'97 Flashcards
Partial tearing to this ligament occurs at its femoral or tibial attachment and is a result of forced abduction of the tibia in the femur:
a. LCL
b. ACL
c. MCL
d. PCL
c. MCL
Which of the following is true about hip adductors:
a. Most of the adductor can flex as well as adduct
b. All of these
c. They can assist in extending the hip
d. Because they pass behind the femur, they can assist in medial rotation
b. All of these
Which of the following statements about the gluteus maximus is true?
a. It is rotator of the extended thigh though it loses power if the thigh is flexed
b. All of these
c. None of these
d. It is an extensor of the hip but is used only when the joint has to be extended with power
b. All of these
The fibula functions as follows:
a. All of these
b. Give origin to muscles
c. Act as lateral “splint” for the ankle joint
d. Act as pulley for tendons passing behind it at the ankle
a. All of these
The chopart joint, is a surgical level of amputation is formed by these articulating surfaces:
a. Tarsometatarsal and transverse tarsal joint
b. None of these
c. Talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints
d. Talocrural and tarsometatarsal
c. Talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints
The following statements are true of the patella, except:
a. Decrease pressure and distribute forces on the femur
b. It is unable to prevent damaging forces on the quadriceps tendon in resisted knee flexion
c. Increases the leverage of the quadriceps femoris
d. When the knee is flexed, it provides bony protection to the distal joint surfaces of the femoral condyles.
b. It is unable to prevent damaging forces on the quadriceps tendon in resisted knee flexion
This ligament, in company with the supraspinatus muscle prevents the downward dislocation of the humeral head:
a. Coracobrachial ligament
b. Glenohumeral ligament
c. Coraco acromial ligament
d. Coraco humeral ligament
d. Coraco humeral ligament
Nerve supply to the SCM:
a. Dorsal occipital nerve
b. Lesser occipital nerve
c. Greater occipital nerve
d. Spinal accessory nerve
d. Spinal accessory nerve
The following statements are true of the triceps brachii, EXCEPT:
a. Palpation of the medial head is the best in its distal posrtion, near the medial epicondyle
b. Distal attachment is to the olecranon process of the ulna
c. Innervated by radial nerve (C7-C8)
d. Performs only elbow extension
d. Performs only elbow extension
The roots of this nerve are C8 and T1. It arises from the medial cord of the brachial plexus descending in the interval; between the axillary artery and vein:
a. Musculocutaneous nerve
b. Median nerve
c. Ulnar nerve
d. Radial nerve
c. Ulnar nerve
All carpal bones have four articulating surfaces, EXCEPT:
a. Hamate
b. Trapezium
c. Pisiform
d. Scaphoid
c. Pisiform
The medial longitudinal arch consists of the following bones:
a. Calcaneus, talus, navicular, three cuneiforms and the first three metatarsal bones
b. Calcaneus, cuboid, fourth and fifth metatarsal bones
c. None of these
d. Bases of the metatarsal bones and the cuboid, and the three cuneiform bones
a. Calcaneus, talus, navicular, three cuneiforms and the first three metatarsal bones
These muscles retract the protracted scapula and turn the glenoid fossa downwards, thus forcibly lowering the raised arm. With other muscles, they keep the scapula applied to the chest wall:
a. Serratus anterior
b. Levator scapula
c. Pectoralis muscle
d. Rhomboids
d. Rhomboids
The radial innervates the following muscles, except:
a. Extensor indicisproprius
b. Abductor pollicis brevis
c. Extensor digitorum
d. Two radial lumbricals
d. Two radial lumbricals
This ligament is useful in preventing the femur from being extended beyond the pint at which the lower limb is in line with the trunk thus ensuring that little or no muscular effort is required to prevent one from rolling over at one’s hip joint:
a. Acetabular labrum
b. Transverse ligament of the actebulum
c. Interosseous sacroiliac ligaments
d. Iliofemoral ligament
d. Iliofemoral ligament
Muscles of the digits that have their proximal attachments within the hand is classified as:
a. Thenar muscles
b. None of these
c. Extrinsic muscles
