9. Headache Flashcards
what are the two types of presenting complaint of headaches in broad catergories?
primary - due to a headache disorder - usually non life threatening
secondary - due to another condition - some are life or sight threatening
what are acute, emergency causes of headache?
haemorrhage, thombosis, meningitis, encephalitis, abscess, temporal arteritis, glaucoma,
what are acute possible causes of headache?
cough, exertion, coitus
what are the chronic causes of headache non emergency?
migraine, cluster headaches, tension headaches, drug side effects (analgesics, caffeine, vasodilators), trigeminal neuralgia
what are the chronic causes of an emergency headache?
raised ICP (tumours), temporal/giant cell arteritis, hypertension, pre eclampsia, phaemochromocytoma
how do you take a history of someone with a headache?
full history of presenting complaint including SQITARS
past medical history
drug history - analgesics or side effects
family history - migraine with aura
social - stress, diet, hydration
what vital signs would be relevant in someone experiencing a headache?
vital signs/obvs - raised ICP can cause bradycardia/hypotension
neurological exam - full peripheral and cranial
if faintness - CVS
what are the red flag features of headaches?
systemic signs and disorders neurological symptoms onset new or changed and patient over 50 onset in thunderclap presentation papilloedema
what are the features of a headache caused by a space occupying lesion?
gradual onset
neurological feature - visual disturbances
early morning headache, nausea and vomit, worse on cough/bend indicating raised ICP
who is most likely to be affected by a migraine?
2x more females
most have attack before they are 30
severity decreases as age increases
what are the features of a headache caused by a migraine?
unilateral (often frontal), onset sudden or gradual, throbbing/pulsating, moderate intensity, lasts between 4 and 72 hours with cyclical character, photophobia/phonophobia, sleep helps, medications such as triptans help, may have aura, nausea and vomit
can be triggered by foods such as cheese or chocolate, or lack of sleep or stress
what is the possible pathophysiology of a migraine?
unknown - maybe due to vasodilation or ‘spreading depression’ in cortex but usually with FH
who is most likely to be affected by a tension headache?
if over 50 - think malignancy
what are the features of a tension headache?
bilateral frontal
can radiate to neck
squeezing/band like restriction, non pulsatile
mild-moderate, worse at end of day, chornic if more than 15x/month if less than episodic
aggrevated by stress, poor posture, lack of sleep
give analgesics, maybe sx of mild nausea
what is the pathophysiology of tension headaches?
tension in muscles of head and neck such as occipitofrontalis
no family history
who is most likely to be affected in medication overuse headache?
3rd most common type
30/40 year olds
what are the clinical features of medication overuse headaches?
present on at least 15 days per month
no improvement with over the counter medication
patients using analgesics on at least 10 days per month who usually take it for a headache in the first place
variety of symptoms
can co exist with depression and sleep disturbance
what is the management of medication overuse headaches?
discontinue medication
what is the pathophysiology of a medication overuse headache?
upregulation of pain receptors in meninges
who is most likely to be affected in a cluster headache?
20-40 yr olds
what are the clinical features of cluster headaches?
around/behind one eye
no radiation
sharp and penetrating
very severe and constant intensity
rapid onset
attacks last 15 min to 3 hours and occur 1/2x/day, usually at night
clusters of attacks - 2-12 weeks and remision between can last 3 months to 3 years
aggrevated by head injury, alcohol, smoking
relieved by simple analgesics
red watery eye, nasal congestion, ptosis (due to decreased sympathetic activity)
can be triggered by alcohol, hisatmine, GTN, heat, exercise, solvent inhalation, lack of sleep
who is most likely to be affected by trigeminal neuralgia?
50/60, increasing with age
females more
what are the features of trigeminal neuralgia?
unilateral, radiates to eyes, lips, nose and scalp
sharp and stabbing, electric shock feeling
severe, sudden onset, lasts a few secs/mins
light touch to face, eating, cold wind, vibrations
difficulty to alleviate
can have numbness and tingling before attack
what is the pathophysiology of trigeminal neuralgia?
compression of trigeminal nerve by vascular formation or by tumpurs, MS or skull base anomalies
more common in those with a history of chronic pain
how can one investigate headaches?
headache diary
other imaging
how can cluster headaches be treated?
high flow oxygen