8.4: Crime And Punshiment Flashcards
Why are laws needed? (6)
- All groups need rules to organise the behavior of individuals.
- Laws in business ensure people are paid and treated fairly.
- To protect the weak from the strong.
- To keep advanced societies organised.
- To live without fear.
- To give guidance on acceptable behaviour.
Why must there be a connection between law and justice? (4)
St Thomas Aquinas said an unjust law is not a proper law because…
•If a law is unjust people will feel that it is right to break the law.
•If some laws are unjust people may think all laws are unjust so they’re not fulfilling their purpose.
•If laws don’t give people justice, people will take law into their own hands.
•A civil war may be caused if the legal system does not work.
Why is retribution used as a form of punishment? (4)
- It makes criminals pay for their crime in proportion to the severity of the crime they have committed.
- It makes criminals suffer for what they have done wrong.
- The victims suffer so the criminal should too.
- To make an offender suffer for what they have done.
Why is deterrence used as the main method for of punishment? (2)
- The aim of punishment is to stop people from commiting crimes.
- It will put people off committing crimes.
Why is reform used as a form of punishment? (4)
- To reform criminals so that they become honest to the law.
- Most criminals commit crimes because of how they have been brought up.
- Criminals may not know how to live without crime.
- Criminals gain an education and qualification so that they can find a proper job and no longer feel the need to be a criminal.
Why is protection used as a form of punishment? (3)
- Capital punishment is a good punishment for murderers and terrorists because if they are dead, they are not a threat to people.
- Long prison sentences are a good punishment for violent people.
- Criminals are kept out of society so that people are protected.
Why is justice important for Christians? (7)
The Bible:
•God is just and will reward those who are just and fair and punish those who sin.
•People should be treated fairly and not cheated.
•God wants the world to be truly fair.
•Christians should be concerned about fairness because God cares.
- Jesus said that the rich should share with the poor.
- Jesus’ teachings: There are many statements in the New Testament about how Christians should treat people fairly and equally.
- The Christian Churches have made many statements about the need for Christians to work for justice and fairness in the world.
Why is justice important for Muslims? (8)
- The Qur’an teaches that God is just, God will reward the good and punish the bad on the day of judgement.
- If Muslims do not work for justice, they may be sent to hell on the last day.
- Islamic teaching on the last day is the basis of justice.
- As vice-gerents of God’s creation Muslims must behave justly to other people and to ensure that the world is governed in a fair way.
- People should have equal rights before the law.
- Muslims should work for a fairer sharing of the Earth’s resources.
- The pillar of Zakah is trying to bring justice.
- It is unjust to be involved in charging interest.
What are arguments against capital punishment? (8)
- Many murderers do not expect to be caught and do not think they will be punished and don’t think about the punishment.
- Human life is the most important thing there is so no one has the right to take it.
- Executing murderers demonstrates that society doesn’t accept human life as sacred.
- Murderers think that life in prison is worse than the death penalty and they try to commit suicide.
- No court system can be sure that the correct verdict is always given; innocent people can be convicted.
- Terrorists who are executed are hailed as martyrs and encourage others.
- Statistics show that countries without the death penalty have a lower murder rate.
- When murderers are caught they may kill more.
What are arguments for capital punishment? (4)
- It will act as a deterrent and there will be fewer criminals.
- To protect society from murderers and terrorists.
- Human life is the most significant thing there is and the value of human life can only be shown by giving punishment.
- The only retribution/compensation for taking a life is for the criminals life to be taken.
What are Christian arguments for capital punishment? (4)
- The Bible sets down the death penalty as punishment for a number of crimes and so it is allowed by God.
- The Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England have not retracted their statements which allow the state to use capital punishment.
- Christian thinkers such as St Thomas Aquinas arises that punishment in Christianity should reform the sinners and secure peace for society.
- The Christian Church itself used capital punishment in the past for the crime of hearsay. This means that capital punishment cannot be un-Christian.
What are Christian arguments against capital punishment? (6)
- Christianity is based on the belief that Jesus came to reform sinners.
- It is impossible to reform somebody who has been executed.
- Jesus banned retribution when he said an eye for an eye is wrong.
- For Christians the law of the New Testament has replaced the law of the Old Testament which permits capital punishment.
- Human life is sacred and only God has the right to take life. If abortion and euthanasia are wrong then the death penalty must also be wrong.
