9.2 Breast disease Flashcards
Name five clinical presentations of breast conditions
- Palpable mass2. Pain (occasionally) 3. Nipple discharge4. Skin changes (depends on where the condition is located in the breast) 5. Mammographic abnormalities
Describe the most worrying types of lumps
Firm, fixed and craggy
When is nipple discharge the most concerning?
Spontaneous and unilateral
Name two findings that would be worrying in a mammogram and their associated conditions
- Densities (same as palpable mass)
2. Calcification: ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), benign changes
Which group of women is invited for regular mammograms and how often are they invited?
Women between 50-70 are invited for a mammogram every 3 years
What is the main inflammatory condition of the breast?
Describe its onset, how it affects the breast and 5 potential symptoms. Which population of women is it associated with?
Mastitis; breastfeeding mothers, unilateral and rapid onset
- Red swollen area on breast (may feel hot and painful)
- Wedge shaped lump
- Burning breast pain (constant or during breastfeeding)
- Nipple discharge
- Flu like symptoms
What can cause mastitis? Name four risks for mastitis identified by the CASTLE cohort study
Commonly associated with infection but can also just be inflammatory.
Nipple damage, oversupply of breast milk, using nipple shields, presence of S.aureus on the nipple or in breast milk
What are fibrocystic changes in the breast often associated with? How do they appear histologically?
Large cysts with fibrosis, associated with benign epithelial lesions
What are some complications of epithelial hyperplasia of the breast?
Blocks duct lumen -> pain and palpable mass -> increased risk of breast cancer
What are the most common stromal tumours in the breast? Describe their gross appearance and a primary characteristic
Fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumours. Rounded, multiple, large, surrounding mass of fat, mobile and can evade palpation!
What makes fibroadenomas and phyllode tumours so specific histologically? Describe their general histological appearance
Stromal proliferation; mixture of epithelia and basket weave stroma
What is a difference between fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumour?
Phyllodes rare <40, fibroadenomas more common in youngers
What happens if phyllodes tumours aren’t completely excised?
Aggressive local regrowth
What is gynecomastia and which population(s) is it more commonly seen?
Enlargement of male breast tissue
Puberty, elderly, neonates (excess circulating hormones via placenta)
What causes gynaecomastia in general? Name three things that could lead to it
Decreased androgen:estrogen ratio
Anabolic steroids, liver cirrhosis (estrogen can’t be metabolized), testicular cancers
Which group of women has the highest incidence of breast cancer?
> 50
Name 7 risk factors for breast cancer that are related to hormone exposure (estrogen and progesterone)
Gender, uninterrupted menses, early menarche, late menopause, breastfeeding, obesity and high fat diet, exogenous estrogens (i.e HRT and OCP)
Name two medically related things that increase risk of breast cancer
atypical changes on previous biopsy, previous breast cancer
Which genes are associated with most hereditary cases of breast cancer? What is their normal function and which other cancer type are they associated with?
BRCA1 and BRCA2; tumour suppressor genes. Ovarian cancer
Carriers have a 60-85% increase in breast cancer and the % is similar for ovarian cancer. Another gene that can be involved is p53 - cell checkpoint
How do mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA 2 genes influence the age of diagnosis? What do many carriers of the gene undergo?
Much earlier (~20 years) than in sporadic cases, prophylactic mastectomies
What type of cancers are most breast carcinomas and where does breast cancer most often occur?
Adenocarcinomas, upper outer quadrant