9) Euclidean Space and Isometries Flashcards
How should vectors be handled with respect to a basis in Rn
How does changing the basis affect the matrix representation of a linear transformation T in Rn
What is the inner product of two vectors
What is the modulus of a vector
When are a set of vectors orthogonal and orthonormal
Orthogonal - if whenever we have u, v ∈ S with u ≠ v then u · v = 0. Furthermore, S is orthonormal if in addition we have for all u ∈ S we have |u| = 1
What is the distance between two vectors
What are the properties of distance
What does it mean for an isomoprhism to be orientation preserving
What is an isometry
What conditions are equivalent for a linear transformation to be an isometry
What is a special orthogonal matrix
A matrix A is special orthogonal if it is an orthogonal matrix and
det A = 1
The set of special orthogonal n × n matrices is denoted by SO(n)
What is a translation
What is an affine transformation
A transformation of the form x → Ax + b
Are isometries affine transformations
Yes, isometries are affine
What are the classification of 2D isometries
Give an example of a glide reflection
When is an affine transformation orientation preserving
What is the Gram-Schmidt process
How does the orthogonal group O(n) act on the (n−1)-dimensional unit sphere S^n−1