8.Muscles Of The Head Comnpleted Flashcards
What is the essential function of the muscle
Is to contract/or shorten- a unique charter is tic that sets it apart from other body tissues
]as a result- muscles are responsible for all body tissue movements Anne can be viewed as the machines of body
What are the three types of muscle ?
1- skeletal- striated, voluntary
2- cardiac, striated, involuntary
3- smooth involuntary
What are skeletal muscle fibres>
Fibres are Packaged into organs called skeletal muscles that attach to skeleton
Fibres are large, cigar shaped,multinucleate cells
Largest of muscle fibres
Also known as striated muscle and voluntary
Describe an overview of skim structure
Structure: joined muscle cells from muscle fibres surrounded by endomysium
Bundles of f form fascicles surrounded by perimysium
Multiple fascicles form muscle surrounded by epimysium
Muscle and epimysium are covered by fascia
Muscle attaches to bones via tendons
Explain the mysiums of skim
Endomysium- ct sheath enclosing each muscle fibre
Peri- fibrous membrane wrapping several sheathed muscle fibres, which forms bundle called fascicle
Epi- tougher overcoat of ct which bounds many fascicles
Tendon/aproneurosis - the ends of epi that extend beyond muscle blend into either cork like tendon, sheath like aponeurosis
Describe the cardiac muscle
Is found in the heart only where it forms the bulk of heart wall
Heart serves as a pump- propelling blood through blood vessels to all body tissues
Uni nucleate
Involuntary control
Describe the smooth muscle
No striations
Found mainly in walls of hollow organs
Uni nucleate
Arranges un layers- normally one running circularly and one longitudinally
These layers can change size/shape of orga as they contract/relax
What is the function of the skeletal muscle ?
Produce movement
Maintain posture/body position
Stabilise joints
Generate heat
Describe the interactions of sk m in body
Muscles can’t push- only pull as they contract- most body movement results from two+ muscles working together or against each other
They are arranges so that whatever one can do, the other muscles can reverse
In general - groups of m that produce opposite movements lie on opposite sides of joint
Prime mover- muscle that has major responsibility for causing a particular movement
What are antagonists?
Antagonists- muscles that reverse/oppose movement- when prime move is active- antagonist = stretched and relaxed- they can be prime movers in their own right but for different actions
Ie biceps brachii and brachial muscles of arm (prime moral of elbow flexation|) are antagonised by triceps brachii |(a prime mover of elbow extension?
What are synergists?
Help primers move by producing same movement or by reducing under sir able movements.
When muscle crosses two/more joints its contraction will cause movement in all the joints crossed unless synergists are used to stabilise them
What are fixators?
Specialised synergists, they hold a bone still or stabilise the origin of a prime mover
Naming skeletal muscle fibres
Direction of m fibres- rectus - straight
Relative size of m- maximus(largest), minimus (smallest)
Location of muscle
Number of origins- biceps,triceps,quadriceps
Location of muscles origin and insertion- sternocleidomastoid ( sterno= sternum cleido= clavicle)
Shape of muscle- deltoid - triangular
Action of muscle- flexor, extensor, adductor
What are the arrangement of fascicles ?
Pennate- up pen ate -bi-multi
Describe muscle of the scalp
Orgin- occipital belly : lateral thirds of superior nuchal line on occipital bone and mastoid part of temporal n bone
Frontal belly- fibres continuos with those of procerus medially and orbicularis oculi laterally
Insertion- into galea aponeurotia
Innervation- posterior auricular branch of facial nerve v11
Action- draws back scalp, raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead in expression of surprise
Muscles of scalp
Origin- from temporal fascia above and in front of auricle of ear
Insertion- onto temporal fascia and skin on side of head
Innervation- temporal branch of facial nerve v11
Action- tightens scalp and draws back skin of temples
Extrinsic muscle of ear
Anterior Auricular
Origin- anterior part of temporal fascia
Insertion- onto spine of helix
Innervation- posterior auricular branch of facula nerve v11
Action- draws auricle backward - minimal action
Extrisinc muscle of ear
Superior Auricular
Origin- epicranial aponeurosis
Insertion- upper part of cranial surface of auricle of ear
Innervation- temporal b ranch of facial nerve v11
Action- draws auricle of ear upward- minimal action
Extrinsic muscle of ear
Posterior auricular
Posterior auricular
Origin- mastoid process of temporal bone
Insertion-medial surface of auricle at convexity of concha
Innervation- temporal branch if facial nerve v11
Action- draws auricle of ear upwards- minimal action
Muscle of the eyelid
Orbi-cularis : palpebral part
Origin- medial palpebral ligament
Insertion- cross the eyelids and interlace t form lateral palpebral raphe (ridge/groove)
Innervation: temporal and zygomatic branches if factual nerve v11
Action- closes eyelids gently as in sleeping/blinking
Muscles of eyelids
Orbi-cularis oculi : orbital part
Origin- nasal part of frontal bone, frontal process of maxilla: medial palpebral ligament]
Insertion- forms elipse around orbit without interruption on lateral side
Innervation- temporal/zygomatic branches of facial nerve v11
Actions- closes eyelids when a more forceful contraction is nessecary- winking
Muscle of eyelids
Corrugator supercilii
