9. Risk Management, Health and Safety Flashcards
Police defines risk as:
Any potential _______, ________ event that may affect the _________ of our ____________.
Any potential future, uncertain event that may affect the achievement of our objectives
Responsibilities of the Executive Leadership Team in risk
Advocate and drive the embedding of risk management in all activities, by building a risk-awareness culture to inform decision-making.
Responsible for governing Police’s strategic risk.
Responsibilities of the National Operations Steering Group
Responsible for the oversight of operational risks and the application of TENR
What are the four different types of risk?
Strategic, organisational, operational, portfolio
What is the three lines model
First Line: We all act - everyday risk identification
Second Line: Districts, service centres and PNHQ contribute - oversees risk and application of risk control
Third Line: Assurance Group and other independent functions - provides assurance and assesses, verifies or certifies that
controls are operating as intended
Steps in Managing risk - What is the order of the 5 steps?
Evaluate risk, identify risk, establish context, take action, analyse risk impact
Step 1: Establish Context
Step 2: Identify Risk
Step 3: Analyse Risk Impact
Step 4: Evaluate Risk
Step 5: Take Action
Definition of ‘workplace’ s20 HSWA
A place where work is being carried out, or is customarily carried out, for a business undertaking; and includes any place where a worker goes, or is likely to be, while at work. A place also includes a vehicle, vessel, aircraft, ship or other mobile structure and any waters and any installation on land, on the bed of any waters or floating on any waters.
s45 HSWA
Duties of worker
- Must take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety.
- Take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons.
- Comply with any reasonable instruction given by the PCBU (Person conducting business undertaking) to allow the PBCU to comply with this Act or regulations
- Co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the PCBU relating to health or safety at the workplace that has been notified to workers.
Static Risk
Predictable and/or remain constant over a period of time.
Can be planned for and controls established ahead of time
Dynamic Risk
May be difficult to predict or occur because of sudden changes.
Hard to plan for and controls may need to be implemented ‘on the run’.
We use TENR to manage dynamic risk.
Critical Risk
Death or life threatening injury
Something that can seriously harm or kill our people
s25 HSWA
Definition of Notifiable Event
Death or notifiable injury or incident.
s23 HSWA
Notifiable injury or illness - what injuries or illnesses are notifiable?
All injuries or illnesses that require a person to be admitted to hospital for immediate treatment are notifiable
When to notify Worksafe
Notifiable events are reported to the District Health and Safety Advisor ASAP. They will triage the event and complete a referral to work safe if necessary.
Responsibilities of all staff in risk
- Understand their role in managing risk in the police
- identify, discuss and help manage risks in their area of responsibility
- escalate and report risks to their one up people leader, program or project manager where appropriate
Responsibilities of executive leaders and managers in risk
- identify risks for their respective groups and team teams and commit to review these risks regularly
- Ensure processes are in place to manage these risks and their impact on day-to-day activities
- Ensure risk is considered when managing and/or delivering programs, projects, products, services and assets
What is the overriding principle when applying TENR?
Safety is success
Who holds the responsibility of strategic risk?
The commissioner and ELT
Who holds the responsibility of organisational risk?
Service centres and districts
Who holds the responsibility of operational risk?
Staff at all levels
A threat is a:
A) human actor
B) non-human (river, substance, geological fault)
A) human actor
A hazard is a:
A) human actor
B) non-human (river, substance, geological fault)
B) non-human (river, substance, geological fault)
Three reasons why you need to know about health and safety:
- legal - it’s the law
- ethical - looking after our people is the right thing to do
- Our Business - good health and safety is good business
Meaning of “PCBU” under s17 HSWA
A person conducting a business or undertaking.
May be an individual person or an organisation.
Under the HSWA, NZP is a PCBU.
Meaning of “Officer” under s18 HSWA
A person who occupies specified position that allows them to exercise significant influence over management of the business or undertaking.
In the NZP, this would be the wider executive team.
Meaning of “Worker” under s19 HSWA
Individual who carries out work in any capacity for a PCBU.
May be an employee, contractor or subcontractor etc.
Under the HSWA everyone who works for the NZP is considered a worker.
What is the cycle of managing health and safety hazards and risks? P.D.C.A.
- Plan - assess risk and identify control measures
- Do - implement control measures
- Check - monitor performance of control measures
- Act - take action on lessons learn
What is a near miss event?
Unplanned or unexpected event occurring as a result of police work activities and could have resulted in harm.
A near miss also includes loss only incidents where damage was caused to Police property but no people were harmed e.g. minor car crashes with no injury occurring.
What are the 7 critical risks?
- psychological harm
- driving
- motivated offenders
- custody
- roadside operations
- hazardous exposure
- contractors and third parties
Which organisation’s investigation is the lead investigation?
The Police.
It drives and informs other investigations and inquiries. Material generated by this investigation will be provided to the IPCA as part of their independent investigation or review of the incident. Information may also be shared with other agencies when required.