11) Wallpaper Patterns Flashcards
What is a lattice
What is the rank of a lattice
The rank of a lattice is k
What is the rank of
What are the symmetries of a lattice
What rotation is always a symmetry of a lattice Λ, and why
What translation and linear transformation are symmetries of a lattice Λ
Describe the proof of which translations and linear transformations are symmetries of a lattice
What is a short generator pair for Λ
When are the elements of a short geneator pair greater than 0
What are the five types of of lattice Λ
When are the symmetry group for two lattices isomorphic
What homomorphism is defined for isometries of the form f(x) =Ax+b in E(2)
What is the subgroup of translations and the point group of a group G≤E(2)
What are the possible point groups of a lattice
What is a wallpaper group
How many wall paper groups are there
There are precisely 17 types of wallpaper groups
What is the quotient of a group G acting on a set X
The quotient is the set X/G ={Orb(x) | x ∈ X}, where each element of X/G is a subset of X, namely an orbit
What is a fundamental domain
Let G be a group acting on a set X. A fundamental domain is a subset Y ⊆ X such that for all x ∈ X there exists a unique y ∈ Y such that y ∈ Orb(x)
What is the relationship between a fundamental domain and the quotient space in group actions
Describe the proof that π : Y → X/G is a bijection
What are fundamental domains for the action of a lattice Λ on R^2 by translations