9 Aspects Flashcards
Differentiation: Beliefs are at the heart of these symbol systems. That is not to say that the individual is incorporated into the system in the first place through beliefs.
Example: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Mt 18:20
Differentiation: Ethics is the codification of the rules for behavior, the way we make decisions about right and wrong, and the values that underlie such decision-making.
Example: The 10 commandment
Differentiation: Ritual is the repetition of an ordered special kind of behaviour, particularly relating to the religious beliefs of the community.
Differentiation: Texts are normally written (scriptures) but may be oral in pre-literate societies, or even non-verbal (picture or dance).
Differentiation: Symbols are objects or representations that point beyond themselves, beyond their surface meaning, to a deeper (in this case religious) meaning. They may be purely conventional signs, where we agree to let a specific form stand for something else; or they may be a part of our common human experience, natural symbols.
Social Structure
Social structure
Differentiation: Social Structure refers to the institutional aspects of the tradition, its internal organization, leadership and varied social roles; as well as to its relationship to the wider society.
Example: Laity (adherents who aren’t members of the clergy> Deacons> Priests(parish)> Bishop (one diocese)> Archbishop (several diocese)> Cardinal (equivalent of Government of the church)> Pope (Bishop of Rome)
Spiritual experiences
Spiritual Experiences
Deformation: When a powerful emotion is stirred by an encounter affecting one’s beliefs, emotions, and other aspects. This is an experience that transcends a person outside of their normal experience to the spiritual dimension.
Spaces, places, artefacts
Spaces, places ,time & Artefacts
Differentiation: Spaces: Designated areas where the sacred may be experiences and commitment demonstrated.
Places: Particular sites, such as a mountain, river, or valley.
Times: The organization of daily, weekly, monthly, or annual ceremonies, prayers, festivals, and rituals.
Artefacts: A source of identity or focus for prayer including statues, clothing, prayer mates, rosary beads, and so on.
Sacred Stories
Scared stories
Differentiation: Symbols are objects or representations that point beyond themselves, beyond their surface meaning, to a deeper (in this case religious) meaning. They may be purely conventional signs, where we agree to let a specific form stand for something else; or they may be a part of our common human experience, natural symbols