9 - Odomirok.18 - IEE Flashcards
What information is shown on the Insurance Expense Exhibit (IEE) versus the Income Statement?
IEE shows statutory profit (loss), both direct & net of reinsurance, by line of business whereas the Income Statement shows only aggregate information net of reinsurance.
important to know IEE shows profits and expenses by line of business
Identify uses of the IEE to actuary
- examine premium, loss, expenses by line
- benchmark company performance by line
Identify uses of the IEE to policyholder
- examine expenses by line
- may affect purchase decision because lower expenses mean lower rates
Identify uses of the IEE to investor
- examine profitability versus premium growth by line
- may affect investment decision if growth is in unprofitable lines
Identify uses of the IEE to competitor
- examine profit & expenses by line
- may affect market entry decision in lines where profits are high
Identify uses of the IEE to regulator
- examine data/trends by line
- highlights solvency and/or rate concerns by line that the income statement may mask
Identify uses of the IEE to rating agency
- examine profit by line
- highlights subsidies from strong lines to weak (or are all lines independently strong)
What does Part 1 of the IEE show?
- allocates expenses (from Part 3) into 22 different expense groups
- doesn’t show profit (loss)
What does Part 2 of the IEE show?
- shows pre-tax profit (loss) net of reinsurance (see columns 41, 42)
What does Part 3 of the IEE show?
- shows pre-tax profit (loss) direct of reinsurance (see columns 33, 34)
- excludes all investment gain
What does IEE Interrogatories show?
- explanatory notes for Parts 1,2,3 (comes before Parts 1,2,3)
- interrogatory question #4 is very important: provides info on the allocation of profits & expenses to line
- if the allocation is done in a standard way then no further info is required (this is the case with Liberty Mutual)
Identify advantages & disadvantages for this method of surplus allocation
advantages [Hint: R2-DC]
- not distorted by Reinsurance
- uses 2 years of data to smooth results (reduces distortions)
- easy to obtain Data (from annual statement)
- easy to Calculate & compare across companies & lines of business
disadvantages [Hint: FARCe → May the FARCe be with you ]
- does not reflect Future business or growth (it is retrospective)
- does not allow for Actuarial/management input (method is formulaic)
- does not reflect Risk characteristics of line of business (Ex: short vs long-tail)
- does not recognize Catastrophe potential
Investment Gain - Part 1
Net Investment Gain Ratio formula
NIG = Net Investment Gain
TIA = Total Investable Assets = m(L) + m(LAE) + m(UEP) + m(re) + m(S) – m(AB)
Investment Gain - Part 2
Net Investment Gain attributable to Insurance Transactions
FAITa = m(La) + m(LAEa) + m(UEPa) + m(rea) - m(ABa) - (PPE for UEP)a
(PPE for UEP)a = PPERa * m(UEPa)
PPERa = (net acquisition expense)a / NWPa
Pre-tax Total Profit (Loss) formula
(Pre-tax profit excluding InvGain) + InvGain(Insurance Transactions) + InvGain(Capital & Surplus)
Difference between IEE and Part 3 (Expenses) of U&IE (Underwriting & Investment Exhibit)
In particular, IEE separates other U/W expenses further into:
*acquisition, field supervision, and collection expenses
*general expenses
*taxes, licenses, and fees
LOB breakout:
- IEE shows expenses by LOB, U&IE doesn’t
- IEE shows direct & net, U&IE shows net only
display format:
- IEE in 000’s, U&IE to nearest dollar