Thermodynamics- Vapour Power Cycles Flashcards
What are the impracticalities associated with a Carnot cycle within the saturation dome of a pure substance water?
Limiting the heat transfer processes to two-phase systems severely limits the maximum temperature that can be used in the cycle (must remain under critical point) which limits thermal efficiency (process 1-2). The turbine cannot handle steam with high moisture (low quality) as in process 2-3. Process 4-1 (isentropic compression) involves liquid-vapour mixture and it isn’t practical to design a compressor which handles two phases.
Why can’t a Carnot cycle be used for vapour power cycles starting above the saturation dome?
Requires isentropic compression to extremely high pressures and isothermal heat transfer at variable pressures.
How can the impracticalities of the Carnot cycle be eliminated for a vapour power cycle?
Superheating the steam in the boiler and condensing it completely in a condenser
Describe the Rankine cycle
The ideal cycle for vapour power plants. Doesn’t involve any internal irreversibilities. Has 4 steps of
1-2: Isentropic compression in a pump
2-3: Constant pressure heat addition in a boiler
3-4: Isentropic expansion in a turbine
4-1: Constant pressure heat rejection in a condenser
Describe the T-s graph of the ideal Rankine cycle
Has the normal saturation curve. Starts near bottom left on saturation curve. Moves vertically up to a new pressure on liquid side at state 2. Straight diagonal line to higher T and s point on curve. Horizontal line to other side of curve. Line curves upwards to state 3 on vapour side. Vertical line down to same temperature as state 1 (just inside saturation curve). Horizontal line back to state 1.
Describe what goes on in the ideal vapour power cycle
Water enters pump at state 1 as saturated liquid. Is compressed isentropically to operating pressure of boiler. Water temperature increases during this compression due to a slight increase in its v. Water enters boiler as compressed liquid at state 2 and leaves as superheated vapour at state 3. This enters the turbine where it expands isentropically and produces work by rotation the shaft connected to an electric generator. Pressure and T drop during this process to state 4 (high quality saturated liquid-vapour mixture) when it enters a condenser. Leaves as saturated liquid and enters pump at state 1.
What does the area enclosed on a T-s graph of the Rankine cycle represent?
The net work produced during the cycle
What can be steady-flow energy per unit mass equation for the Rankine cycle be reduced to?
This is because kinetic and potential energy changes usually small relative to work and heat transfer terms
Think e and i mean end and initial
Which types of energy change are 0 for each component of a Rankine cycle?
Pump: q=0
Boiler: w=0
Turbine: q=0
Condenser: w=0
What are the conservation of energy relations for each component in a Rankine cycle?
Pump: win=h2-h1 or win=v(P2-P1) Boiler: qin=h3-h2 Turbine: wout=h3-h4 Condenser: qout=h4-h1 All numbers are subscript and the works are for that specific component.
Formula for thermal efficiency of the Rankine cycle
Uses wnet=qin-qout=work output of turbine-work input of pump
th, net, in and out subscript
How can the thermal efficiency of a Rankine cycle be interpreted using its T-s graph?
Ratio of area enclosed by the cycle on the T-s diagram to the area under the heat-addition process
Name two common sources of irreversibilities in a vapour power cycle
Fluid friction and heat loss to the surroundings
What does fluid friction mean for a vapour power cycle in practice?
Causes pressure drops in boiler, condenser (small) and piping between components. To compensate, water must be pumped to a sufficiently higher pressure than the ideal cycle calls for meaning a larger pump and a larger work input to the pump.
What does heat loss from the steam to the surroundings mean in practice for a vapour power cycle?
To maintain the same level of net work output, more heat needs to be transferred to the steam in the boiler to compensate for the undesired heat losses. Therefore cycle efficiency decreases.
How does the T-s graph of a real vapour power cycle deviate from that of the ideal Rankine cycle if nothing is done to compensate for irreversibilities?
1-2: vertical line becomes diagonally right so state 2 further up
2-3: horizontal line becomes diagonally down and curve upwards has same gradient as before so state 3 further right
3-4: vertical line becomes diagonally right so state 4 not under saturation curve and is higher
4-1: horizontal line becomes diagonally down, bit curvy from state 4 to saturation curve
How does the T-s graph of a real vapour power cycle deviate from that of the ideal Rankine cycle for irreversibilities of pump and turbine alone?
Only 2 differences in processes.
1-2: vertical line becomes diagonally right so state 2 is higher
3-4: vertical line becomes diagonally right from 3 to saturation curve, then curves right once under saturation curve to T at state 1 so state 4 is further right
Formula for isentropic efficiency of pump
Where P, s, a and numbers are subscript
State 2a is actual exit state of the pump
State 2s is the exit state for the isentropic case
Formula for isentropic efficiency of turbine
Where T, s, a and numbers are subscript
State 4a is actual exit state of the turbine
State 4s is the exit state for the isentropic case
Basic idea behind all modifications to increase thermal efficiency of a power cycle
Increase the average temperature at which heat is transferred to the working fluid in the boiler, or decrease the average temperature at which heat is rejected from the working fluid in the condenser
How does lowering the condenser pressure increase thermal efficiency?
It automatically lowers the temperature of the steam and thus the temperature at which heat is rejected. On the T-s diagram, the lower horizontal line is lowered so greater enclosed area. However the pressure must be at least the saturation pressure corresponding to the temperature of the cooling medium. Also, it increases the moisture content of the steam in the final stages of the turbine which can lead to corroded blades.
Why is the steam superheated in a vapour power cycle?
Increases the average temperature at which heat is transferred to the steam. On the T-s diagram, the right vertical line moves right and starts higher so the area enclosed is greater. Both the net work and heat input increase. Also, decreases the moisture content of the steam at the turbine exit. Temperature limited to what the materials can withstand.
