8.3 - Tropical Rainforests - Conservation Flashcards
What are 3 reasons for rising deforestation rates?
- Poverty
- Foreign debt
- Economic development
What are 3 reasons for reducing deforestation rates?
- Government policies
- International condemnation
- Monitoring system
Why does poverty increase deforestation rates?
Population growth and poverty means many more small- scale subsistence farmers and greater use of fuel wood
Why does foreign debt increase deforestation?
There is a huge market for goods from trf so its an easy easy for poor countries to make money to pay back debt
How does economic development increase deforestation?
Road + rail projects to promote development open up areas of the rainforest to logging, mining, farming
Why have government policies reduced deforestation rates?
Governments may invest in ecotourism, paying landowners to not deforest
What is REDD?
REDD is a scheme that aims to reward forest owners in poorer countries for keeping forests, not cutting them doen
What is CITES
CITES is an agreement to tightly control trade in wild animals and plants
What are the advantages of REDD?
- It deals with the cause of climate change as well as direct impacts of deforestation
- Forest is protected so remains a habitat for species
- Everyone benefits
What are the advantages of CITES?
- The issue is tackled at a global level, which means the the trade of endangered species is controlled all over the world
- Raises awareness of threats to biodiversity through education
What are the disadvantages of REDD?
- Deforestation may continue in other areas
- Preventing activities may affect local communities who depend on them
What are the disadvantages of CITES?
- Although individual species are protected it doesn’t protect their habitat
- not all countries are members and some even promote trade of materials form endangered species
What are the economic challenges of sustainable forest management?
- Economic benefits only seen long-term so affects poorer countries who need short-term
- Usually more expensive so hard to persuade private companies to do it
What are the environmental challenges of sustainable forest management?
- If trees are replanted, the new forest may not resemble the natural forest
- Trees replanted from logging may take long to grow, other forest cut down
- Even selective logging damages lots of trees while removing target trees
What are the social challenges of sustainable forest management?
- It generally provides fewer jobs
- If population increases, demand does too. Sustainable unlikely to supply for increasing demand