synthesising a polypeptide #1
ribosome becomes attached to starting codon (AUG) at one end of mRNA molecule
synthesising a polypeptide #2
tRNA molecule with complementary anticodon sequence (UAC) moves to ribosome + pairs up with codon on mRNA
this tRNA carries specific amino acid (methionine)
synthesising a polypeptide #3
tRNA molecules with complementary anticodon pairs with next codon on mRNA
this tRNA molecule carries another amino acid
synthesising a polypeptide #4
ribosome moves along mRNA, bringing together two tRNA molecules at any one time, each pairing with corresponding two codons on mRNA
synthesising a polypeptide #5
two amino acids on tRNA joined by peptide bond using enzyme + ATP which is hydrolysed to provide required energy
synthesising a polypeptide #6
ribosome moves on to third codon in sequence on mRNA, thereby linking amino acids on second + third tRNA molecules
synthesising a polypeptide #7
first tRNA released from its amino acid + is free to collect another amino acid from amino acid pool in cell
synthesising a polypeptide #8
process continues with up to 15 amino acids being added each second, until polypeptide chain built up
synthesising a polypeptide #9
up to 50 ribosomes can pass immediately behind first, so many identical polypeptides can be assembled simultaneously
synthesising a polypeptide #10
synthesis of polypeptide continues until ribosome reaches stop codon
at this point, ribosome mRNA + last tRNA molecule all separate + polypeptide chain complete
What does the DNA sequence of triplets that make up a gene determine?
sequence of codons on mRNA
What does the sequence of codons on mRNA determine?
order in which tRNA molecules line up
What does the order in which tRNA molecules line up determine?
sequence of amino acids in polypeptide
What does a single polypeptide chain sometimes act as?
functional protein
Often how many polypeptide chains give a functional protein?
often, number of polypeptides linked together to give functional protein (quaternary structure)
What happens to the polypeptide chains when it makes a protein? (3)
polypeptide coiled/folded, producing its secondary structure
secondary structure folded, producing tertiary structure
different polypeptide chains, along with any non-protein groups, linked to form quaternary structure