9 Consuming Flashcards
The Consumption Situation
Antecedent States (situation, context, time pressure, mood, shopping orientation) Purchase Environment (shopping experience, point-of-purchase stimuli, sales interactions) Postpurchase Process (consumer satisfaction, product disposal, alternative markets)
Time Poverty
…the chronic feeling of having too many things to do and not enough time to do them
- Social (acceleration of daily life, ideal worker norms)
- Organizational (changing nature, changes in work)
- Istitutional (Bureaucratic, strucutural)
- Psychological (undervalue time, disregard small time costs)
Consequences - Time poverty increases… Frequency of buying pre-prepared and take-away foods Use of medication to cope with demands and avoid visits to doctors Depression Emotional exhaustion Negative mood Work-vs-family conflict Trouble concentrating at work Physical inactivity - Time poverty decreases… Job satisfaction Self-assessed mental health Frequency of physical activity Life satisfaction
Retail Environment
- Environment (Ambient, SPace, Signs)
- Holistic Env (perceived servicescape)
- Moderators (employee and customer response moderator)
- Internal Responses (employee and customer: cognitive, emotional,psychologial)
- BEhavior ( Approach_Avoid - Interactions customers and emopl - Approach_Avoid)
Postpurchase Behavior
- Purchase (post purchase dissonance - nonuse)
- Usage (product disposal)
- Evaluation (complaint behavior)
- Satifaction
- Committed customers - Repeat cust - Increased Use - Brand switching - Discontinued use)
Postpurchase Behavior
- Purchase (post purchase dissonance - nonuse)
- Usage (product disposal)
- Evaluation (complaint behavior)
- Satifaction
- Committed customers - Repeat cust - Increased Use - Brand switching - Discontinued use)
Postpurchase Dissonance
Postpurchase Dissonance occurs when a consumer has doubts or anxiety
regarding the wisdom of a purchase made and is a function of the following:
• The degree of commitment or irrevocability of the decision
• The importance of the decision to the consumer
• The difficulty of choosing among the alternatives
• The individual’s tendency to experience anxiety
Postpurchase Dissonance Reduction
Increase the desirability of the brand purchased
• Decrease the desirability of rejected alternatives
• Decrease the importance of the purchase decision
• Reverse the purchase decision (return before use)
Product Disposition
- Package / Product
- Retain -> Store, Use for original puposes, Use for new purpose
- Get rid of -> Recylce, grabage, trade in, Sell, give away, Loan
Summary Consuming
Now, You Know…
…that many factors influence what we buy
…how marketers and designers try to ‘trick’ us making unplanned purchases
…how consumers can resolve postpurchase dissonance
…that recycling might not be the best way to go to solve the waste problem