9. Delegated Underwriting Flashcards
A group of insurers which have formed an agreement to accept risks together, in a set proportion
Insurers brought together by a broker and take a proportion of a risk
Binding authority
Delegated underwriting authority to another entity
Why might an insurer delegate underwriting?
Local access
Other access
MGA vs Coverholder
MGA is a subset of coverholders - they only have insurers as clients unlike a coverholder
What does Lloyd’s consider for a new coverholder?
Systems and controls
Financial status
Authority in specified territories
System for coverholder application
Coverholder Undertaking
Formal document of standards expected by Lloyd’s
Coverholder authority types
Full authority - complete control granted
Pre determined rates - price matching or discretion at renewal
Pre determined rates with no discretion - no change at all from the rating matrix
Prior submit - all risks referred to UW first
3 elements to document coverholder binding agreement
- Binding authority schedule
- Binding authority agreement
- Non-schedule sections
Controls over delegated UW
Principle 1 - Underwriting profitability
expects that the UW strategy sets out appetite for use of DA
Process and controls in place
Business written to align with main business plan
Reporting to be suitable to enable challenges to be made
Visibility of costs incurred by use of delegation
Pricing done under contract of delegation
Controls over delegated UW
Principle 4 - claims management
A clear articulated appetite for outsourcing of claims
Detailed reporting from any party whom claims are outsourced
Controls over delegated UW
Principle 5 - customer outcomes
The conduct culture set by the board promotes good customer outcomes
Controls over delegated UW
Principle 11 - regulatory and financial crime
Expects: systems and controls implemented by coverholders to deliver contracted activities are at an appropriate standard and that financial crime training is done
Delegated Contract Oversight Manager
Online system used for registration of all Lloyd’s binding authority agreements
Benefits of a consortium
Broker - easy placement
Consortium leader - commission / fees
Followers - access to business without seeing a broker
All parties - administration
Lineslip declaration
Individual risk presented for agreement by the broker
Bulking / non-bulking lineslip
Indicate whether the broker can aggregate premium presentation to Xchanging (bulking) or presented individually (non-bulking)
Another term for lineslip