9.6 - Individuals and work: The nature of work Flashcards
The nature of work
- Work gives us identity
- Energy directed towards a goal
- Earning money by labour
Reasons people work
- To meet specific needs
- Economic
- Status and Value
Reasons people work
To meet specific needs
To support ourselves and family needs, we need a stable income.
ASL: Can be satisfied by giving an individual money for health, food, shelter and clean water.
Health: Allows individuals to access health insurance.
Reasons people work
Many people work in order to pay off their debts, which can include a mortgage or rental payment, etc.
Reasons people work
Value and Status
- May value work for the satisfaction and self esteem they gain from it and/or the lifestyle they are able to create.
- Work provides economic resources.
- The level of employment, such as CEO, Manager, and assistant.
- The level of decision made on behalf of others
- How much an individual earns.
Labour force concepts and terms
- Labour force
- Employed full time
- Employed part time
- Employed/unemployed
- Participation rate
Labour force concepts and terms
Labour force
All people who are working or are able to work:
Labour force concepts and terms
All persons aged 15 or over who during the working week:
- Work one hour or more per week during the working week for either direct or indirect payment in a job.
- Work one hour or more per week without payment (Family circumstances).
Labour force concepts and terms
All persons aged 15 or over who do not work however are searching and are available.
Labour force concepts and terms
Employed part/full time
Part: Those working fewer than 35 hours per week.
Full: Those working more than 35 hours per week.
Labour force concepts and terms
Participation rate
The labour force expressed as a percentage of the entire population
Patterns of work
- Full time, part time, causal
- Jobshare
- Shift work
- Seasonal
- Voluntary
- Permanent, temporary/contract
- Self employed
- Working remotely
- Other
Patterns of work
Full time, part time, casual
- Consists of more than 35 hours per week.
- Entitles employees to a minimum of four
weeks of annual leave per year, sick leave, long-service leave and parental leave.
- Part-time work is permanent employment.
- Work less than 35 hours per week.
- Receives all the entitlements of full-time employees on a proportional or pro-rata basis.
- Work on an hourly or daily basis for which they are paid an extra loading on top of the normal rate.
- Paid extra to compensate for the lack of usual benefits, such as sick leave or annual leave.
Patterns of work
Job share
Involves one full time position being shared between two people, each with proportionate benefits.
- Balance between work and family
- Set hours allow structure
- Income is lower
- Disruption to the office and other working staff
- Can cause conflict between the two.
Patterns of work
- CONTRACT Is an agreement to perform a task for a certain rate of pay.
- TEMPORARY workers are only employed for a certain period of time.
- Paid hourly
- Usually flexible, contractor can choose what contract.
- Temporary can change their direction of work.
- Don’t have benefits
- Lack of job security