9up-Part Flashcards
9-part answer.
What body parts are mentioned in Mark chapter 7?
M 7:2 hand(s)
7: 6 lips
7: 6 heart (s)
7: 19 stomach, body
7: 25 feet
7: 33 fingers
7: 33 ears, tongue
9-part answer.
Who were called?
M 1:20 James John
2: 17 sinners
3: 13 those he wanted (the Twelve)
3: 23 teachers of the law
3: 31 Jesus
7: 14 the crowd
10: 49 Bartimaeus
15: 16 the whole company of soldiers
* **ALTERNATE ANSWER: 8:34 the crowd. You could argue that this was a different crowd
2-part reference question. 9-part answer.
The word “large” is used to describe what, and the word “small” is used to describe what?
M 2:13 crowd
5: 11 herd of pigs
9: 42 millstone
12: 41 amounts [of money]
14: 15 room upstairs
16: 4 stone
3: 9 small
8: 7 fish
12: 42 copper coins
3-part reference question. 9-part answer.
Who offered what to whom?
M 14:23 Jesus the cup his disciples
15: 23 They (soldiers?) wine mixed with myrrh Jesus
15: 36 Someone wine vinegar Jesus
5 or 9-part answer.
Who were “afraid”?
M 5:15 they (the people)
9: 32 the disciples
10: 32 those who followed
12: 12 they (the chief priests, teachers of the law, elders)
16: 8 the women (Mary Magdalene, Mary, Salome)
* *ALTERNATE: You might able to argue Jairus from 5:36
2-part reference question. 9-part answer.
Who bound whom?
M 5:3 no one him (the demon-possessed man)
6: 17 Herod John
15: 1 chief priests elders teachers of the law whole Sanhedrin Jesus
9-part answer.
Referring to Jesus, who “followed him”?
M 1:18 Simon, Andrew
1: 20 James, John
2: 14 Levi
2: 15 many
15: 41 Mary Magdalene, Mary, Salome
9-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which Moses is named.
M 1:44,
7: 10,
9: 4, 5,
10: 3, 4, 5,
12: 19, 26
9-part answer.
Which individuals followed Jesus?
M 1:18 Simon Andrew
1: 20 James John
2: 14 Levi
10: 52 Bartimaeus
15: 41 Mary Magdalene Mary Salome
9-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which James (son of Zebedee) is named.
M 1:19, 29,
3: 17,
5: 37,
9: 2,
10: 35, 41,
13: 3,
14: 33
9-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which Crucifixion is mentioned.
M 15:13, 14, 15, 20, 24, 25, 27, 32,
9-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which Elijah is named.
M 6:15,
8: 28,
9: 4, 5, 11, 12, 13,
15: 35, 36
9-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which a Large crowd is mentioned.
M 2:13,
3: 7,
5: 21, 24,
6: 34,
8: 1,
9: 14,
10: 46,
12: 37
9-part answer.
Who did Jesus tell to “Go”?
M 1:44 man with leprosy
2: 11 paralyzed man
5: 19 demon-possessed man
5: 34 the woman
6: 38 the disciples
10: 21 the (rich young) man
10: 52 Bartimaeus
11: 2 two of his disciples
16: 15 the Eleven
* *ALTERNATES: 7:29 the woman and 14:13 two of his disciples (are they the same two as in 11:2?
9-part answer.
Who were amazed by Jesus?
M 1:22 the people
2: 12 everyone
5: 20 all the people
6: 2 many who heard him
6: 51 disciples
11: 18 the whole crowd
12: 17 (some of the) Pharisees and Herodians
15: 5 Pilate
* *ALTERNATE: 7:37 people
9-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which John baptized.
M 1:4, 5, 8, 9,
6: 14, 24, 25,
8: 28,
11: 30
9-part answer.
What did Jesus begin to do?
M 1:23 teach
2:13 teach them
4:1 teach by the lake
6:2 teach in the synagogue
6:34 teaching them
8:31 teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again.
11:15 driving out those who were buying and selling there
12:1 speak to them in parables
14:33 be deeply distressed and troubled
NOTE: Since some of these answers are very non-specific, someone else might ask this question with fewer answers.
Statement and question. 9-part answer.
In nine verses the word “Twelve” is capitalized in order to refer to the apostles. Give the complete references for these verses.
