1-4 Flashcards
someone be taken in
ou are deceived by them, so that you get a false impression of them
Don’t let yourself be taken in by these politicians
x-ray scan (e.g of the brain)
spring up things/ideas
to grow or appear suddenly The weeds sprang up overnight.
catch on things/ideas
you understand it, or realize that it is happening.
people turn up
=show up= appear
разглеждане на забележителности
беда, нещастие, бедствие, умора
v. натъжавам, измъчвам, причинявам страдание
издръжливост, жилавост
продължителност издрържане
reluctant to do s.th
not wantind to do it
bad-tempered and irritable
come to blows
start fighting physically
a makeshift breakfast
improvised/ made quickly
it goes without saying
подразбира се
излишен, прекомерен
disrupted sleep pattern
разтроен, разбит сън Sleep Disturbances
the scope of a problem
how big it is
the scale of a problem
how serious s.th is
tackle a problem
handle/ cope with/ face up to/ deal with a problem
to loom (for a crisis)
to be about to happen
say s.th indirectly
to infer s.th
to draw conclusion on the bases of some evidence
basis e edinstveno chislo na BASES
crisis –crises
n (pl bases
1. основа, база, базис;
2. основание, прен., книж. причина, мотив, аргумент;
3. начало, принцип, изходна точка.
go on about s.th
continue talking about s.th so it becomes annoying
the next part of the movie, book
поредица, последователност
следващ, последващ
essential=vital=crucial=absolutely necessary
of paramount
of importance
inhabit= reside= live in=dwell in
живея, обитавам
live up to something
be as good as other people expect you to
He failed to live up to his parents’ expectations.
contagious= infectious
заразен laughter
жалост, жал; съчувствие, състрадание
when you relate to someone’s situation, and you want to help them
-compassionate- feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.
пускам (на свобода), хвърлям
stick to do traditional way
придържа се към традиционния начин
inclined to think
more likely to thing
all things considered
when you weigh up all parts of a situation
unsolicited phone calls/emails
unwanted junk mail, scam
pet hate
a minor annoyance that a person identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree than it may be to others
=informal pet peeve
conuer a mountain
to climb it=ascent
reach a summit
examples are plentiful- примери, колкото щеш
изобилие, излишък; пищност;
2. щедрост, разточителност;
at full efficiency
effectively, competently and profitably
acquire information
придобиват информация
analisis -analyses pl
analyses мн. число
appear confident
hinting at
imply, say s.th indirectly загатвам
to consent to do s.th
agree to do
divide into 2 types
read up on
много четене по тема, защото искаш да знаеш
think on s.th
мислене по тема what do you think on that
give pleasure to
be pleasure to= to delight наслаждавам
relish(за апетит)= take pleasure in= take delight in= revel in
revel in
She reveled in her success.
enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing.
revel away прахосвам
delight in
to be very happy because of (something) : to enjoy (something) very much
- He delights in meeting new people.
I walked slowly, delighting in the autumn air.
feed s.o’s eyes on
наслада за очите
лъжейки, лъжене
abstain from doing s.th
not to do s.th, въздържам се
pride myself in doing
be proud of s.th
pride himself IN winning the award
to impose a ban on s.th ing
to ban
infer this from s.th else
draw a conclusion
peer at
look through s.th hard to see
вглеждам се, подавам се
get the wrong end of the stick
an incorrect understanding of
You’ve got (hold of) the wrong end of the stick. He didn’t push me; I fell.
without peer
несравним, unrivalled.
“he is a goalkeeper without peer”
налагам мнение, др, заблуждавам
-force (something unwelcome or unfamiliar) to be accepted or put in place.
the decision was theirs and was not imposed on them by others
impose on/upon
натрапвам се
(пускам) пара, енергия, пара букв
to run out of steam
губя сили
rise to stardom
become a star
съвременниците хората
hound you
=chase you
harass, persecute, or pursue relentlessly.
“she was hounded by the Italian press”
тормозят, преследват или преследват безмилостно.
taking a lot of or too much time.
“an extremely time-consuming process”
look down on= despise
strongly disrespect
despise- презирам
feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.
изпитвам презрение или дълбоко отвращение към.
презрян, жалък
it’s not my cup of tea
не е моето нещо
dream- dreamed/ dreamt
when I met them, they HAD KNOWN each other for 5 years.
we will have had
long time
seek an opportunity
seeked an opportunity
everyone agrees on s.th
(of two or more people) fully in agreement.
to agree with s.o/ have the same opinion
intake -a phrasal noun
прием, вземане, поглъщане
an intake of students
how many students study somewhere
an intake of breath
how much breath we inhale/take in
an input
ideas/ experience/ effort you put into s.th
с главата напред
set a target
if you set yourself a task or aim, you need to succeed in doing it.
greatly increased
great deal more interesting = a lot more
gone downhill
тръгва надолу
в центъра на града
от долната страна
спад, понижение
сделка, пазаря се
връзка, отношение, разбирателство, съгласие
-a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other’s feelings or ideas and communicate well.
