901 Flashcards
First Officer’s Flightdeck Preparation Flow
➣ FMS - POS INIT ➣ Glareshield Light Control Panel - As required ➣ ADS PROBES HEATER - As Required ➣ REVERSIONARY PANEL - Checked ➣ PFD - Checked ➣ ACP - Checked ➣ O2 & Interphone - Checked ➣ Pitch Trim - Checked ➣ Alt Gear Extension - Checked ➣ QRH - Installed
First Officer’s Flightdeck Preparation Flow Trigger
If first flight of the day, after a crew change, after unobserved maintenance has
been performed in the flightdeck.
Read and do the “Safety & Power On Checklist Trigger
If first flight of the day, after a crew change.
Flight Deck Preflight Flow
➣ Accomplish Flightdeck Equipment Flow ➣ PBE - Check ➣ Halon Fire Extinguisher - Pressure in green, secured ➣ Crash Axe - Stowed ➣ Captain Life Vest - Installed in seat back pocket ➣ AML, Forms & Manuals - Checked ➣ Circuit Breakers - Closed or collared ➣ Captain Escape Rope - Check ➣ FO Escape Rope - Check ➣ Circuit Breakers - Closed or collared ➣ FO Life Vest - Installed in seat back pocket ➣ Jumpseat Life Vest - Installed in seat back pocket ➣ Landing Gear and RAT Safety Pins - On board ➣ Oil/Hydraulic/Crew Oxygen - Checked Flightdeck Access
Accomplish Before Start Flow
➣ Oxygen - Checked ➣ Guidance Panel - Set ➣ Display Controller Unit - Set ➣ PFD - Checked ➣ MCDU - Set/Check ➣ EFB, PED - Set, Off
Before Start Flow Trigger
Approximately 10 minutes prior to planned departure and after ATC Route
Clearance Verification completed
Before Pushback Flow
➣ Obtain pushback or start clearance
(if required)
➣ Doors/Windows - Closed & Locked
Before Pushback Trigger
After receiving the cabin ready notification and all doors are closed
After Start Flow
➣ Flaps - Set
➣ Flight Controls - Checked
➣ EICAS - Checked
After Start Trigger
After ground equipment is clear, the captain has announced “I have a salute,” and engine(s) are stabilized
Taxi Flow Trigger
After departing the gate, Final Load Closeout received, and both engines
Taxi flow
➣ MCDU - Update Perf
➣ Brake TEMPs - Green
➣ PITCH & TRIM - Set
➣ T/O CONFIG - Checked
Taxi Below the line Flow
➣ Transponder - TA/RA
➣ Runway & FMS - Check
➣ FMA - Check
After Landing Flow
➣ Flaps - UP (or as operationally required) ➣ Wx Radar - FSBY or OFF ➣ Transponder - ALT-ON ➣ ICE PROTECTION - Set ➣ TRIM - 2.0 UP (or as operationally required) ➣ APU - ON or OFF
Shutdown Flow
After both engines are shut down
➣ Post Flight Report - Sent
➣ HYDR PBIT - As Required