M 4:10
6: 7
9: 35
10: 32
11: 11
14: 10, 17, 20, 43
9-part answer.
Who were told to “come”?
M 1:17 Simon Andrew
1: 25 impure spirit
5: 8 impure spirit (Legion)
5: 23 Jesus
6: 31 disciples
9: 25 impure spirit
10: 21 the (rich young) man
12: 7 tenants
9-part answer.
The word “whole” is used to describe what?
M 1:5 Judean countryside
1: 28 region of Galilee
1: 33 town
5: 33 truth
8: 36 world
11: 18 crowd
14: 55 Sanhedrin
15: 16 company of soldiers.
15: 33 land
19-part answer.
Which body parts are mentioned?
M 1:6 waist
1: 31 hand
1: 40 knees
5: 4 feet
6: 24 head
7: 6 lips
7: 19 heart, stomach
7: 33 fingers, tongue
8: 18 eyes
9: 18 mouth, teeth
9: 36 arms
9: 42 neck
10: 22 face
14: 47 ear
14: 65 fists
15: 22 skull
* *ALTERNATE: 1:6 hair, although it’s not people hair, so it probably shouldn’t count
10-part answer.
The word “whole” is used to describe what?
M 1:5 Judean countryside
1: 28 region of Galilee
1: 33 town
5: 33 truth
6: 55 region
8: 36 world
11: 18 crowd
14: 55 Sanhedrin
15: 16 company of soldiers
15: 33 land
10-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which John (son of Zebedee) is named.
M 1:19, 29,
3: 17,
5: 37,
9: 2, 38,
10: 35, 41,
13: 3,
14: 33
2-part reference question. 10-part answer.
Who were baptized by whom?
M 1:5 The whole Judean countryside John all the people of Jerusalem John
1: 8 you I (John) you he (Jesus)
1: 9 Jesus John
* *NOTE: In 1:5, some writers might not have you repeat John as an answer, making this a 9-part answer.
4-part reference question. 10-part answer.
Who did and did not carry whom and what?
M 2:3 the four of them a paralyzed man
6: 55 people the sick
11: 16 anyone merchandise
14: 13 a man a jar of water
15: 24 Simon the cross
* *NOTE: There’s a million different ways to go with the parts of this question, this is just a way to put all the components in one question.
2-part reference question. 10-part answer.
Who broke what?
M 5:4 the man the irons (on his feet)
6: 41 Jesus the loaves
8: 6 Jesus the seven loaves
14: 3 a woman the jar
14: 22 Jesus bread
3-part reference question. 10-part answer.
Who and what cause what?
M 9:42 anyone one of these little ones-those who believe in me-to stumble
9: 43 your hand you to stumble
9: 45 your foot you to stumble
9: 47 your eye you to stumble
13: 14 the abomination desolation
2-part reference question. 10-part answer.
Who WERE called and who WERE NOT called?
M 1:20 James John
2: 17 the righteous sinners
3: 13 those he wanted
3: 23 them (the teachers of the law)
3: 31 Jesus
7: 14 the crowd
10: 49 Bartimaeus
15: 16 whole company of soldiers
* *ALTERNATE: 15:35 Elijah; Jesus wasn’t actually calling Elijah, so maybe he could be a “not called” in which case it would be an “11-part answer.”
2-part reference question. 10-part answer.
What is better than what?
M 9:42 “If anyone causes one of these little ones-those who believe in me-to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.
9: 43 If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out.
9: 45 And if your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than to have two feet and be thrown into hell.
9: 47 And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell,
14: 21 The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born.”
10-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which Jesus is addressed as “Teacher”
M 4:38,
9: 17, 38,
10: 17, 20, 35,
12: 14, 19, 32,
13: 1
10-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which the geographical location “Galilee” is named.
M 1:9, 14, 28, 39,
3: 7,
6: 21,
9: 30,
14: 28,
15: 41,
16: 7
10-part answer.
Whose houses are mentioned?
M 1:35 the house (of Simon and Andrew)
2: 15 Levi’s
2: 26 God
3: 27 strong man’s
5: 35 Jairus
6: 4 his own (a prophet’s)
12: 40 widow’s
13: 15 one on the roof
13: 34 a man
14: 14 owner of the house
2-part reference question. 10-part answer.
