8.3: Peace And Conflict Flashcards
Why is the UN important for world peace?
To stop threats to world peace by…
•Imposing sanctions on countries threatening world peace.
•Authorising of the use of force by member states to stop an aggression.
•Sending a peacekeeping force to prevent the start of a conflict or to stabilise environments to reach a peace agreement.
•Negotiating a meeting between opposing sides in order to achieve a peaceful decision
What is the International Criminal Court (ICC)?
•It ensures the international laws are upheld and war criminals are prosecuted.
What are war crimes?
- The murder or ill treatment and deportation of civilians of an occupied territory to slave labour camps.
- The malicious destruction of cities, towns and villages.
- The killing of hostages and prisoners of war.
- Any destruction not justified by military.
Describe the Kosovo case study:
- Used to be apart of Yugoslavia.
- In 1974, Kosovo was made an independent province.
- In the 1980s, Kosovo became apart of Serbia.
- Kosovo had no power in riling itself.
- The Serb army started to ethnically cleanse the ethnic Kosovan Albanians, who fled to neighbouring countries.
- The UN got involved and allowed NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) countries to bomb Serbian forces.
- Since 1999, a peacekeeping force has kept the Serb army out of Kosovo.
- Kosovo became independent in 2008.
How do religious organisations work for peace?
- Public debates are organised to inform people on the horrors and conflicts of war.
- Public statements are made.
- Protests are organised against wars.
- Inter-faith conferences are arranged to encourage all religions to work together to support world peace.
- Charities improve the standard of living of the poor.
- Governments are persuaded to respect human rights.
Why do wars occur?
•One country may feel that another country is mistreating followers of their religion, so they invade to protect their co-religionests.
2)•Nationalism and Ethnicity:
•The belief that each separate ethnic group should have its own country due to the different cultures.
•The belief that minor ethnic groups should be removed from a country to ensure the country only has one ethnic group.
•If a country has resources that another country wants or needs.
4)•Ideological and Political Differences:
•Differences of morals and how countries should be ran.
•For power.
How are just wars caused?
- In self-defence when a country attacks.
- To remove injustices, such as genocide.
- War is being fought by the authority of the UN.
- The intention of restoring peace.
- As a last resort after non-violent methods fail.
- There is a reasonable chance of success.
- Methods used avoid killing civilians.
- Methods used are proportional to the cause (e.g. army sizes must be equal).
Why are Christians against just wars and for pacifism?
•No modern war should be just as modern warfare affects so many innocent; war cannot be justified.
•The fifth commandment states Christians should not kill.
•Jesus’ teachings:
In the Sermon that Christians should love their enemies.
Jesus stopped Peter from using violence when he was arrested by the soldiers.
•There are too many effects on civilians.
•There has been Christian pacifists for first 300 years due to opinions of great leaders.
Why are Christians for fighting in just wars?
- Main Christian Churches teach that Christians can fight in just wars.
- St Paul said (in Romans 13 and Titus 3) Christians have to obey the orders of the government because governments are authorised by God.
- Jesus never condemned (disapproved) the soldiers he met, meaning Christians could also be soldiers.
- To protect the innocent.
Why do Muslims fight in just wars?
•The Qur’an says (Muslims believe the Qur’an as it is the word of God):
•Anyone who dies fighting in a just war will go straight to heaven.
Muslims must fight if they are attacked.
•Muhammad is the greatest exemplar for Muslims:
•Muhammad fought in just wars.
•Muhammad made statements (Hadith) about war saying Muslims must fight in just wars.
Why do Muslims not fight in just wars?
- Modern weapons cannot be used in a way that is compatible with Muslim rules about fighting in a war.
- Peace and reconciliation is at the heart of Islam and the teaching of Qur’an.
- Non-violence is the only way to achieve peace.
- Violence only leads to more violence.
Why are Christians against bullying?
- Using violence without a cause is sinful, bullying involves violence (verbal and physical).
- Bullying is mistreating God’s image, human beings are a creation of God.
- The duty of Christians is to protect the weak.
- No Christian would bully Jesus, so they should not bully. (Parable of sheep and goat)
- Bullying has harmful effects on the society, the society should always be made better.
- In a democracy all people have human rights including the right to be able to live free from fear.
Why are Muslims against bullying?
- Bullies have no understanding of their responsibilities as members of society and Islam is based on the rule of law.
- Using violence without a just cause is sinful.
- Being apart of the Ummah involves the equal treatment and respect of others.
- It is the duty of Muslims to protect the weak and innocent.
- Muhammad said ‘Every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim’ and no one should bully their brother.
- In a democracy all people have human rights including the right to be able to live free from fear.
How are religious conflicts created when children longer want to take part in their parents’ religion?
- Children refuse to go to a place of worship.
- Parents worry that their children won’t join them in the after life.
- Parents can be seen as failures by other believers when they bring their children up within religion and they leave.
- Parents worry their children will be immoral without religious guidance.
- Children feel their human rights have been taken away.
- Families can be excluded from social interaction within communities.
How are religious conflicts created when children wish to marry people from a different faith?
- No religious wedding ceremony.
- What religion will the children be brought up in?
- Some religions insist children are brought up in that faith e.g. Islam.
- Can the couple ‘rest’ together after death?
- A feeling that people are betraying their roots by marrying another faith.
How are religious conflicts created when parents are not religious but children are?
- Criticism of parents undermine their authority.
- Parents lifestyles can be seen as wrong.
- Parents don’t take part in traditional religious activities (e.g. Praying/going to a place of worship/reading the holy book).
How are religious conflicts created due to moral decisions?
A moral decision made against religion: •Divorce. •The choice (not) to go to war. •Same sex relationships. •Abortion. •Pre-marital sex. •Commit a crime. •Co-habit. •Take drugs/alcohol. •Adultery. Career choice.
What are the Christian beliefs on forgiveness and reconciliation?
- Jesus died on the cross to bring forgiveness and reconciliation, he has allowed reconciliation between God and Humans.
- Jesus said if people do not forgive those who have sinned against them, God will not forgive their sins.
- St Paul stated that Christians should try to live in peace with everyone.
- Christianity is based on the concept of forgiveness.
What are the Islamic beliefs on forgiveness and reconciliation.
- Muslims should be forgiving to those who cause them offence as God is compassionate to sinners.
- How can Muslims ask for forgiveness on the Day of Judgement if they are not prepared to forgive others.
- The Qur’an says that Muslims should forgive other people’s sins.
- There many Hadith (statements) from Muhammad about forgiving people who have offended others.
When is it right to go to war? (7)
- There must be a just cause e.g. to protect innocent life, in self defence etc.
- Competent and legal authority must declare war.
- Comparative justice- comparing the claims of both sides of the conflict to see if the arguments are unjust.
- Right intention- soldiers must feel enmity (tension) towards enemies, it is the last resort for peace.
- Last resort: all negotiations and sanctions must have failed.
- Probability of success- if there is a reasonable chance of success.
- Proportionality- e.g. the sizes of armies must be fair, reasons for war should not be petty.
Describe the Cyprus case study…. (4)
- Fighting between Turkish and Greek people over who owned the island.
- A war in 1974 resulted in the island being split.
- The space in the middle is the ‘buffer zone’ where no one lives and UN soldiers patrol it day and night.
- The UN talked to both sides over many years and in 2008 it succeeded in getting both sides together as one island again.