88 Stds Flashcards
Who is the AC?
Pilot vested with overall responsibility for a/c and crew. Either IP for stud rides or as signed out as PIC
Who is the IPOR?
IP in RCP of student’s aircraft except solo, SAT, CAS, ACM where IPOR is FL
Who is FL?
AC vested w overall responsibility for all aircraft and aircrew in formation
What does the term “lead” mean?
Admin lead
What does WG mean?
Pilot in #2 or #4 position
What is a breather?
IP in RCP of student a/c cleared solo but can’t due to syllabus or weather
What should you fill out on the data card?
Players c/s if O-5 and below, top portion and every formation’s info for the go
How should threat briefings go?
1) . Class/source
2) . What it is
3) . How threat to me
4) . How know tgting?
5) . How defeat it?
What should wingmen/trainees be prepped to brief?
Wx, NOTAMS, range NOTAMs, threat and EPOD. Also AHAS for range/LL and contact range officer for wx/bird conditions
What is brief time?
1+35 TO time
FL should terminate briefing when?
By 15 min
What should you be ready with at step?
Tail numbers, TOLD, and DTCs
When is debrief?
1+30 after TO
How will the FL debrief the sortie?
Motherhood, admin, adversary fill-ins, review ACMI for setup, TR violations, shot validity. For OBFM and HABFM audio WILL be on
How should you prep for a LL?
Put it into the deconfliction system and notify Sup of plan NLT 1.5 hrs prior to TO. Ops sup will ensure it’s good NLT 1 hr prior to TO
How would you verbalize c/s SATAN01?
“SATAN1”. Do not verbalize zeros
How will comms work?
UHF is prime and VHF is aux, all radio changes refer to prime unless say aux, Washita MOA F.O. to terminate called on prime
What do stds say about Guard?
Wingmen may toggle offGuard for 1 minute via G-button without telling FL
What does “2 cleared ATIS” mean?
Can switch off prime to get ATIS and report back on last assigned “Satan2, up ch (X)with (ATIS identifier)”
Will read ATIS “(rwy), (altimeter), (add’l notes worth noting)
What should you acknowledge?
Anything which cannot be visually confirmed
What is the PF’s job?
Checklist procedures, avionics, configuration, challenge and response ack by PNF
What are min items to be confirmed for challenge and response?
Safe seat, 2 pins in; strap in; good PRICE; throttle gate engaged; fire light test; TOLD review; pins removed and stowed/installed; seat hot/safe; ISS; loose items stowed”
When can you remove pins and install pins?
Clear of sun shades; in the taxi
When is step?
-35 min from TO
When is check-in?
15 min from TO
What should you do prior to and for check-in?
Get ATIS, monitor lead, ack clearance on aux if pushed to 2
What is signal that ready for check-in before time?
Thumbs up
What is signal that ready to start before check-in with battery power?
Beacons on or thumbs up if can’t see beacons
How does engine start work?
Push to 3 is clearance that should start. After start switch back to ch 1. Report any delays by radio, visual contact or mx
If someone aborts after start what will happen?
FL will direct shutdown and all will monitor Ch 1. When player going to spare calls it in, they are ready for start. All players without ext power will leave battery off until see spare donning helmet
How do you signal that you’re ready for taxi?
Chocks pulled and crew chief in front of ac.
How does Bullseye/Alpha checks work?
B/w 1 & 3 in 4-ship; same “same” unless more than 1 nm off then state own bearing and range
What do stds say about rwy crossing?
When going to 33C on Foxtrot expect to be pushed to Tinder Ch 4
What do stds say about EOR?
Auto select Tower or Tinder on prime entering the EOR, #2 matches #1’s place in spot and #3&4 line up helmets. Turn on ldg lights in SEQUENCE 4 to 3 to 2 to 1
Air to Ground F.I.?
1-CMD on Q-alt/RALT UHF-as directed IFF-A/G mode/A/A TCN on TCAS-on, 4000 Suit-checks EGI- set to tgt Weapons-set for first pass