“she was able to establish a good rapport with the children”
цифра; pl смятане, аритметика; сума, цена;
double figure двуцифрено число;
in round figures закръглено;
a mistake in figures грешка при изчислението;
to be quick (smart) at figures умея да смятам, добър съм (бива ме) в аритметиката;
to put a figure on
поставям (определям) цена(та) на
- качвам (се), изкачвам, покачвам; яхам, възсядам; to mount the stairs изкачвам стъпала;
- увеличавам се; повишавам се, качвам се (и за цени); натрупвам се (up); издигам се (по чин, положение, сила);
- слагам, нагласям, поставям;
to ~ a picture поставям картина в рамка
if you were to see
is more formal and slightly antiquated, hypothetical situation in the future, If you should see
made yourself
самонакарвам се
PICK UP a language/instrument
gain advantage over
To acquire a favorable or superior position when compared to someone or something else.
в крайна сметка,
finally; in the end.
the largest firms may ultimately become unstoppable
If I had played
-> Had I played better
докарвам, причинявам, предизвиквам;
~induced technical progress предизвикан технически прогрес;
-induced birth мед. изкуствено (предизвикано) раждане;
to induce the hope that вдъхвам вяра, че
2. убеждавам, накарвам, придумвам, скланям (c inf)
an economic crisis INDUCED by high oil prices
икономическа криза, предизвикана от високите петролни цени
крада от магазин
should you require= require израз
if required ако трябва; as may be required според случая; required reading препоръчително четиво.
to require s.o. to account for his actions
искам от някого сметка за действията му
go off
разваля се става по-лошо
убеждавам (of, that); увещавам; скланям, придумвам (to с inf, into с ger);
to be thoroughly ~d that дълбоко съм убеден, че;
to ~ s.o. out of разубеждавам някого от.
1. напълно, съвсем; цялостно, всецяло; изцяло; ~ bad съвсем лош;
2. всичко на всичко; ~ seven inmates escaped общо седем затворника избягаха;
3. общо взето (погледнато);
II. n цяло, цялост;
swap v, n
разменям, размяна
inborn; natural.
“her innate capacity for organization”
вроден, естествен, присъщ
put forward an idea
suggest, propose
come out with
to say something suddenly, usually something that surprises or shocks people. You never know what the children are going to come out with.
catch on
raise s.o’s profile
her career takes off
becomes popular WITH
I hope our new product catches on WITH children.
-make them more popular
Her singing career had just begun to take off.
spring up
appear за всичко
to persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organization, especially the army
humanity, mankind, the human race
look before you leap
3 пъти мери, веднъж режи
to leap at s.th
с радост приемам, използвам случай
to eagerly accept the chance to do or have something:
When I offered her the job, she leapt at it.
in fields
an area of activity or interest:
the field of history/science/medicine
Are you still in the same field (= are you doing the same type of work)? ; a genius in her field
by anticipation
contrary to anticipation
противно на очакванията
in anticipation of
в очакване на
пълен, безусловен
in utter silence
в пълна тишина
makeshift (breakfast)
temporary and of low quality, but used because of a sudden need: бързо направена
Thousands of refugees are living in makeshift camps.
drop s.o off
to take someone or something to a particular place, usually by car, as you travel to a different place:
We dropped our luggage off at the hotel
to ignore
n. пренебрежение, незачитане, равнодушие
regret TO do s.th
we regret to inform you that
it goes without saying
подразбира се
a guess that you make or an opinion that you form based on the information that you have:
They were warned to expect a heavy air attack and by inference many casualties.
draw an inference
infer a conclusion from or regarding the information with which one is presented.= draw a conclusion= conclude
reluctant to do s.th
not wanting to do it
reluctant consent- насила дадено съгласие
нежелание, отвръщение, съпротивление
dismissive of their concerns
not paying attention
to bet on a certainty
залагам на сигурно
face the challenge
to have to deal with a challenging situation.
prove them wrong obratnoto na back down
back down- admit that you are wrong, agree NOT to do s.th
INexperienced in
без опит в
inexperience of
неопитност в
вкоренен, твърдо установен( за навици)
(of beliefs, fear ) so firmly held that they are not likely to change:
-Such ingrained prejudices cannot be corrected easily.
-The belief that you should own your house is deeply ingrained in our society.
get to agreement
съгласяваме се
come to blows about= fall out
have a serious argument
UNavoidable occurrence
неизбежно събитие
пътепис, пътеводител
пътувам, обикалям, кръстосвам
born (out) of a desire= originated IN the desire
произлязал от желанието да
to put my friends’ back up
to offend or annoy s.o, to make s.o angry
pay s.o back for s.th
връщам си го, отмъщавам
get revenge ON
in retrospect
връщайки се назад във времето
follow through on
to complete (an activity or process that has been started)
he doesn’t follow through on his good intentions
to have it in for s.o
deliberately treat s.o unfairly
to let s.o down
разочаровам, измамвам
let down
захвърлям, злепоставям
profit from
profitS- печалба, доход
възползвам се от
there’s no profit
what will it profit me
няма полза
earnings- приходи
to and fro=
be back and forth over the destination
get cold feet
to suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do s.th that you planned to do
to be back down
give up, to agree not to do s.th, to admit that you are wrong
opt for
to make a choice, especially of one thing or possibility instead of others:
Mike opted for early retirement.