How does Mark complete the phrase “SON of,” and how does he complete the phrase “SONS of.”
M 1:1 God 1:19 Zebedee 2:10 Man 2:14 Alphaeus 5:7 the Most High God 10:46 Timaeus 10:47 David 14:61 the Blessed One SONS OF: 3:17 Thunder 10:35 Zebedee
3-part reference question. 10-part answer.
Who reported what to whom?
M 5:14 Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this (The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned) in the town and countryside
6: 30 The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught.
16: 13 These (two of them) returned and reported it (Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them while they were walking in the country) to the rest
Statement and question. 10-part answer.
In 10 verses, Jesus was addressed as “Teacher.” Give the complete references for these verses.
M 4:38,
9: 17, 38,
10: 17, 20, 35,
12: 14, 19, 32,
13: 1
10-part answer.
Who were amazed?
M 1:22 the people
2: 12 everyone
5: 20 all the people
6: 2 many who heard him
6: 6 Jesus
6: 51 the disciples
11: 18 the whole crowd
12: 17 (some of the) Pharisees and Herodians
15: 5 Pilate
* **ALTERNATE ANSWER: 7:37 people
10-part answer.
Who gathered?
M 1:33 The whole town
2: 2 They
3: 20 a crowd
4: 1 The crowd
5: 21 a large crowd
6: 30 The apostles
7: 1 The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law (who had come down from Jerusalem)
8: 1 another large crowd
13: 27 his elect
10-part answer.
Who addressed Jesus as “Teacher”?
M 4:38 The disciples
9: 17 A man in the crowd
9: 38 John
10: 17 a man
10: 35 James
12: 13 some of the Pharisees and Herodians
12: 18 the Sadducees,
12: 32 the man (one of the teachers of the law)
13: 1 one of his disciples
10-part answer.
Whose homes are mentioned?
M 1:29 Simon Andrew
2: 1 Jesus
2: 11 the paralyzed man
5: 19 the demon-possessed man
5: 38 the synagogue leader (Jairus)
7: 30 the woman
8: 3 these people (large crowd)
8: 26 the blind man
14: 3 Simon (the leper)
Statement and question. 10-part answer.
Mark mentions ten groups of people that gathered. List them.
M 1:33 The whole town
2: 2 They
3: 20 a crowd
4: 1 The crowd
5: 21 a large crowd
6: 30 The apostles
7: 1 The Pharisees some of the teachers of the law (who had come down from Jerusalem)
8: 1 another large crowd
13: 27 his elect
10-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which the name “Simon” is found.
M 1:16, 29, 30, 36,
3: 16, 18,
6: 3,
14: 3, 37,
15: 21
11-part answer. From Mark chapter 3.
Besides Peter whom did Jesus appoint?
M 3:17 James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means “sons of thunder”);
3: 18 Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot
3: 19 and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.”
2-part reference question. 11-part answer.
Which “do not” commands and which “you shall not” commands are found?
M 9:39 Do not stop him
10: 14 do not hinder them
10: 19 You shall not murder
10: 19 you shall not commit adultery
10: 19 you shall not steal
10: 19 you shall not give false testimony
10: 19 you shall not defraud
13: 7 do not be alarmed
13: 11 do not worry beforehand about what to say
13: 21 do not believe it
13: 36 do not let him find you sleeping
5-part reference question. 11-part answer. From Mark chapter 12.
What did tenants do to “a servant”, what did they do to “another servant”, what did they do to “still another servant”, what did they do to “many other servants”, and what did they do to the “vineyard owner’s son”?
M 12:3 seized him
12: 3 beat him
12: 3 sent him away empty-handed
12: 4 struck this man on the head
12: 4 treated him shamefully
12: 5 killed
12: 5 beat
12: 5 killed
12: 8 took him
12: 8 killed him
12: 8 threw him out of the vineyard
2-part reference question. 11-part answer.
Whom did “Jesus” lead, and who led “him”?
M 8:23 the blind man
9: 2 Peter
9: 2 James
9: 2 John
10: 32 the disciples
10: 32 those who followed
15: 1 the chief priests
15: 1 the elders
15: 1 the teachers of the law
15: 1 the whole Sanhedrin
15: 16 soldiers
Statement and question. 11-part answer. From Mark chapter 4.
Eleven verses mention seed. Give the references for these verses.
