiac hypertrophy/increased blood volume / any other adaptation to the heart (1)
Accept reverse answers in relation to Paul.
Accept other appropriate descriptions of why maximal cardiac output between Paul and Mark.
Define arteriovenous oxygen difference (A-VO2 diff) and Explain what happens to arteriovenous oxygen difference (A-VO2 diff) following the onset of exercise.
[3 marks]
* The difference in the volume of oxygen between the arteries and the veins (1).
* Increase in the difference (1).
* More oxygen is extracted by the working muscles / stored in myoglobin (1).
* Venous blood therefore has less oxygen to return to the heart (1).
Accept any other suitable explanation of what happens to arteriovenous oxygen difference (A-VO2 diff) following the onset of exercise.
Heart rate is controlled by the cardiac conduction system.
Which one of the following is the order of the cardiac conduction system?
[1 mark]
Atrioventricular node, sinoatrial node, bundle of His, Purkinje fibres
Atrioventricular node, sinoatrial node, Purkinje fibres, bundle of His
Sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, bundle of His, Purkinjie fibres
Sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, Purkinje fibres, bundle of His
When a performer exercises for a continuous period, blood is redistributed around the body as shown in the graph below.
(i) Identify and explain the change in blood flow during exercise at two different locations shown in the graph. [4 marks]
(ii) Explain how redistribution of blood is achieved during exercise.
[2 marks]
** Identification of location and change**
A Coronary vessels – Increase in blood flow
B Skin – Increase in blood flow
C Stomach – Decrease blood flow
(coronary vessels) To allow the heart to beat faster/more powerfully
(skin) Temperature regulation/get rid of heat/cool down
(stomach) Blood redistributed away from stomach to where it is needed
A - Increase in CO2 levels/acidity/decrease in pH detected by chemoreceptors/movement of joints/tendons detected by mechanoreceptors/proprioceptors
B - Message sent to vasomotor centre/medulla oblongata
C- Increase in impulses from the medulla via the sympathetic nervous system/adrenalin released
D- Pre-capillary sphincters control blood flow
E- Vasodilation to areas needing more blood/muscles/coronary vessels/skin
F - Vasoconstriction of areas not needing so much blood/kidneys/liver/ gut
The transport of oxygen during a continuous training session is vital for athletes to make sure that oxygen supply meets oxygen demand.
What is the difference between haemoglobin and myoglobin when transporting oxygen?
[2 marks]
A Haemoglobin in the blood / red blood cells.
B Myoglobin in the muscle.
A&B must state substance and location
B accept ‘to the mitochondria’
B Not ‘stores’ as question refers to transportation.
C Myoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen / haemoglobin has a lower affinity for oxygen.
If an athlete performs a continuous exercise session lasting 45 minutes at a sub-maximal pace, cardiovascular drift will occur.
Explain the term cardiovascular drift.
[3 marks]
A Increase in heart rate due to / and a decrease in stroke volume / ejection fraction.
do not accept abbreviations – SV, Q, HR
B Occurs after 10 minutes.
C Warm environmental conditions.
D Caused by a reduction of fluid in the blood / plasma / blood volume / increase in sweating/ blood more viscous.
E Venous return decreases / blood pumped back to heart decreases / reduced atrial filling.
F Aims to cool the body (by maintaining cardiac output).
reason for increase in cardiac output explained.
(i) Explain the term anticipatory rise.
[1 mark]
(ii) Neural control of heart rate involves the autonomic nervous system.
Identify and explain the role of different receptors involved in increasing heart rate.
[3 marks]
(i) Increase in heart rate prior to exercise caused by (the release) of adrenaline.
(ii) Chemoreceptors – detect increase in blood acidity / decrease in pH / increase in CO2 / increase in Hydrogen ion concentration / H+
Accept equivalent words to increase and decrease, eg more and less
Must state the receptor and the role
Proprioceptors / mechanoreceptors – detect movement / muscular contractions
Must state function not location
Must state the receptor and the role
Baroreceptors – detect decrease in blood pressure
Must state the receptor and the role
Impulses sent to cardiac control centre / medulla (oblongata)
Do not accept CCC
Increase in impulses to the SA node via the sympathetic nervous system / cardiac accelerator nerve
The table below shows the redistribution of blood during exercise.
(i) Explain how redistribution of blood occurs during exercise.
(ii) Explain why blood flow to the brain remains the same during rest and during maximum effort.
(iii) Using the table above, explain why performers should not eat immediately before exercise.