[ + to infinitive ] Most people opt to have the operation.
have second thoughts= be in two minds
колебая се
what might happen or have happened
conviction c2
убеждение, убеждаване, осъждане
a strong opinion or belief:
religious/moral convictions
a deep/strong/lifelong conviction
[ + that ] It’s my personal conviction that…
to carry conviction
убедителен съм
convict юрид.
намирам за виновен
excitement, въодушевление
feel elated
въодушевявам се
elate c2
повдигам духа на, окуражавам
extremely happy and excited, often because something has happened or been achieved:
настаняване, квартира
дълг, legal or moral obligation, подчинение
покорно, послушно, предано
послушание, покорство
от по-рано, предвартелно
to be beforehand
избързвам преждевременно
seasoned traveller
with a lot of experience of travelling
apart from
независимо от; освен
everything being replaceable apart from those shoes
small pieces of rubbish that have been left lying on the ground in public places
боклук под пейки
The park was littered with bottles and cans after the concert.
for future reference
You should keep these instructions for future reference.
my excitement grew
I felt elated
the apprehension took over ( to assume control or possession)
concern or worry about the future
схващане, разбиране, умствени способности
а person of feeble( weak) apprehension
човек, който слабо хваща, с ограничени умствени способности
сплашващ, заплашителен
making you feel slightly frightened or worried about your ability to achieve something:
The country was faced with the daunting prospect
come thick and fast
rapidly in large numbers
If a condition subsides, it becomes less strong or extreme:
The police are hoping that the violence will soon subside.
As the pain in my foot subsided,
get along
to deal with a situation, usually successfully
savour my achievement
enjoy it celebrate it
venture out to the world
тръгвам по света
get stung by
to be tricked to pay more
to get rid of, канавка, хвърлям в канавка
pitch X against Y
compare and decide which is more important
there is no contest
няма състезание, неравностойно е
безсъвестен, willing to do unfair/ illegal things
далечен, разпространен
used to refer to places that are a great distance away, or something that is spread over a very large area:
as if the circumstances were such that
I’m pleased WITH him
доволен съм за лице
I’m pleased ABOUT
за обстоятелства
to rest satisfied/contented
оставам доволен
enough is as good as a feast
човек трябва да бъде доволен от малко
look ON the bright side of things/ of life
be optimistic
one-hit wonder
един успех, но без известност ния косара
suited to
подходящ за, отиващ на
be acceptable or convenient for
inclined to think
склонен да мисли, hold a particular opinion but not very strongly
realise an ambition
to achieve something that you have wanted for a long time: He had realized all his ambitions by the age of 30.
be a question of
used to say what the most important fact, part, or feature of something is
Dance is a question of control and creative expression.
I would love to come, but it’s a question of time.
in any event
във всеки случай е сигурно, че ще се случи
in light of
considering s.th, taking into account, taking into consideration!!!
a matter of course
used to say that something will or should happen because it is natural, usual, or logical
You should take proper precautions as a matter of course.
We went out to dinner on her birthday, and as a matter of course we paid for her meal.
come thick and fast
rapidly in large numbers
not needing help or support from other people:
Single parents have to be self-reliant and inventive.
needing a particular thing or person in order to continue, to work correctly, or to succeed:
He’s completely reliant on his wheelchair to get about.
наистина, в действителност
used to add some extra information that develops or supports something you have just said:
-For such creatures, speed is not important - indeed it is counterproductive.
-I am happy, indeed proud, to be associated with this project.
one-time (novelist)
ex- , past преди е бил
shoot to fame
rise to fame
short-term celebrity
to become famous or successful very quickly
become an overnight sensation, hugely famous
следващ филм от поредица, a continuation or repetition of something that has already been started or done.
“a follow-up study of the same interviewees after retirement”
hit the shelves
take off for a song
to become available for purchase
to become popular successful
have no intention TO putting
макар че formal
aspire to
стремя се
to happen, възниквам, издига се, стигам се до
a problem arose
избиране на точния момент, ориентация във времето
to make many different things work effectively as a whole:
We need someone to coordinate the whole campaign.
A number of charities are coordinating their efforts to distribute food to the region.
to be of frequent occurance
често се случва
one thing is for certain
едно нещо е сигурно
take off jacket, shoes
to be taken in (by s.o’s lies)
take s.o in
to fall for a scam/ a con/ a trick
obratnoto na SPOT A TRICK;
-to complitely decEive s.o by lying to them
fall for (nonsense)
to be tricked into believing s.th that is not true
to hoard away
to store, keep s.th to use later
запас, резерва
v. hoard up- складирам, трупам, пазя
the Gist of the argument
light-hearted joke
light-hearted- с настроение, безгрижие; лекомислен, необмислен
not amusing
these jokes falls flat obratnoto na get my laughs