How does increasing the boiler pressure improve thermal efficiency?
It automatically raises the temperature at which boiling takes place so raises the average temperature at which heat is transferred to the steam. On the T-s diagram, the line from state 2 to 3 is raised meaning state 3 is further left but overall there is an increase in wnet. Does however increase the moisture content of the steam at the turbine exit.
Describe the T-s diagram for a supercritical Rankine cycle
Same as normal but process from stage 2 to 3 doesn’t cross saturation curve and goes above it. This line starts with a steep gradient which decreases gradually, then a lot as it approaches the critical point, then nearly straight curving up a bit towards state 3.
How does the ideal reheat Rankine cycle work?
The steam is expanded in the turbine in two stages and reheated in between. In the first stage, the steam is expanded isentropically by a high pressure turbine to an intermediate pressure and sent back to the boiler where it is reheated at constant pressure to the temperature of the first turbine stage. Steam then expands isentropically in the second stage using a low-pressure turbine to the condenser pressure.
Equations for the heat input and work output of the ideal reheat a Rankine cycle
Numbers are subscript and refer to states on the T-s diagram
Describe the T-s diagram of the ideal reheat Rankine cycle
Sam as normal but state 4 becomes 6. Vertical line down from 3 stops at new state 4 (still above saturation curve). Then diagonal line right up to new state 5 (same temperature as 3). Then vertical line down to what is now state 6.
What is feedwater?
The water leaving the pump and entering the boiler
How does the ideal regenerative Rankine cycle work in practice?
Steam is extracted from the turbine at various points. This steam could have produced more works by expanding further in the turbine but is used to heat the feedwater instead. The device where the feedwater is heated by regeneration is called a regenerator or feedwater heater (FWH).
What is the problem between state 2 and the saturation curve in the Rankine cycle?
Heat is transferred to the working fluid at a relatively low temperature lowering the average heat addition temperature and thus the cycle efficiency.
What is a feedwater heater?
A heat exchanger where heat is transferred from the steam to the feedwater either by mixing the two fluid streams (open FWHs) or without mixing them (closed FWHs).
What are the advantages of regeneration in a Rankine cycle?
It improves thermal efficiency because it raises the average temperature at which heat is transferred to the steam by raising the temperature of the water before it reaches the boiler. Provides a means of deaerating the feedwater (removing air that leaks in at the condenser). Helps to control the large volume flowrate of the steam at the final stages of the turbine (due to large specific volumes at low pressures).
How does an open feedwater heater work in a regenerative Rankine cycle?
It is basically a mixing chamber where the steam extracted from the turbine mixes with the feedwater exiting the pump. Ideally the mixture leaves the heater as a saturated liquid at the heater pressure. It is connected to the turbine, the normal pump and sends the saturated liquid to another pump (pump II) which raises the pressure of the water to boiler pressure.
Describe the T-s diagram of an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with an open feedwater heater
Starts at bottom left on sat curve and goes vertically up a bit to state 2. Then normal diagonal to sat curve at new state 3. Then vertically up a bit again to state 4. Then diagonal to sat curve, then horizontal under sat curve, then curve up to state 5. Vertical line down to state 6 (outside sat curve). Extra line curves back to sat curve then horizontal back to state 3. Vertical line down from 6 to 7 which is under sat curve at state 1 temperature. Horizontal line back to state 1.
Equations for work and heat in and out of ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with open feedwater heater
qin=h5-h4 qout=(1-y)(h7-1) wturb,out=(h5-h6)+(1-y)(h6-h7) wpump,in=(1-y)wpumpI,in+wpumpII,in y is fraction of steam extracted from the turbine wpumpI,in=v1(P2-P1) wpumpII,in=v3(P4-P3)
How does a closed feedwater heater work in an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle?
No mixing takes place during heat transfer so the two streams can be at different pressures. Ideally, the feedwater is heated to the exit temperature of the extracted steam, which ideally leaves the heater as a saturated liquid at the extraction pressure. The condensed steam is then either pumped to the feedwater line or routed to another heater or the condenser by a trap. The heater is connected to the turbine, pump I, pump II and a mixing chamber.
What does a trap do?
It allows the liquid from the condensed steam (after a closed FWH) to be throttled to a lower pressure region but traps the vapour. The enthalpy of the steam remains constant during this process.
Describe the T-s diagram of an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with a closed FWH
Starts at bottom left on sat curve. Goes vertically up a bit to state 2. Diagonal line to new state 9 (between FWH and mixer) then state 5 (between mixer and boiler) then reaches sat curve, horizontal under sat curve, curves up to state 6. Vertical line down to 7 (outside sat curve). Extra line curves to sat curve, the horizontal to other side of sat curve at state 3 (between FWH and pump II), then vertically up to join diagonal line from 5 at state 4. Vertical down from 7 to 8 (sam temperature as 1 and under sat curve). Horizontal to state 1.
What is process heat?
The heat energy that some systems or devices need for their energy input
What is cogeneration?
The production of more than one useful form of energy (such as process heat and electric power) from the same energy source.
Describe the layout of an ideal cogeneration plant
Has water going into the pump. This goes to the boiler to make steam. The steam turns the turbine. The steam then flows to a process heater instead of condenser so no heat is rejected from the plant as waste heat. Therefore all of the energy transferred to the steam is utilised as either process heat or electric power.
What is the utilisation factor of a cogeneration plant?
εu=(Net work output+Process heat delivered)/Total heat input
Equal to (W•net+Q•p)/Q•in
Equal to 1-Q•out/Q•in
Where Q•out is heat rejected in the condenser
All • are above letter and u is subscript
What is the utilisation factor of real and ideal cogeneration plants?
Ideal- 100%
Real- 80% and above