**(i) ** Increase in CO2 levels / acidity / decrease in O2 levels / pH / chemoreceptors
Terms need explaining
Movement of joints / tendons / mechanoreceptors / proprioceptors
Vasomotor centre / medulla
Autonomic / sympathetic nervous system / (nor) adrenaline
Pre-capillary sphincters / rings of circular / smooth muscle
Vasodilation to areas needing blood / muscles
Vasoconstriction of areas not needing so much blood / kidneys / liver / gut
**(ii) ** Brain function maintained during exercise
Brain active / working = OK
Oxygen / nutrients required
**(iii) ** During exercise, less blood goes to the gut / change from 1250 cm3 to 375 cm3
Credit use of table to suggest reduced gut blood
But, blood / oxygen needed in gut for digestion of food
‘Unable to digest food’ is incorrect
Less blood / oxygen available to muscles
Explain the causes of the Bohr shift and how it increases oxygen delivery to the working muscles. [3 marks]
Exercise increases temperature;
Exercise causes increased CO2 / acidity in blood / lower pH / increased H ion concentration;
Curve shifts to right;
More oxygen disassociates from haemoglobin / reduced affinity for oxygen;
Describe how running affects the venous return mechanism. [3 marks]
Venous return increases
(Skeletal pump) – increased muscle contractions compress veins and push blood towards heart;
One way valves in veins / to prevent backflow;
(Respiratory pump) – greater breathing movements alter pressure in thorax compresses veins – assist flow back to heart;
Running – heart beating faster – suction pump of heart.
Use Starling’s law of the heart to explain how stroke volume increases during activity.
[3 marks]
Increased venous return;
Do not accept ‘more blood back to heart’
Greater diastolic filling / preload;
Cardiac muscle stretched / elastic;
Greater / stronger / more powerful / force of contraction;
Increased ejection fraction;
Do not accept ‘increase stroke volume’ – in question
During a game of football, a player’s heart rate will vary.
Explain how changes in the acidity of the blood cause the heart rate to increase during a game of football.
[4 marks]
Blood’s acidity increases / pH lowers.
Caused by more carbon dioxide being produced.
This is detected by chemoreceptors (must include key term detect)
Nerve messages are sent to the medulla (oblongata) / cardiac (control) centre.
Sympathetic nervous impulses are sent.
To the Sino-Atrio node / SAN/SA node.
Decrease in parasympathetic / vagus nerve impulses.
(i) Where is myoglobin found in the body and what is its role during exercise? [2 marks]
(ii) During a 400 metre hurdles race, the curve shifts to the right.
Explain the causes of this change to the curve and the effect that this change has on oxygen delivery to the muscles.
**(i) ** In muscle. sub max 2 marks
Required term is muscle
Stores / supplies / carries oxygen.
**(ii) ** Sub max 4 marks
Increase in (blood / body) temperature.
Increase / eq required
Increase in blood carbon dioxide concentration (pCO2).
Increase / eq required
Increase in blood acidity / increase in hydrogen ions / decrease in pH.
Bohr shift (Required term)
Resulting in less saturation / reduced affinity of haemoglobin with oxygen.
An increase in oxygen release / oxyhaemoglobin dissociation to muscles /
muscles receive more O2.
The graph above shows ‘cardio-vascular drift’. Use the image to explain the term cardio-vascular drift.
[3 marks]
Cardio-vascular drift starts after 10 mins;
pulse rate increases / beats more and decrease stroke volume /
ejection fraction;
Fluid lost as sweat.
Reduced plasma / blood volume / increase viscosity;
Reduced venous return;
Starling’s Law [explained in detail]
Cardiac Output also increases due to more energy needed to cool body / sweat.
Performers will often use running as part of their training programme.
Both heart rate and stroke volume increase when running.
Use ‘Starling’s law of the heart’ to explain how stroke volume increases when running.
[3 marks]
Increased venous return (not simply more blood back to heart)
Greater diastolic filling / heart fills with more blood;
Cardiac muscle stretched / elastic;
Greater / stronger / more powerful force of contraction / contractility;
Increased ejection fraction / greater percentage of blood ejected.
Explain how the heart controls the rate at which it beats.
[4 marks]
- The heart generates it’s own electrical and nerve impulse, meaning it myogenic.
- The Sino atrial node generates an electrical impulse (like a mexican wave) to cause the heart to beat (The SAN is often referrred to as the pacemaker).
- The SAN causes systole which is when the heart contracts
- The Atrio ventricular (AVN) node recieves the eltrical impulse for the SAN, The AVN causes a slight 0.1 second delay to allow the atria to contract, before systole begins.
- The eletical impulse then passes through the bundle of HIS, which is a collection of cardiac cells that spread to two bundle branches.
- The elctrical impulse then moves into Purkinje Fibres, these small muscle fibres spread to the ventricles, causing them to contract.
During a game, a player’s work rate will vary. Describe how the ‘parasympathetic’ and the ‘sympathetic’ nerve pathways control heart rate during a game.
[3 marks]
- Controlled by medulla oblongata/ cardiac centre.
- Sympathetic pathway increases heart rate; due to the release of adrenaline. A signal is sent to SAN to increase the frequency of eletical impulse, this causes an increase in stroke volume.
- Parasympathetic pathway decreases Heart rate due to the release of Acetylcholine. A signal is sent via the vargus nerve.
Explain how rising levels of carbon dioxide cause an increase in cardiac output.
