A Guide to Egg Quality pt. 2 Flashcards
How many days or weeks should you prepare the incubator prior to the arrival of fertilized eggs?
One week prior to the arrival
T/F: Wash the incubator with a 30% bleach solution.
False, wash it with a 10% bleach solution, followed by warm soapy water and a thorough rinse.
Humidity levels should be kept at what % RH?
65-75% RH.
Should you move the eggs from the colder environment to a warmer one?
No, since eggs can condensate or ‘sweat’.
What should you use to test if eggs have been subjecting to condensation/sweating?
Crepe paper
How many days should you incubate the eggs?
21 days
In what direction should you place the egg in the incubator?
The larger end facing up an the narrow end facing down the incubator.
In setting up the incubator what is the ideal temperature and humidity.
100.5 F or 38 C, RH% 50-55
In what day should you turn the eggs?
From day 1-18 only
Why must eggs be physically turned?
To prevent chick from sticking to the shell. Since, the embryo should be resting on top of the yolk, the yolk tends to float upward, on top of the albumen.
T/F: The albumen tend to float upward the yolk.
False, the yolk tends to float upward, on top of the albumen.
What is the simple term for albumen.
Egg white
How many times should you turn the eggs?
Minimum of 3 per day.
Can you mark an egg with a pen?
No, it is advisable only to use pencil.
Why is it important to wash your hands or wear clean gloves before touching the egg?
To prevent the transfer of skin oils or germs to the developing chick
What day should you usually candle the eggs?
7-10 Days
It is an act of simply shining a light through an egg.
While candling, do not keep the egg out of the incubator for more than how many minutes?
5-10 minutes.
What is the meaning of a ring of red after candling?
There was an embryo at some point, but it has died.
In what day can you usually observe the blood vessels?
Within 7-10 days.
Should you remove infertile, broken or leaking eggs from the incubator?
Yes, since they may likely contaminate others.
When should you 1st candle the egg?
Before setting the egg, to check for a red spot.
How do you know if a egg is fertile or infertile before incubating?
Red spot - fertile
Clear - infertile
2nd candling what day?
4th-5th day to check for blood vessels.
3rd candling what day?
13-14th day, position of embryo heads towards the large ends.
Last candling what day?
18th day before shifting to hatchers.
What day is pre-hatching?
Days 18-21
T/F: Stop egg-turning at day 18
What direction should the chick in pre-hatching should face?
The larger end of the egg facing up.
What is the temperature and humidity in pre-hatching stage.
100.5 F or 38 C, increase RH to 70%
Should you help the chick hatch?
No, let it hatch on its own.
How long do chicks hatch?
5-7 hours is more common, but it can take up to 24 hours.
T/F: The newly hatch chicks should be removed, since they disrupt hatching of the other eggs.
False, new baby chicks will encourage unhatched eggs to start hatching.
What is the temperature after all the eggs hatch?
Decrease to 95 F or 35 C
T/F: It is normal to reach temperatures of 102 F.
No, do not allow 102 F to last more than a few hours.
What does RH mean?
Relative humidity
What is the RH during day 1-17?
What is the device/instrument used to measure humidity levels.