M 4:3, 4, 7, 8, 15, 16, 18, 20, 26, 27, 31
11-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which Jerusalem is named.
M 1:5,
3: 8, 22,
7: 1,
10: 32, 33,
11: 1, 11, 15, 27,
15: 41
6-part reference question. 11-part answer.
What was set aside by whom, who were taken aside by whom, and what was thrown aside by whom?
M 7:9 the commands of God Pharisees teachers of the law
7: 33 the man Jesus
8: 32 Jesus Peter
10: 32 the Twelve Jesus
10: 50 his cloak Bartimaeus
* *NOTE: There’s a million different ways to go with the parts of this question, this is just a way to put all the components in one question.
Scripture text question. 11-part answer.
How does Mark begin the phrase, quote, “of God”? [or Seth may ask: Begin the phrase, quote, “…of God.”]
M 1:1 Son
1: 14 good news
1: 15 kingdom
1: 24 Holy One
2: 26 house
7: 8 commands
7: 13 word
8: 33 things
12: 14 way
12: 24 power
16: 19 right hand
11-part answer.
The word [or number] “two” is used to describe what?
M 5:13 thousand
6: 38 fish
9: 43 hands
9: 45 feet
9: 47 eyes
11: 1 of his disciples
12: 42 very small copper coins
14: 1 days
15: 27 robbers
15: 38 curtain torn in two
16: 12 of them
* **ALTERNATES: In 6:7, Jesus sends out his disciples “two by two”. Also, in 10:8 he says “the two will become one flesh”.
2-part reference question. 11-part answer.
Who ordered whom?
M 1:27 Jesus impure spirits
5: 43 Jesus the child’s father mother
6: 27 Herod an executioner
9: 9 Jesus Peter James John
* *ALTERNATE: You might be able to include “the disciples who were with him” in 5:43, since Jesus could have been talking to them as well. And if you can prove that, you might be able to say “Peter, James and John”.
11-part answer. From Mark chapter 12.
Give the references for the verses in which Jesus is named.
M 12:13, 15, 17, 24, 28, 29, 34, 35, 38, 41, 43
11-part answer.
Which brothers are named?
M 1:16 Simon (Peter) Andrew
1: 19 James John
6: 3 Jesus James Joseph Judas Simon
6: 17 Herod Philip
Statement and question. 11-part answer.
Jerusalem is named in eleven verses. Give the complete references for these verses.
M 1:1
3: 8, 22
7: 1 10:32, 33
11: 1, 11, 15, 27
15: 41
12-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which Galilee is named.
M 1:9, 14, 16, 28, 39,
3: 7,
6: 21,
7: 31,
9: 30,
14: 28,
15: 41,
16: 7
12-part answer. From Mark chapter 3.
Who were the Twelve that Jesus appointed?
M 3:16 Peter
3: 17 James, John
3: 18 Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddaeus, Simon
3: 19 Judas Iscariot
12-part answer. From Mark chapter 15.
Pilate is named in which verses?
M 15:1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 43, 44
2-part reference question. 12-part answer. From the section titled, The Rich and the Kingdom of God.
Besides brothers, what have some left for both the gospel and Jesus, and what will they receive one hundred times more in the present age?
M 10:29 home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields
10:30 will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields-along with persecutions-and in the age to come eternal life.
12-part answer. From Mark chapter 7.
Which evil thoughts are mentioned that defile a person?
M 7:21 sexual immorality, theft, murder,
7:22 adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly.
12-part answer.
Which food and drink items are mentioned?
M 1:6 locusts honey
1: 8 water
2: 22 wine
2: 23 grain
2: 26 bread
8: 15 yeast
9: 50 salt
11: 3 olives
11: 13 figs
12: 2 fruit
15: 36 vinegar
* *ALTERNATE ANSWER: Kernel, possibly 4:28
12-part answer.
Which animals are mentioned?
M 1:6 camel
1: 10 dove
4: 4 birds
5: 11 pigs
6: 34 sheep
6: 38 fish
7: 27 dogs
9: 48 worm
11: 2 colt
13: 35 rooster
14: 12 lamb
16: 18 snakes
12-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which Jesus is referred to as “Teacher”
M 4:38,
5: 35,
9: 17, 38,
10: 17, 20, 35,
12: 14, 19, 32,
13: 1,
14: 14
12-part answer. From Mark chapter 8.
