A Of S 2 Flashcards
What is major?
It sounds happy.
What are the two sections of a of s 2?
Harmony and tonality.
What is minor?
It sounds sad.
What is tonal?
It is either major or minor/ it has a key.
What is atonal?
It isn’t major or minor/ it has no key.
What are cadences? Name them.
Musical punctuation. Perfect, plagal, imperfect and interrupted.
Name of parts of scale
Tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, sub mediant, leading note and tonic/octave.
How to work out a major chord
4 semitones between 1 and 2. 3 semitones between last two notes.
Working out a minor chord.
3 semitones between 1 and 2. 4 semitones between last two notes.
Perfect cadence.
Chord 5 to 1. Finished. Full stop.
Plagal cadence
Chord 4 to 1. Finished ‘amen.’ Full stop.
Imperfect cadence.
Chord 1 to 4/5. Unfinished. Comma
Interrupted cadence
Chord 5 to 6. Unfinished and unexpected. Comma.
Define modal.
A seven note scale.
Names of modal scale.
Ionian, Dorian, phyrigian, Lydian, mixolydian, aeolian, locrian.
Define diatonic.
A piece in either a major or minor key.
Define chromatic.
Every single note.
Define consonant.
Stable and pleasant harmony.
Define dissonant.
Sounds harsh and unstable.
Define concord.
Pleasing. Same as consonant.
Define discord.
Unpleasant. Another word for dissonant.
Define pedal.
Note held or repeated in the bass. Either tonic or dominant.
Define drone.
Continuous held bass note/ Middle Ages.
Define Modulation.
Moving to a related key. Either to relative, subdominant or dominant.