- Most of the Christian Churches have condemned capital punishment even those which have not such as the Catholic Church.
What are Islamic views for capital punishment? (6)
- It is a punishment set down by God in the Qur’an.
- The Qur’an is the word of God.
- Muhammad made several statements agreeing with capital punishment for murder, adultery and apostasy.
- Muhammad sentenced people to death for murder when he was ruler of Madinah.
- Muhammad is the example Muslims should follow.
- The Shari’ah says that capital punishment is the punishment for murder, adultery and apostasy and Muslims are expected to follow the holy law of Islam.
What are Islamic views against capital punishment? (3)
- Capital punishment is recommended by the Quran, but it’s not compulsory.
- The Shari’ah states that the family of a murdered victim can accept blood money from the murderer rather than requiring the death penalty.
- Non-religious arguments against capital punishment are accepted.
What are the UK laws on tobacco? (6)
- It is illegal to sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of eighteen.
- All tobacco packs must have large health warnings and they must also carry shocking pictures on the effects of smoking.
- All adverts for tobacco products are banned.
- It is against the law to smoke in all indoor public places and workplaces.
- You can be prosecuted for smoking while driving.
- In shops, cigarettes must be kept in an enclosed cabinet.
What are the UK laws on alcohol? (4)
- It is illegal to give an alcoholic drink to a child under five.
- Young people aged sixteen or seventeen can drink beer, wine or cider with a meal under the supervision of an adult.
- It is against the law for people under eighteen to buy alcohol.
- Some towns and cities have local by-laws banning drinking alcohol in public.
What are social problems of tobacco?
•Families of drug users are upset by watching their loved ones die slowly from diseases that could have been prevented if they had never smoked.
What are social problems alcohol? (3)
- 41% of all deaths.
- 30% of drowning deaths.
- 45-55% of fire fatalities.
•Increase in accidents.
What are social problems of illegal drugs? (2)
- All drug dealers are criminals.
* It leads to violence between different criminal gangs operating transport and supply of drugs.
Why is using drugs wrong? (3)
- It effects health.
- It costs the NHS which puts a restraint on its economic value.
- It costs the public money as they pay taxes.
Why are Christians against the use of drugs? (4)
- Christians obey the law as long as it’s just.
- St. Paul taught that a Christian’s body is a temple of the holy spirits which should not be abused.
- Taking drugs has mental effects which makes it difficult to worship God properly or follow the Christian way of life.
- All Christian Churches teach that the use of illegal drugs are wrong.
Why do Christians approach tobacco and alcohol with moderation? (4)
- Jesus turned water into wine so he must have approved of drinking alcohol.
- Jesus drank wine during his life and even at his death and Christians see Jesus as the ultimate role model.
- Most Churches use alcoholic wine in their communion service, so Christians must be able to drink wine in moderation.
- Jesus used bread and wine at his last supper and told his disciples to continue the tradition.
Why are Christians against alcohol and tobacco? (5)
- It abuses God’s temple just as much as taking drugs.
- They are concerned with the social and health problems.
- Christians should set an example of a good and healthy lifestyle by abstaining from them.
- Many of these Christians are involved in working with alcoholics and know how much it helps in apical situation and if they are supported by others who refuse to have alcohol.
- The Bible teaches that the consumption of alcohol impairs judgment, influences and invites violence.
Why are Muslims prohibited from drugs and alcohol? (5)
- Muhammad said on several occasions that not only must Muslims not drink alcohol, they must have nothing to do with the production or sale of alcohol.
- The Qur’an says that intoxicants are a mean of Satan trying to keep them from saying their prayers.
- Muhammad said that every intoxicant is Khamr and every Khamr is forbidden to Muslims.
- Muslim lawyers take Muhammad’s statement ‘do not harm yourself or others’ to mean that alcohol and illegal drugs are forbidden because they all harm the body.
- Committing suicide is forbidden- taking drugs is just the same.
Should religious people have shops selling alcohol? (2)
- Religious people can be poor and so if owning an alcohol shop prevents them from being poor.
- Jesus turned water into wine and so he must have approved of drinking alcohol.
What are UK laws on illegal drugs? (4)
•They are divided into classes from A to C.
It is an offence to…
•Possess a controlled substance unlawfully or with intent.
•To supply or offer a controlled substance.
•To allow the premises you occupy or manage have a purpose for drug taking.