Give the references for the verses in which Jesus is named.
M 8:1, 5, 11, 15, 17, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 30, 33
12-part answer.
Besides slander, what comes out of a person’s heart?
M 7:21 For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come- sexual immorality, theft, murder,
7:22 adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly.
2-part reference question. 12-part answer.
Who rebuked whom?
M 8:32 Peter Jesus
8: 33 Jesus Peter
10: 13 the disciples people
10: 48 Many Bartimaeus
14: 5 they (Some of those present) the woman
16: 14 Jesus the Eleven
12-part answer.
Who called Jesus “Teacher”?
M 4:38 his disciples
5: 35 some people
9: 17 a man
9: 38 John
10: 17 a man
10: 35 James
12: 14 Pharisees Herodians
12: 19 Sadducees
12: 32 the man
13: 1 one of his disciples
14: 14 Jesus
12-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which Pilate is named.
M 15:1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 43, 44
4-part reference question. 12-part answer.
According to Mark 3:16, 3:17, 3:18 and 3:19, who were appointed apostles?
M 3:16 These are the twelve he appointed: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter);
3: 17 James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means ““sons of thunder””);
3: 18 Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot
3: 19 and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.
Statement and question. 13-part answer.
Mark records the healings of 13 individuals. Who were they?
M 1:23 a man in their [Capernaum] synagogue who was possessed by an evil
1: 30 Simon’s mother-in-law
1: 40 A man with leprosy
2: 3 a paralyzed man
3: 3 the man with the shriveled hand
5: 2 a man with an impure spirit [in the region of the Gerasenes]
5: 23 My [Jairus’] little daughter
5: 25 a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years
7: 30 her [the Syrophoenician woman’s] child
7: 32 a man who was deaf and could hardly talk
8: 22 a blind man [at Bethsaida]
9: 26 The boy [with an impure spirit]
10: 46 Bartimaeus
13-part answer.
Out of a person’s heart come what? [or What comes from within, out of a person’s heart?]
M 7:21 evil thoughts come-sexual immorality, theft, murder,
7:22 adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly.
2-part reference question. 13-part answer.
Who led whom?
M 8:23 Jesus the blind man
9: 2 Jesus Peter James John
15: 1 the chief priests the elders the teachers of the law the whole Sanhedrin Jesus
15: 16 the soldiers Jesus
* *NOTE: 15:20 might have alternate answers. “The whole company of soldiers” led “Jesus”.
13-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which the phrase, “Truly I tell you” is found.
M 3:28,
8: 12,
9: 1, 41,
10: 15, 29,
11: 23,
12: 43,
13: 30,
14: 9, 18, 25, 30
13-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which Son of Man is found.
M 2:10, 28,
8: 31, 38,
9: 9, 12, 31,
10: 33, 45,
13: 26,
14: 21, 41, 62
13-part answer.
Who were told to “Go”?
M 1:44 man with leprosy
2: 11 paralyzed man
5: 19 demon-possessed man
5: 34 the woman
6: 38 the disciples
10: 21 the (rich young) man
10: 52 Bartimaeus
11: 2 two of his disciples
11: 23 this mountain
16: 7 Mary Magdalene Mary Salome
16: 15 the Eleven
* *ALTERNATES: 7:29 the woman and 14:13 two of his disciples (are they the same two as in 11:2?
13-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which the name “James” is found.
M 1:19, 29,
3: 17, 18,
5: 37,
6: 3, 9:2,
10: 35, 41,
13: 3,
14: 33,
15: 40,
16: 1
14-part answer.
Which preachers are named?
M 1:4 John [the Baptist]
1: 38 Jesus
3: 16 Simon [Peter]
3: 17 James [son of Zebedee]
3: 17 John [son of Zebedee]
3: 18 Andrew
3: 18 Philip
3: 18 Bartholomew
3: 18 Matthew
3: 18 Thomas
3: 18 James [son of Alphaeus
3: 18 Thaddaeus
3: 18 Simon [the Zealot]
3: 19 Judas Iscariot
2-part reference question. 14-part answer.
Who appeared to whom?
