A Novel Test of Pure Irrelevance-Induced Blindness Flashcards
Christian Büsel, Thomas Ditye, Lukas Muttentaler, Urich Ansorge
What is load theory’s claim?
- that bottom up attention is possible under low perceptual load but not under high
What study’s results is at odds with load theory?
- Eitam et al. (2013)
- found that under low load (two colors in the display, a ring and a disk) an instruction (top-down) led to better memory performance for the relevant color than for the irrelevant color.
- control condition: if participants were instructed (top-down) to to attend to both objects participants could memorise both.
What was the conclusion of Eitam’s et al. (2013) study?
That if a stimulus was irrelevant that decreased the probablility that one would remember its color, also under low perceptual load.
What issues did the present study take with Eitam et al.’s (2013) study?
- sub-optimal design
- lack of more implicit priming measures
- long interval between stimulus and memory task (more than 500ms)
How did the present study try to improve the study of Eitam et al. (2013)?
- by improving the retrieval displays but leaving encoding displays as in the original
- also by reducing time interval
- and by using an implicit measure
Did the present study replicate findings by Eitam et al. (2013)?
- partly
- no evidence of “irrelevance induced blindness”when the ring was assigned relevance
- but CCMA (continuously cumulative met-analysis) shows that findings do not refute findings completely (if they are added with the study of EItam et al. (2013) they are still significant… but what’s the point if they had suboptimal designs?
Explain the main principles of visual attention and processing.
visual attention is guided by principles that inform the selection of visual stimuli:
- bottom up capture of attention: captures attention by salience
- top-down control: selection of most relevant timuli
What does load theory have to do with top-down and bottom-up attention?
- it seeks to explain the interplay between the two
- it claims that bottom-up attention is possible under conditions of low perceptual load but not high perceptual load
- How is Eitam et al’s (2013) study at odds with the claims of load theory?
- How was their study designed to enable such a claim?
- because their study had a low perceptual load and still irrelevant but salient visual input was blocked
- participants were instructed to focus either on a ring (disc) or out ring (ring)
- on the next display (encoding display) the disk was red and the ring was yellowthan (retrieval display)
- participants were asked to report the shown colors
- there was only one trial (oterwise participants would know that they need to remember both colors and might focus on both)
- those that were (beforehand) asked to retrieve the ring were better at retrieving the ring (same with the disk)
- but control condition had to remember both colors and were generally able to
- hence, a person would have had enough resources to remember both but they still did better at remembering the relant object’s color
- so top-down regulation led to blocking the irrelevant stimulus even if it had enough resources - load theory would say that it would only block it if enough resources have been taken by top-down perception
- so load theory would have predicted no difference in remembering colors (accuracy)
What were the methodological limitations of Eitam et al. (2013) and how did the present study try to overcome them?
- Eitam et al. (2013) only measured explicit memory retrieval accuracy via pressing of buttons
- but by additionally measuring the eye-movements and fixations implicit memory (priming) could be assessed by evaluating if a person fixates more on the color that they were primed with than the new color on the retrieval display
- this would give more evidence for possible bottom -up selection of irrelevant stimulus (more sensitive) revealing resiudal implicit memory
- the interstimulus interval was 500ms but functionally it was longer because than the instruction had to be read on the retrieval display and then choose a color
- in the present study instructions were given auditorily so the eyes were free to already look at the colours wile listening to the instruction. Hence the interstimulus interval was also functionally 500ms.
- in Eitam’s (2013) study, participants were asked to sequentially retrieve relevant and irrelavnt stimulus’colour… this may have increased time interval from intial stimulus and/or included carry over effects (from relevant object’s color to irrelevant’s e.g.)
- in the present study only one color was asked to be retrieved
- half reported the disk and half the ring.
- for half or each group the asked-about object was relevant and for the other half irrelevant… hence 25% of participants per group
- in the present study only one color was asked to be retrieved
What were the expectations of the present study?
- in line with Eitam et al.(2013) that there will be better memory acuracy of the color of the relevant stimulus compared to the irrelevant stimulus
- load theory would predict the opposite, resources should be enough to attend and retrieve both stimulus’ colors explicitly or implicitly
How did the sample of the present study look?
- 108 university sudents (University of Vienna)
- 79 female
- Mage 21.52
- all had corrected or normal eyesight
- no ethical approval was needed due to Austrian Universities Act of 2002
- informed consent
Did the present study conduct a power-analysis and how were missing or invalid responses handled?
- power analysis was based on effect-sizes from Eitam et al. (2013)
- because original and replications stdies have a few sources of variation (different sample pools, methods) and orignal studies often have inflated effect-sizes a power of 0.90 was aimed at (G*Power)
- hence, 49 participants were needed in each conition (total: 98) + a few in case people drop out
- four participants were excluded in the explicit measures leaving a power of 0.92
- fifteen participants did not fixate on either stimulus and were excluded from the implicit task leaving a power of 0.87
What were the materials (apparatus) involved?
- a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitor
- refresh rate of 85 hz
- standard QWERTZ keyboard
- stimuli were presented and responses were collected with Psychophysics (MATLAB
- recording of fixations EyeLink 1000 (SR research )
- temporal resolution of 1000hz
Explain the properties of the stimulus.
- a disk surrounded by a ring
1. encoding display - disk colored red or yellow, ring opposite colour
- jointly presented for 500ms
- no instruction to encode stimulus
- then a retention interval of 500ms with a fixation cross
- retrieval display
- participants that had to remember disk colos were shown two disks and thos that had to remember a ring color were shown two rings
- one of the colours was the same as in the encoding display and one was new
- simultaneously an auditory instruction was asking participants on which side of the screen a disk/ring with the same color as in the encoding display was shown
- display was shown until response was given
- participants that had to remember disk colos were shown two disks and thos that had to remember a ring color were shown two rings