A game of polo with a headless goat Flashcards
Wacky races
Humorous reference to cartoon - illustrates how comical and unusual the race is
Repetition - introduces subject of the extract
Fired up
Imagery - excited about race
Hyperbole - impatient and fed up because nothing exciting seems to be happening. She feels ‘silly’ with her zoom lense - no race to photograph at this point
Beginning to lose faith
Phrase - writer - contrast to guides who are still confident race will take place
Adjective - builds suspense as it informs the reader that the donkey carts are nearing
Phrase - emphasises how close the two leaders are - build tension
Adverb - shows her admiration for his driving skills
City centre rush hour gone anarchic
Analogy/ imagery - allows western readers to relate and visualise it
Survival of the fittest
Phrase from evolutionary science (Darwin) - implies Yaqoob despite his youth is still a superior driver
Nerves of steel
Metaphor - she admires his temperament as well as his skill
Adjective - skill as driver
Yaqoob loved it
(STRUCTURE) short sentence - emphasises Yaqoob is enjoying it.
Euphemism for swearing - Yaqoob is impatient
Tumbled and swerved
Dynamic verbs - near collision - climax
The race was over
Short declarative sentence - anticlimax of the race
Noun - emphasises how chaotic the aftermath of the crash was
Voices were raised, fists were out, and tempers rising
Tricolon - anger and threatened violence
Verb - they are protective of the writer
Starting to get nasty
Phrase - concerned for writers safety
Exclamatory sentence - delights in illegal act and enjoyed the thrill
Adjective - they find it amusing, writer doesn’t. She has the maturity to see the consequences of an inexperienced driver taking the wheel.