M 9:4 Moses Elijah Jesus Peter James John
14: 43 Judas Jesus (beware, this is kind of an iffy answer)
16: 9 Jesus Mary Magdalene
16: 12 Jesus two of them
16: 14 Jesus the Eleven
10 or 14-part answer.
Who were afraid?
M 5:15 they (the people)
5: 33 the woman
6: 20 Herod
9: 6 Peter James John
9: 32 the disciples
10: 32 those who followed
12: 12 they (the chief priests, teachers of the law, elders)
16: 8 the women (Mary Magdalene, Mary, Salome)
* *ALTERNATE: You might able to argue Jairus from 5:36
14-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which the Title “Lord” is found.
M 1:3,
2: 28,
5: 19,
7: 28,
11: 3, 9,
12: 11, 29, 30, 36, 37,
13: 20,
16: 19, 20
14-part answer.
Whose hands are mentioned?
M 1:31 Simon’s mother-in-law)
1: 41 Jesus
3: 1 a man (with a shriveled hand)
5: 4 the demon-possessed man
5: 41 little girl
7: 2 his disciples
7: 3 The Pharisees all the Jews
8: 23 the blind man
9: 27 the boy
9: 31 men
12: 36 the Lord
14: 41 sinners
16: 18 those who believe
2-part reference question. 14-part answer.
Who were told “Go” and who was told “Don’t even go”?
GO: 1:44 man with leprosy 2:11 paralyzed man 5:19 demon-possessed man 5:34 the woman 6:38 the disciples 10:21 the (rich young) man 10:52 Bartimaeus 11:2 two of his disciples 11:23 this mountain 16:7 Mary Magdalene Mary Salome 16:15 the Eleven DON'T GO: 8:26 the man (formerly blind man) **ALTERNATES: 7:29 the woman; 14:13 two of his disciples
Scripture text question. 14-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses that contain the 3-word phrase, quote, “kingdom of God”.
M 1:15,
4: 11, 26, 30,
9: 1, 47,
10: 14, 15, 23, 24, 25,
12: 34,
14: 25,
15: 43
15-part answer.
Which brothers are mentioned?
M 1:16 Simon (Peter) Andrew
1: 19 James John
6: 3 Jesus James Joseph Judas Simon
6: 17 Herod Philip
10: 29 brothers (left for Jesus and the gospel)
12: 19 a man’s
12: 20 seven brothers
13: 12 brother will betray brother to death
15-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which the word “lord” is found.
M 1:3,
2: 28,
5: 19,
7: 28,
10: 42,
11: 3, 9,
12: 11, 29, 30, 36, 37,
13: 20,
16: 19, 20
2-part reference question. 10 or 15-part answer.
Who commanded who to “Look”?
M 2:24 Pharisees Jesus
11: 21 Peter Rabbi (Jesus)
13: 1 one of his disciples Jesus
13: 21 anyone you (Peter, James, John, Andrew)
14: 41 Jesus them (Peter, James, John)
3-part reference question. 16-part answer.
Who rebuked what and whom?
M 4:39 Jesus waves
8: 32 Peter Jesus
8: 33 Jesus Peter
9: 25 Jesus impure spirit
10: 13 disciples people
10: 48 Many Bartimaeus
14: 5 they (Some of those present) her (the woman)
16: 14 Jesus the Eleven
16-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which the phrase, “I tell you” is found.
M 2:11,
3: 28,
8: 12,
9: 1, 13, 41,
10: 15, 29,
11: 23, 24,
12: 43,
13: 30,
14: 9, 18, 25, 30
* *NOTE: An alternate answer could be 11:33, because it contains the phrase, but not in the same context.
16-part answer.
Who followed Jesus?
M 1:18 Simon Andrew
1: 20 James John
2: 14 Levi
2: 15 many
3: 7 large crowd from Galilee
5: 24 large crowd
10: 28 we (the disciples)
10: 32 those who followed
10: 52 Bartimaeus
11: 9 those who followed
14: 51 a man
15: 41 Mary Magdalene Mary Salome
* **NOTE: I’m assuming that “those who followed” is not the same group in 10:32 and 11:9; other writers might not think the same way.
2-part reference question. 17-part answer.
Who called whom?