d. Intrinsic muscles
d. Intrinsic muscles
This muscle is innervated by facial nerve, except:
a. Risorius
b. Masseter
c. Frontalis
d. Mentalis
b. Masseter
A large, flat triangular muscle that wraps its tendon around the lower border of the teres major muscle and is inserted into the floor of the bicipital groove:
a. Teres major
b. Subscapularis
c. Serratus anterior
d. Latissimus dorsi
d. Latissimus dorsi
The innermost muscle of the abdominal wall and encloses the abdominal cavity like a corset:
a. External oblique
b. Transversus abdominis
c. Internal oblique
d. Rectus abdominis
b. Transversus abdominis
Rotator cuff muscles are composed of the following:
a. All of these
b. None of these
c. Subscapularis and supraspinatus
d. Infraspinatus and teres minor
a. All of these
Which of the following muscles are innervated by the fifth cranial nerve and closes the jaw:
a. Medial pterygoid
b. All of these
c. Temporalis
d. Masseter
b. All of these
This ligament supports the head of the talus and when overstretched will reduce the amount of longitudinal arch resulting in flatfoot deformity:
a. Calcaneonavicular ligament
b. Deltoid ligament
c. Calcaneofibular ligament
d. Talofibular ligament
a. Calcaneonavicular ligament
Which of the following is true of the radius:
a. All of these
b. The radius lies on the plane anterior to ulna
c. The radial shaft cross in front of the ulna while the radial head revolves to perform pronation
d. The radial shat’s crossing over the ulna is further aided by the shaft of the radius that is bowed a little lateralwards
a. All of these
The radiocarpal joint is formed by the biconcave distal end of the radius and the biconcave proximal articulating surfaces of the following carpal bones:
a. Capitate and lunate
b. Scaphoid and trapezoid
c. Scaphoid and lunate
d. None of these
c. Scaphoid and lunate
The posterior triangle of the neck is bounded by the:
a. The scalenes, levator scapulae and splenius
b. Splenius capitis, sternohyoid and clavicle
c. None of these
d. SCM, anterior border of trapezius and the clavicle
d. SCM, anterior border of trapezius and the clavicle
The intrinsic muscles of the foot are innervated by:
a. Deep peroneal nerve
b. Posterior tibial nerve
c. Anterior tibial nerve
d. Superficial peroneal nerve
b. Posterior tibial nerve
The ulnar nerve innervates:
a. Adductor pollicis
b. Palmaris longus
c. All hypothenar
d. All interossei
b. Palmaris longus
The deepest muscle of the leg is an invertor of the foot and plantarflexes the transverse tarsal joint:
a. Tibialis posterior
b. Flexor halluces longus
c. Abductor pollicis
d. Flexor digitorum longus
a. Tibialis posterior
The only tarsal bone with no muscle attachment:
a. Cuboid
b. Talus
c. Navicular
d. Calcaneus
b. Talus
Which of the following does the femoral nerve supply:
a. All of these
b. The skin of the front of the thigh and of the medial side of the leg as the base of the great toe
c. The muscle in front of the thigh
d. The hip and knee joints
a. All of these
This muscle draws the mandible forward and toward the midline:
a. Pterygoid
b. Temporalis
c. Masseter
d. Orbicularis oris
a. Pterygoid
Which of the following statement is true about biceps brachii:
a. Its effectiveness as a supinator is almost four times effective as the supinator at an angle of 90 degrees
b. Its effectiveness as a supinator diminishes as the elbow extended
c. All of these
d. It is most effective as a supinator when the elbow is flexed at about 90 degree angle
c. All of these
Which of these large vessels arise from the arch of the aorta:
a. Left subclavian artery
b. Brachiocephalic artery
c. Left common carotid artery
d. All of these
d. All of these
This vertically-directed device acts as a pivot round which the rotation occurs and which brings the lateral rotation of the tibia (or medial rotation of femur) to a halt. Its direction prevents backward dislocation of the femur:
a. ACL
b. Medial ligament
c. PCL
d. Lateral ligament
a. ACL
This structures pass through transverse foramen:
a. Spinal column arteries
b. None of these
c. Cranial nerve plexus
d. Vertebral arteries
d. Vertebral arteries
Which of the following is true of the palmar aponeuorosis:
a. All of these