[4 marks]
- Increases acidity / hydrogen ion concentration / lowers pH / (in blood);
- Detected by chemoreceptors;
- Impulses / information to cardiac centre / medulla (oblongata);
- Increased stimulation of sympathetic nerve / decreased stimulation of
parasympathetic / vagus nerve - Adrenaline / nor-adrenaline
- To S.A.N. / S.A node / sino-atrial node
- Increase in heart rate
- Increase in venous return
- Increase in stroke volume / ejection fraction
- Starlings Law of the heart.
When a performer is running, blood is redirected to the working muscles.
Explain how this redistribution of blood is achieved.
[5 marks]
- During exercise the acidity of the blood changes due to an increase in carbon dioxide & lactic acid, this causes a drop in Blood PH.
- The drop of PH levels causes oxygen to disassociate from heamoglobin (Bohr Shift).
- The chemoreceptors sense this chemical change and the nerve cells transmit this information to the medulla oblongota (vasomotor centre).
- The medulla oblongota sends sympathetic nerve impulses which releases adrenaline.
- The increased levels of Adrenaline cause the SAN to increase in frequence to increase one’s heartbeat and cardiac output.
- The increase in heartbeat allows more oxygenated blood to be directed to the working skeletal muscles (Vascular stunt mechanism).
- The vasomotor centre controls the distribution of blood. Vasodilation occurs to increase the diameter of the blood vessels to facilitate more blood being sent to working muscles. For example the biceps when performing chin ups.
- Vasoconstriction occurs to decrease the size of the diameter of the blood vessels to restrict blood flow to organs such as the liver and kidneys, as they are not essential in satisfying the demands of exercise.
Why is the redistrubution of blood important in satisfying the demands of exercise?
[3 marks]
Redistrubution of blood is important to:
- Increase the supply of oxygen to the working muscles
- Remove waste products from the muscles such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid.
- To ensure more blood is sent to the skin during exercise to regulate body temperature and get rid of heat through sweating.
- Direct more blood to the heart as it’s a muscle and requires extra oxygen during exercise.
Why does Blood flow to the brain remain the same at rest and during exercise?
[2 marks]
The brain requires a constant flow of oxygen to maintain functions like regulaitng the cardiorespiratory system.
Evaluate the importance of blood distribution for a netball player
[8 marks]
AO1 Kowledge of blood distribution
- Blood flow is controlled by the vsomotorcentre, located in the medula oblongata of the brain.
- During exercise, increases in cardbon dioxide are detected by chemoreceptors.
- These receptors will stimulate the vasomotorcentre, which will redistribute blood flow through vasodilation and vasoconstriction.
- Vasodilation occurs in the arterials suppling these muscles, increase in blood flow and bringin in much needed oxygen.
- Vasoconstriction will occur in the arterials supplying non-essential organs, such as the intestines and liver.
- Redirection of blood flow also ovvurs through stimulation of the sympathetic nerves. When sympathetic stimulation increases, vasoconstriction occurs. Therefore, when sympathetic stilumation decreases, vasodilation occurs.
- When pre-capillary sphinctres contract, blood flow is constricted through the cappilary. When they relax, blood flow is increased.
AO2 - Application to the Netball Player
- It is important for a netball player to redistribute blood whilst playing.
- More of her blood goes to her heart becuase the heart muscles need oxygen to beat faster. More blood goes to her muscles, as they need more oxygen for energy. More blood goes to her skin, because energy is needed to cool her down via sweating.
- Blood flow to her brain remains constant, as it needs oxygen for energy to maintain function becuase throughout the game, the Netball player has to make lots of decisions.
AO3 - Evaluate the importance of blood redistribution
- Redistributing her blood will increase the supply of oxygen to her working muscles, and remove waste products such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid from her muscles.The outcome to performance is that she can perform skills such as passing, due to the extra oxygen being sent to the bicep and triceps.
- It will direct more blood to her heart as it is a muscle that requires extra oxygen during exercise so it can work harder to pump oxygenated blood to her muscles. The outcome is that she can perform at a higher level of the full duration of the game, as her heart is more efficent at pumping blood.
- Less blood will be redirected to her non-essential organs which aren’t needed during the game. The outcome to performance is that muscles like her quadriceps and hamstrings will recieve more oxygenated blood. This will increase her ability to jump to intercept the ball.
Describe how an increase in carbon dioxide in the blood during exercise would lead to an increased breathing rate.
[3 marks]
* Increased blood acidity/decreased blood pH. (1)
* Detected by chemoreceptors. (1)
* Impulse sent to the respiratory centre/medulla. (1)
* Increased impulses to respiratory muscles to contract faster. (1)
Accept named respiratory muscles including diaphragm/intercostal muscles/scalene/ sternocleidomastoid/pectorals/abdominals.
Accept any other appropriate description of how an increase in carbon dioxide in the blood during exercise would lead to an increased breathing rate.
Max 3 marks