A+ Flashcards
an increase or improvement in quality, value, or extent
Хъркам, хъркане
a cup filled to the brim
чаша, пълна до ръба
maneater, man-eater
човекоядец, a dominant woman who has many sexual partners.
faint scratching sounds
слаби драскащи звуци
padlocked door
заключена с катинар врата
“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.”
“Прелестта е измамна и красотата е суетна; но жена, която се бои от Господа, тя ще бъде похвална.”
a person approaching
приближаващ се човек
succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty).
surmount, prevail
a disastrous event, especially a rapid fall in share prices.
катастрофално събитие, особено бърз спад на цените на акциите.
1 in 7 children
1 от 7 деца
a thing to behold
нещо за гледане; o perceive through sight or apprehension : SEE
2: to gaze upon : OBSERVE
It was a pleasure to behold the beauty of the sunset.
The enormous crowd was a sight to behold.
a shortened form of a word or phrase, съкращение
изобилен, existing or available in large quantities; plentiful; abounding, plenteous, abundant, plentiful, plenty, copious
ways of adjusting conflicts
adjust an error
had to adjust our approach
1: to adapt or conform oneself (as to new conditions)
adjust to the new regulations
2: to achieve mental and behavioral balance between one’s own needs and the demands of others
alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.
промените или преместете (нещо) леко, за да постигнете желаното прилягане, външен вид или резултат.= adjust
act on a whim
действам по прищявка
acquire information
придобиват информация
a small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result.
I’ve made a few adjustments to my diet
gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.
investigators have yet to accumulate enough evidence, =gather, collect
ambiguous phrases
двусмислени фрази
(of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.
with more than 1 possible interpretation
неясен, of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
many patients suffer vague symptoms
yet to be decided
предстои да бъде решено
marked by malevolence :
having or showing unfriendly feelings
a hostile act
hostile to new ideas
d(1): not hospitable
plants growing in a hostile environment, a hostile workplace
aggressive yet gentle
агресивен, но нежен
aids in
помага в
all on me
аз черпя
съблазнен, powerfully attract or charm; tempt.
will sponsors really be allured by such opportunities?
powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive.
the town offers alluring shops and restaurants,
tempting, deductive, enticing, appetizing
привлекателен, примамлив
enchanting, captivating, charming, ravishing
and so on
и така нататък
cause (someone) to find something funny; entertain.
he made faces to amuse her
provide interesting and enjoyable occupation for (someone).
they amused themselves digging through an old encyclopedia
очаквам, предвиждам, предчувствам, regard as probable; expect or predict
be aware of beforehand; predict.
imagine as a future possibility; visualize.
she envisioned the admiring glances of guests seeing her home
прогноза, predict or estimate (a future event or trend).
rain is forecast for eastern Ohio
предсказвам, predict (the future or a future event).
a seer had foretold that she would assume the throne
the end of the cold war seemed to augur well
вещая,be an omen of a particular outcome.
their argument did not bode well for the future
omen of
поличба за
a prediction.
a bleak prophecy of war and ruin
presage ˈpresij
(of an event) be a sign or warning that (something, typically something bad) will happen.
(of a person) wait for (an event).
we await the proposals with impatience
wait for,expect, anticipate, look for, hope for
contemplate the possibility of
обмислете възможността за
: to view or consider with continued attention : meditate on
contemplate the vastness of the universe
contemplated the meaning of the poem
2: to view as likely or probable or as an end or intention
contemplate marriage
contemplated a move to Alaska
intransitive verb
wanted time to just sit and contemplate
Оценяване, преценка,
the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something.
the assessment of educational needs
be of assistance TO s.o!!, be of any help
бъди от помощ, Can I be of any help to you
build from scratch
изграждане от нулата
it’s out of sight
не се вижда
bring excessive workload
носят прекомерно натоварване
it’s as if I keep sinking until I’ve hit rock bottom
сякаш продължавам да потъвам, докато не стигна дъното
isn’t any less than
не е по-малко от
нахлули, (of an armed force or its commander) enter (a country or region) so as to subjugate or occupy it.
it was all part of a grander French plan to invade Ireland
They occupied themselves with video games.
b: to take or fill (an extent in time)
the hobby occupies all of my free time
4: to reside in as an owner
=absorb, bemuse, busy, catch up, engage, engross, enthrall (or enthral), enwrap, fascinate, grip, immerse, interest, intrigue, involve
намеса,(медиц), : the act of interfering with the outcome or course especially of a condition or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning)
educational intervention
surgical interventions,
остатък главно за храна
keep your eyes on the ball
дръжте очите си върху топката
lift up your expectations
повдигнете очакванията си
смущаващ, having a frightening, overawing, or threatening effect.
in addition to
в допълнение към
apart from
освен това
независимо от
independently from, irrespective of, apart from
im honoured
поласкан съм, за мен е чест
im brainwashed by
аз съм промит от,
to induce накарам someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented регламентирани ideas
2: persuasion убеждаване by propaganda or salesmanship продажност
im witnessing right now
в момента съм свидетел
i’m on the pursuit
аз съм в преследването на
be in charge of
he was in charge of civil aviation matters”
clean (something) with a vacuum cleaner.
keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
the burglar was spotted by vigilant neighbors
watchful, on the lookout, observant, sharp-eyed, keen-eyed, hawk-eyed, with eyes like a hawk, with one’s eyes open, keeping one’s eyes peeled/skinned, attentive, alert, on the alert, on one’s toes, on one’s guard, on guard
a person living in solitude as a religious disciplinе
have a blast on this
забавлявай се с това
handle your emotions
управлявайте емоциите си
to try or examine (as by touching, feeling, or moving) with the hand
handle silk to judge its weight
b: to manage with the hands
handle a horse
2a: to deal with in writing or speaking or in the plastic arts
He handles the topic briefly in his book.
b: to have overall responsibility for supervising or directing : MANAGE
a lawyer handles all my affairs
c: to train and act as the assistant for (a boxer)
handles featherweight boxers
d: to put up with : STAND
can’t handle the heat
3: to act on or perform a required function with regard to
handle the day’s mail
get a handle on things
a means of understanding or controlling
off the handle
: into a state of sudden and violent anger —usually used with fly
seemed ready to fly off the handle
narrow down to
обобщено стеснено до
mending your heart
поправя сърцето ти
income, profit, proceeds, increment,earnings proveri pootdelno tezi dumi
light up s.o’s life
the light of someone’s life
: a person someone loves very much and who makes him or her happy His daughter is the light of his life.
light up a cigarette
she lit up a cigarette запали цигара
my story has a true face
не е изцяло лъжа
My thoughts jump from topic to topic with little consistency or control.
Мислите ми прескачат от тема на тема с малко последователност или контрол.
My thoughts have a tendency to run in strange loops and dwell on weird themes
Мислите ми имат склонност да се въртят в странни цикли и да се занимават със странни теми