M 1:20 Jesus James John
2: 17 Jesus sinners
3: 13 Jesus those he wanted
3: 23 Jesus them (the teachers of the law)
3: 31 someone Jesus
7: 14 Jesus the crowd
10: 49 Jesus Bartimaeus
15: 16 the soldiers the whole company of soldiers
2-part reference question. 17-part answer.
Who feared whom?
M 5:15 the people the man (who had been possessed)
6: 20 Herod John
6: 50 the disciples Jesus
11: 18 the chief priests teachers of the law Jesus
11: 32 the chief priests teachers of the law elders the people
12: 12 the chief priests teachers of the law elders the crowd
* *NOTE: In 12:12, I’m implying that Jesus is still speaking to the same groups as mentioned in 11:27, since there is no transition to show that he had moved on to talk to other groups of people.
17-part answer. From Mark chapter 1.
Give the references for the verses in which Jesus is named.
M 1:1, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 21, 24, 25, 30, 32, 34, 35, 38, 41, 43, 45
18-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which John the Baptist is named.
M 1:4, 6, 9
2: 18
6: 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29
8: 28
11: 30, 32
18-part answer.
Who were sent?
M 1:2 my messenger
1: 12 Jesus
1: 43 a man with leprosy
3: 14 the Twelve
3: 31 someone
6: 27 an executioner
8: 9 four thousand men
8: 26 the man
10: 4 wife
11: 1 two of his disciples
12: 2 a servant
12: 4 another servant
12: 5 still another (servant) many others
12: 6 a son
12: 13 Pharisees Herodians
14: 43 a crowd
* **ALTERNATE: 14:13 “two of his disciples”. Are these the same as the two in 11:1? Also, if you consider demons (5:12) and his angels (13:27) as “whos” instead of “whats”, you’d have additional answers.
Statement and question. 20-part answer.
20 verses refer to an apostle with the name “Peter.” Give the complete references for these verses.
M 3:16
5: 37
8: 29, 32, 33
9: 2, 5
10: 28
11: 21
13: 3
14: 29, 31, 33, 37
14: 54, 66, 67, 70, 72
16: 7
20-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which Peter is named.
M 3:16,
5: 37,
8: 29, 32, 33,
9: 2, 5,
10: 28,
11: 21,
13: 3,
14: 29, 31, 33, 37, 54, 66, 67, 70, 72,
16: 7
21-part answer. From Mark chapter 5.
Give the references for the verses in which Jesus is named.
M 5: 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 30, 32, 35, 36, 38
2-part reference question. 21-part answer.
Who and what were sent?
M 1:2 my messenger
1: 12 Jesus
1: 43 a man with leprosy
3: 14 the Twelve
3: 31 someone
5: 12 demons
6: 27 an executioner
8: 9 four thousand men
8: 26 the man
10: 4 wife
11: 1 two of his disciples
11: 3 the colt
12: 2 a servant
12: 4 another servant
12: 5 still another (servant) many others
12: 6 a son
12: 13 Pharisees Herodians
13: 27 his angels
14: 43 a crowd
* *ALTERNATE: 14:13 “two of his disciples”. Are these the same as the two in 11:1?
2-part reference question. 22-part answer.
Who told who to “Come”?
M 1:17 Jesus Simon Andrew
1: 25 Jesus impure spirit
5: 8 Jesus impure spirit (Legion)
5: 23 Jairus Jesus
6: 31 Jesus the disciples
9: 25 Jesus impure spirit
10: 21 Jesus the (rich young) man
12: 7 tenants one another
15: 30 those who passed by Jesus
15: 32 chief priests teachers of the law Jesus
22-part answer. From Mark chapter 10.
Give the references for the verses in which Jesus is named.
M 10:1, 5, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29, 32, 38, 39, 42, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52
2-part reference question. 24-part answer.
Who told whom to “Go”?
M 1:44 Jesus the man (with leprosy)
2: 11 Jesus the paralyzed man
5: 19 Jesus the man (formerly demon-possessed)
5: 34 Jesus the woman
6: 38 Jesus the disciples
10: 21 Jesus the (rich young) man
10: 52 Jesus Bartimaeus
11: 2 Jesus two of his disciples
11: 23 anyone this mountain
16: 7 young man Mary Magdalene Mary Salome
16: 15 Jesus the Eleven
* *ALTERNATES: 7:29 Jesus, the woman; 14:13 Jesus, two of his disciples (are they different than the two in 11:2?)