A/O/I's Flashcards
Obliques (external and internal)
A: compression of abdomen, flexion, and rotation of trunk
O: Ribs (external), Iliac crest (internal)
I: Iliac crest (external), Ribs (internal)
Transverse abdominis
A: Compression of abdomen
O: ribs and iliac crest
I: Linea alba
Rectus abdominis
A: flexion of trunk; compression of abdomen wall
O: Pubic crest
I: Xiphoid process and ribs
Intercostals (external and internal)
A: elevation and depression of ribs
O: superior border of ribs (external); inferior border of ribs (internal)
I: Inferior border of ribs (external); superior border of ribs (internal)
A: opens thoracic cavity for lungs during respiration
O: ribs 5-10 and lumbar vertebrae
I: central tendon
A: raises eyebrows
O: epicranial aponeurosis
I: skin of eyebrows and root of nose
A: pulls scalp posteriorly
O: occipital bone
I: epicranial eponeurosis
A: closes jaw; retracts mandible
O: temporal fossa
I: coronoid process (mandible)
A: closes jaw
O: zygomatic arch
I: angle and ramus (mandible)
A: elevates corners of mouth
O: zygomatic bone
I: corner of mouth
A: compression of cheek
O: molar region (maxilla and mandible)
I: obicularis oris
A: tenses skin of neck; depression of lower lip
O: fascia of chest
I: mandible and corner of mouth
Orbicularis oculi
A: closes eyes
O: frontal bone and maxilla
I: eyelids
Orbicularis oris
A: closes and protrudes lips
O: maxilla and mandible
I: angles of mouth
Levator labii superioris
A: elevation of upper lip
O: zygomatic bone and infraorbial margin (maxilla)
I: upper lip
Depressor labii superioris
A: depression of lower lip
O: body of mandible
I: lower lip
A: flexion and rotation of neck
O: Manubrium and clavicle
I: mastoid process (temporal bone)
A: elevation of ribs 1&2; rotation of neck
O: transverse process of cervical vertebrae (C3-C7)
I: ribs 1-2
Serratus anterior
A: abduction and rotation of scapula
O: true ribs
I: medial border (scapula)
A: adduction and elevation of scapula
O: Spinous processes of vertebrae
I: medial border (scapula)
A: rotation of head; extension of neck
O: spinous processes of vertebrae (C7-T6)
I: temporal and occipital bone
A: elevation of hyoid; opens mouth
O: lower margin (mandible); mastoid process (temporal bone)
I: hyoid bone
A: elevation of hyoid and floor mouth
O: medial surface (mandible)
I: hyoid bone
A: elevation and protraction of hyoid bone
O: mental tubercule
I: hyoid bone
A: depression of hyoid and larynx
O: manubrium (sternum)
I: hyoid bone
A: depression of hyoid and larynx
O: manubrium (sternum)
I: Thyroid cartilage
A: depression of hyoid; elevation of larynx
O: thyroid cartilage
I: hyoid bone
Pectoralis major
A: adducts, flexes and medially rotates arm
O: clavicle, sternum, and ribs
I: humerus (intertubercular sulcus)
Latissimus dorsi
A: adducts, extends and medially rotates arm
O: scapula, vertebral column, and iliac crest
I: humerus (intertubercular sulcus)
A: abducts, flexes and rotates arm medially and laterally
O: clavicle and scapula
I: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
A: adducts and rotates scapula; elevation and depression of scapula
O: superior nuchal line of occipital bone and vertebral column
I: lateral clavicle and scapular spine and acromion
levator scapulae
A: elevation of scapula, lateral neck flexion
O: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae (C1-C4)
I: medial border (scapula)
Pectoralis minor
A: stabilizes, abducts and rotates scapula
O: ribs 3-5
I: scapula (coracoid process)