7Part Flashcards
Statement and question. 7-part answer.
Seven verses contain the word “Messiah.” Give the complete references for these verses.
M 1:1,
8: 29, 9:41,
12: 35, 13:21, 14:61, 15:32
Statement and question. 7-part answer.
Seven things happened, quote, “at once,” end quote. What were they?
M 1:12 At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness,
1: 18 At once they left their nets and followed him.
1: 43 Jesus sent him away at once with a strong warning:
4: 16 Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy.
5: 30 At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him.
6: 25 At once the girl hurried in to the king with the request:
14: 45 Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Rabbi!” and kissed him.
7-part answer.
The word “little” is used to describe what?
M 1:19 farther
5: 23 daughter
5: 41 girl
9: 36 child
9: 37 children
9: 42 ones
14: 70 while
7-part answer.
Jesus called whom?
M 1:20 James John
2: 17 sinners
3: 13 those he wanted (the Twelve)
3: 23 teachers of the law
7: 14 the crowd
10: 49 Bartimaeus
* *ALTERNATE ANSWER: 8:34 the crowd. You could argue that this was a different crowd
7-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which Jesus’ authority is mentioned.
M 1:22, 27,
2: 10,
6: 7,
11: 28, 29, 33
2-part reference question. 7-part answer.
The word “new” is used to describe what, and the word “old” is used to describe what?
M 1:27 teaching
2: 21 garment
2: 21 piece
2: 22 wine
2: 22 wineskins
2: 22 wineskins
16: 17 tongues
5-part reference question. 7-part answer.
What is described as “Simon’s”, what is described as “Levi’s”, what is described as “John’s”, what is described as “Mary’s”, and what is described as “Philip’s”?
M 1:30 mother-in-law
2: 15 house
2: 18 disciples
6: 3 son
6: 17 wife
6: 27 head
11: 30 baptism
Statement and question. 7-part answer.
Mark mentions 6 groups of people and one person who specifically were healed. List them.
M 1:34 many who had various diseases
3: 10 many
5: 34 the woman
6: 5 a few sick people
6: 13 many sick people
6: 56 all who touched him
10: 52 Bartimaeus
* **ALTERNATE ANSWERS: 3:2 the man, 5:23 Jairus’ daughter Also, by “specifically”, I pretty much mean the “heal” or “healed”, etc, is used to describe the situation.
7-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses in which Forgiveness of sins is mentioned.
M 1:4,
2: 5, 7, 9, 10,
3: 28,
11: 25
7-part answer.
Who begged Jesus?
M 1:40 a man with leprosy
5: 10 he (the demon-possessed man)
5: 12 the demons
6: 56 the sick
7: 26 the Syro-Phoenician woman
7: 32 some people
8: 2 some people
2-part reference question. 7-part answer.
Who did Jesus touch and who touched Jesus?
JESUS TOUCHED: M 1:41 the man (with leprosy) 7:33 the man (deaf and mute) 8:22 a blind man TOUCHED JESUS: 3:10 those with diseases 5:27 the woman 6:56 all 10:13 little children
4-part reference question. 7-part answer.
To whom did Jesus exclaim “BE CLEAN”, to what did he exclaim “BE STILL”, to whom did he exclaim “BE OPENED”, and to whom did he exclaim “BE ALERT”?
M 1:41 the man (with leprosy)
4: 39 the waves
7: 33 the man (deaf and mute)
13: 33 Peter James John Andrew
7-part answer.
Give the complete references for the verses that begin with the word “Immediately”.
M 1:42,
2: 8,
5: 29, 42,
6: 45,
9: 24,
14: 72
2-part reference question. 7-part answer.
Who and what did Jesus send?
M 1:43 a man with leprosy
3: 14 the Twelve
5: 12 demons
8: 9 four thousand men
8: 26 the man
11: 1 two of his disciples
11: 3 the colt
* *ALTERNATE: 14:13 “two of his disciples”. Are these the same as the two in 11:1?
2-part reference question. 7-part answer.
Where could Jesus not enter and where did he enter?
M 1:45 a town
2: 1 Capernaum
3: 20 a house
7: 17 the house
7: 24 a house
11: 11 Jerusalem
11: 15 the temple courts