b. It protects underlying structures and prevents the palm of the hand from being readily pinched
c. The palmaris longus inserts into this triangular fibrous sheet which occupies the palm of the hand
d. The aponeuorosis is present even when the palmaris longus is absent
a. All of these
This type of joint is formed by the talus and tibia:
a. Pivot
b. Saddle
c. Hinge
d. Ball and socket
c. Hinge
This muscle originates from the medial half of the clavicle, from the sternum and from the upper six costal cartilages:
a. Pectoralis major
b. Pectoralis minor
c. Serratus anterior
d. Subclavius
a. Pectoralis major
The following statements are true of the ulnar nerve, except:
a. The deep branch supply the hypothenar muscles, the medial two lumbricals, the adductor pollicis and all the interossei
b. At about the midlength of the arm, it is found behind and in contact with the medial epicondyle of the humerus
c. It divides into a superficial branch, a deep branch and an intermediate branch
d. The only muscles it supplies above the wrist are the FCU and the medial half of FDP
c. It divides into a superficial branch, a deep branch and an intermediate branch
These muscles separate the neck into the posterior and anterior triangle. It also protects the great vascular and nerve trunks:
a. SCM
b. Sternothyroid
c. Levator scapulae
d. Scalenes
a. SCM
This muscle is a powerful adductor of the arm and a medial rotator. The clavicular head flexes the shoulder joint and from this position, the sternal head extends the shoulder joint:
a. None of these
b. Latissimus dorsi
c. Pectoralis major
d. Pectoralis minor
c. Pectoralis major
The following statements are true of the plantar aponeurosis, except:
a. It is form when the MTP joint is manually placed in 45 degrees of hyperextension
b. It is an attachment for intrinsic muscles of the foot and fascial covering for others
c. It helps prevent displacement of the calcaneus from the metatarsal heads and collapse of the arches
d. It is a series of fascial bands on the dorsum and sides of the foot
d. It is a series of fascial bands on the dorsum and sides of the foot
In a circling movement performed by the shoulder girdle, this joint is the pivot joint:
a. GH joint
b. Ac joint
c. SC joint
d. Subacromial joint
c. SC joint
This muscle is the most powerful of the scapula, its paralysis results in winged scapula:
a. Pectoralis minor
b. Levator scapulae
c. Serratus anterior
d. Rhomboids
c. Serratus anterior
This opening is a triangular shaped defect in the external oblique aponeurosis that lies above and medial to the public tubercle:
a. Cremaster ring
b. Superficial inguinal ring
c. Femoral ring
d. External spermatic fascia
b. Superficial inguinal ring
Almost the whole of the broad sacral plexus narrows down to form a huge branch called:
a. Femoral nerve
b. Obturator nerve
c. Sciatic nerve
d. Saphenous nerve
c. Sciatic nerve
The following statements are true of the rotator cuff muscles, except:
a. The supraspinatus attaches to the lesser humeral tubercle, while the infraspinatus and teres minor attached on the lower tubercle
b. Shoulder external rotation are limited primarily by the subscapularis and the lower part of the capsule
c. The subscapularis is a passive stabilizer to prevent anterior subluxation of the humerus
d. This muscles produces abduction, internal and external rotation of the glenohumeral joint
a. The supraspinatus attaches to the lesser humeral tubercle, while the infraspinatus and teres minor attached on the lower tubercle
This structure completes a collar in which the radial head revolves and also tends to prevent the radius from being pulled down out of its socket:
a. Lateral ligament
b. Annular ligament
c. Medial ligament
d. Collateral ligament
b. Annular ligament
Function of soleus, except:
a. Postural muscle
b. Ankle plantarflexion
c. Does not involve in forceful ankle plantar flexion
d. Concerned with ankle stabilization than gastrocnemius
c. Does not involve in forceful ankle plantar flexion
This muscle is proximally attached to the ASIS and attached distally to the medial surface of the tibia. It is innervated by the femoral nerve and flexes, externally rotates and adducts the hip, as well as adducts and flexes the knee:
a. Rectus femoris
b. Sartorius
c. Pectineus
d. TFL
b. Sartorius
These long muscles flex the second to fifth digits of the IP joints:
a. None of these
b. FDS
c. FDP
d. Both of these
d. Both of these
On the medial side of the foot, just distal to the tip of the medial malleolus, this slight protuberance may be felt:’
a. Sustentaculumtali
b. First cuneiform
c. Tuberosity of the navicular
d. Medial tubercle of the talus
a. Sustentaculumtali
The following statements are true of the radial nerve, except:
a. The nerve divides into a long superficial branch and the deep branch or posterior interosseous nerve
b. As it crosses the elbow joint, it supplies the muscles arising from the lateral supracondylar ridge: the brachioradialis and ECRB
c. A little further down the down, it passes obliquely lateral wards to run behind the humerus in its spiral groove deep to the triceps
d. It is the target nerve of the upper limb and its roots are C5-T1
b. As it crosses the elbow joint, it supplies the muscles arising from the lateral supracondylar ridge: the brachioradialis and ECRB
This tuberosity receives the weight of the body when one sits up straight:
a. Superior ramus
b. Ischial tuberosity
c. Lesser sciatic notch
d. Greater sciatic notch
b. Ischial tuberosity
In order to allow side to side play, the sides of the body of the talus are grasped by these bony flanges:
a. None of these
b. All of these
c. Talocalcaneonavicular joint
d. Medial and lateral malleoulus
d. Medial and lateral malleoulus
The median nerve innervates the following, except:
a. All interossei
b. Opponenspollicis
c. FCR
d. FDS
a. All interossei
These two enlarged bones are concerned with receiving the weight of the body above:
a. Calcaneus and cuboid
b. Talus and calcaneus
c. Navicular and cuboid
d. Talus and Navicular
b. Talus and calcaneus
The largest lateral hip muscle, innervated by the superior gluteal nerve and abducts the hip:
a. TFL
b. Piriformis
c. Gluteus minimus
d. Gleteusmedius
d. Gleteusmedius
The joints of the pectoral girdle are:
a. Coracoclavicular joint
b. All of these
c. AC joint
d. SC joint
b. All of these
The arrangement of these muscles as the legs of the inverted tripod suggests their possible function as a stabilizing mechanism for the pelvis capable of cooperating with the splint mechanism of the iliotibial tract on the lateral side.
a. Adductor magnus, vastuslateralis and biceps femoris
b. Semitendinosus, semimembranosus and gracilis
c. Piriformis, quadratus femoris and obturator internus
d. Sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosus
d. Sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosus
The medial longitudinal arch consist of the following bones:
a. Calcaneus, cuboid, fourth and fifth metatarsal bones
b. None of these
c. Calcaneus, talus, navicular boned, three cuneiform bones and the first three metatarsal bones
d. Bases of the metatarsal bones and the cuboid and the three cuneiform bones
c. Calcaneus, talus, navicular boned, three cuneiform bones and the first three metatarsal bones
The transverse arch consists of the following bones:
a. Calcaneus, cuboid, fourth and fifth metatarsal bones
b. Calcaneus, talus, navicular bone, three cuneiform bones and the first three metatarsal bones
c. Both of these
d. Bases of the metatarsal bones and the cuboid and the three cuneiform bones
d. Bases of the metatarsal bones and the cuboid and the three cuneiform bones
The anatomical snuffbox is bounded by the tendons of:
a. None of these
Which of the following is NOT true of the shoulder joint?
a. Its extreme mobility is achieved at the expense of stability and security
b. The movement occurs between the scapula and the humerus
c. The movement primarily involves the clavicle and scapula
d. It is a multiaxial ball and socket joint with a remarkable of freedom of movement
c. The movement primarily involves the clavicle and scapula
A strong and broad one-inch square ligament that maintains the forward concavity and bridge deep to which pass the numerous tendons that flex the wrist an fingers:
a. Intra articular ligament
b. Annular ligament
c. Flexor retinaculum
d. Denticulate ligament
c. Flexor retinaculum