9 general rule of the categorical syllogism Flashcards
rule 2 :
each term must occur in two propositions. the major term must occur in the conclusion as predicate and in one of the premises which is therefore called the major premise. the minor term must occur in the conclusion as subject and in the other premise which is therefore called the minor premise. the middle term must occur in both premises but not in the conclusion. hence there must be three propositions
9 general rule of the categorical syllogism
rule 1:
there must be three terms and only three. the major term the minor term and the middle term
rule 3 :
the major and minor terms may not be universal in the conclusion unless they are universal in the premises
rule 4 :
the middle term must be universal at least once
rule 5 :
if both premises are affirmative the conclusion must be affirmative
rule 6 :
if one premise is affirmative and the other negative the conclusion must be negative
rule 7:
if both premises are negative there is no conclusion at all
rule 8:
at least one of the premise must be universal
rule 9 :
if a premise is particular the conclusion must be particular