Origin- medial end of superciliary arch
Insertion- deep surface of sin above middle of supraorbital margin
Innervation- temporal branch of facial Nerve v11
Action- draws eyebrows medially and down
Muscles of the nose
Origin- from fascia over lower part of nasal bone
Insertion- into skin of lower part of forehead between eyebrows
Innervatiob- buccal branch of facial nerve v11
Action- draws down the medial angle of eyebrows- frowning- or in concentration
Muscles of nose]
Nasalis transverse part
Origin- from maxilla lateral to nasal notch
Insertion- ascends to bridge of nose
Innervatiion- buccal branch if facial nerve v11
Action- compresses nasal aperture
Muscles of nose
Nasalis alar part
Origin- from maxilla above the lateral incisor tooth
Insertion- attaches to cartilaginous ala of nose
Innervation- buccal branch of facial nerve v11
Action- assists in opening the nasal aperture in deep inspiration
Muscles of the mouth
Levator labii superioris
Origin- along lower part of orbit from maxilla/zygomatic bones
Inversion- upper lip between levators anguli orris and labii superioris alaque Nass
Innervation- buccal branch of the facial nerve v11
Action raises upper lip and carries it forward
Muscle of mouth
Levator labii superioris alaque nasi
Origin- upper part of frontal process of maxilla
Insertion- Insterys by two slips: into alar cartilage and into upper lip with Levator labii superioris
Innervation- buccal branch if facial nerve v11
Action- raises upper lip_+ dilates nostril
Muscles of mouth
Levator anguli orris
Origin : canine fossa of maxilla - just below infra orbital fora men
Insertion- into angle of mouth, merging with orbbicularis orris, depressor anguli orris and zygomatic us major
Innervation- buccal branch of facial nerve v11
Action- raises angle of mouth +forms nasolabial furrow
Muscles of mouth
Zygomaticus minor
Origin- lateral surface of zygomatic bone
Insertion - upper lip between Levator superioris and zygomaticus major
Innervation- buccal branch of facial nerve v11
Action- elevates upper lip and helps form nasolabial furrow
Muscles of mouth
Zygomaticus major
Origin- from zygomatic bone in front of zygomatic o-temporal suture
Insertion- into angle of mouth with Levator and depressor anguli orris and orbiculari orismuscles
Innervation- buccal branch facial nerve v11
Action- draws angle of mouth upwards/backwards- laughing
Muscles of mouth
Origin- from parotid over masseter muscle
Insertion- into skin at angle of the mouth
Innervation- buccal branch facial nerve v11
Action- retracts angle of mouth
Muscles of mouth
Depressor labii inferior-is
Origin- oblique line of mandible between symphysis Menti and the mental fora men
Insertion- into lower lip and at midline , blending with muscle from other side
Innervation- Mandi ulnar branch of facial nerve v11
Action- draws the lower lip downward and bit laterally
Muscle mouth
Depressor anguli orris
Orgin- from oblique line of mandible , lateral and below depressor labii inferior-is
Insertion- into angle of mouth. Blending with orbicularis orris and risorius
Innervation- Mandibular branch of facial nerve v11
Action- draws angle of mouth down and laterally - in expression of sadness
Muscles of mouth
Origin- from incisive fossa of mandible
Insertion- into skin of chin
Innervation- mandibular branch of facial nerve v11
Action- raise/protrudes lower lip: wrinkles chin in expression of doubt/distain
Muscle of mouth
Orbicularis orris
Origin- fibres derived from other facial muscles- (buccinator, levators, depressors, of lips and angles, zygomatic muscle) pass into lips: also some intrinsic muscle fibres make up orbicularis orris
Insertion- several strata of muscle fibres form spinchter like muscle with fibers that decussate (intersect) at angles of mouth
Innervation- buccal branch of facial nerve v11
Action- closes lips and its deep fibres can press lips against teeth, also it protrudes the lips - important in speech
Muscle of mouth
Origin: alveolar process of mandible and maxilla; posteriorly it arises from the pterygomandibular raphe (ridge) opposite superior constrictor
Insertion: fibers course forward to blend into the formation of the orbicularis oris, decussating at the angles of the mouth
Innervation: buccal branch of the facial nerve (VII)
Action: compresses the cheeks during chewing; also compresses the
Origin: zygomatic surface of maxilla and the zygomatic arch
Insertion: lateral surface of ramus mandible and the coronoid process of mandible
Innervation: masseteric branch of mandibular nerve (branch of trigeminal cranial nerve V)
Action: closes the jaw by elevating the mandible
Lateral pterygoid
Origin: superior head: infratemporal crest and lateral surface of greater wing of sphenoid bone; inferior head: lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid
Insertion: neck of condyle of mandible; articular disk and capsule of temporomandibular joint
Innervation: lateral pterygoid branch of mandibular nerve (branch of trigeminal cranial nerve V)
Action: opens mouth by drawing condyle and disk forward; acting together: protrudes mandible
Medial pterygoid
Origin: Deep head: medial surface of lateral pterygoid (wing like) plate of sphenoid; pyramidal process of palatine bone; Superficial head: pyramidal process of palatine bone; tuberosity of maxilla
Insertion: lower and posterior part of medial surface of ramus and angle of mandible
Innervation: medial pterygoid branch of mandibular nerve (branch of trigeminal cranial nerve V)
Action: elevates mandible closing jaw; acting together protrudes mandible; acting alone: protrudes one side