9.1) Managing Bond Portfolios (Chapter 16) Flashcards
What is active risk management vs passive risk management? (2)
Active management = Maximise returns
Passive management = Minimise risk
What does passsive management assume?
- Assumes that market prices are fairly set (Market Efficient: Pointless looking for opportunities because of prices are correct)
What type of risk does does passive management seek to control?
Only seek to control the risk of their bond portfolio = Interest rate risk
What are the characteristics of active risk management strategies? (4)
1) Based on the belief that the market misprices securities (Undervalued and overvalued assets)
2) Trade on market inefficiencies (The skills and knowledge and skill to identify and act on market inefficiencies)
3) To predict market movements (Knowledge and skills to predict Interest rate movements and take a position)
4) Key source of return is capital gain
What are both concepts concerned with? (2)
- Passive – Fears interest rate risk
- Active – Take advantage on this opportunity of interest rate risk
What does Warren Buffet say about managing bond portfolios? (2)
o Rule No. 1: Never lose money.
o Rule No. 2: Don’t forget rule No.1
What sources of bond returns are affected by interest rate returns? (2)
1) Reinvestment risk
2) Price risk
How does interest rate risk affect reinvestment of coupons? (2)
- Affects the income from the reinvestment of coupons.
- The possibility of your reinvestment income deviating from the expected income due to changes in interest rates.
How does interest rate risks affect prices of bonds? (2)
- Affects capital gains/losses.
- The variability in bond prices caused by their inverse relationship with interest rates.
What is the formula for bond price varaiblility/sensitivity?
What are the properties of bond price sensitvity? (5)
NOTE: Principle 1 and 5 only
- Inverse relationship between bond prices & yields Relate to convexity – Greater price appreciation than depreciation:
- For small changes in yields, the price sensitivity of a given bond is roughly the same for an increase/decrease in yield (Small change = 0,5% or below)
- For large changes in yields, the price sensitivity is not the same for an increase and a decrease in the required yield (Large change = 0,5% or above)
- For large changes in yields for a given bond, The % price increase > % price decrease (Positive Convexity)
- The price sensitivity [price change] is not the same for all bonds.
What do you make of these two forms of Interest Rate risks ? (2)
- They offset each other
- If you structure your portfolio correctly it will create a zero effect of interest rate risk as they cancel each other out.
Price risk will only affect your returns if you ______ . If you don’t sell you are ____________ (Unrealized losses)
Price risk and reinvestment risk, which one matters more? (2)
- If you sell before maturity the price risk affects, you more
- If you hold to maturity, then reinvestment risk is what affects you more
What factors affect bond price sensitivity? (3)
1) time to maturity
2) coupon rate
3) Yield to maturity (YTM)
True or false, As yield to maturity decreases the sensitivity of bond prices increases at a decreasing rate
False, as time to maturity increases the sensitivity of bond prices increases at a decreasing rate
Prices of _______ -term bonds are more ___________ to changes in interest rates than short-term bonds. The same change in years does not _______ the price change
How does the coupon rate affec bond price sensistivity?
Prices of low-coupon bonds tend to be more sensitive to changes in interest rates than high-coupon bonds – interest rate risk is inversely proportional to coupons
How does yield to maturity (YTM) affect bond price sensitvity?
Sensitivity of a bond’s price to a change in its yield is inversely related to the yield to maturity at which the bond currently is selling
Summarise the factors that affect bond price senstivity and whether they offer low risk or high risk (3x3)
How come, shorter time to maturity, high coupon rate and high yield to maturity = low price sensitivity ? (3)
- Common denominator is all these factors reduce the bonds effective maturity
- When you reduce the effective maturity, it means you are recovering the bond cash flows in a shorter period (Quicker we recover the less risk)
- Any factor that increases the effective maturity also increases sensitivity as it takes longer to recover the bond cash flows