8.3 - The Particle Zoo Flashcards
What did Einstein suggest about matter and energy
Matter can appear where previously there was nothing but energy. Matter and energy are regularly interchanged in the universe according to his well known equation, E = mc^2.
Tell me about Einstein’s equation relating energy and mass
E = mc^2, in this equation, multiplying the mass of an object by the square of the speed of light gives the equivalent amount of energy.
Delta E = deltaM x c^2
Given a suitable quantity of energy, such as that in a gamma ray photon, particles can spontaneously appear and the energy disappears from existence. This is so commonplace in the universe that it should not surprise us. The reason it does is that these events only happen on a sub atomic scale, so we cannot detect them without complex machinery.
What’s an electron positron pair production
A gamma ray that converts into an electron and a positron (an anti electron has an identical mass to the electron). In momentum terms, it is just like an explosion. Initially only the photon existed so there was some linear momentum. Along this initial direction, their components of momentum must sum to the same total as the photon had. Perpendicular to the initial momentum, the electron and positron produced must have equal and opposite components of momentum so that in this direction it will still total zero afterwards.
In any reaction, the total combination of matter-energy must be conserved.
Should matter-energy be conserved?
Yes, in any reaction, the total combination of matter-energy must be conserved. If we add the energy equivalent of all matter particles with the energies, before and after the reaction, the numbers must be equal.
How is particle annihilation a source of energy
Just as matter can appear spontaneously through a conversion from energy, so energy can appear through the disappearance of mass. This is the source of energy in nuclear fission and fusion. In both reactions, the sum of the masses of all matter involved before the reaction is greater than the sum of all mass afterwards. This mass difference is converted into energy. In a nuclear power station we extract this energy as heat and use it to drive turbines to generate electricity.
What is annihilation
If a particle and its anti particle meet (anti particles are the antimatter versions of regular particles), they will spontaneously vanish from existence to be replaced by the equivalent energy: we call this interaction annihilation.
Could we use annihilation reactors to make power
It is not commonly suggested that annihilation reactors could be used as a power source on earth, as anti matter exists so rarely. Also, if we could find a supply of anti matter, it would annihilate on contact with any matter, which would most likely be before it reached the reaction chamber we had set up to extract the energy for conversion into electricity.
What can the electron volt unit be used for
Very small amounts of energy
What is one electronvolt (eV)
One electron-volt is the amount of energy gained by one electron when it is accelerated through a potential difference of one volt.
This is equivalent to a 1.6 x 10^-19 joules, so it is a very small amount of energy, even in particle physics terms. It is common for particles to have millions of even billions of electron volts. For this reason we often use MeV and GeV as units of energy in particle interactions.
What’s the atomic mass unit and what’s it used for
The atomic mass unit, u, is not an SI unit but is commonly used in particle interactions, as it is often easier to get to grips with 1 u = 1.67 x 10^-27 kg. As we know that energy and mass are connected by the equation E = mc^2,we can also have mass units which are measured E/c^2, such as MeV/c^2 and GeV/c^2.
1 u of mass is equivalent to about 931.5 MeV/c^2
What are other units for mass
As we know that energy and mass are connected by the equation E = mc^2,we can also have mass units which are measured E/c^2, such as MeV/c^2 and GeV/c^2.
1 u of mass is equivalent to about 931.5 MeV/c^2
No particle interactions can occur if they violate any of these conservation rules:
There are also other rules that must be obeyed, but these three are critical, as all particles involved will have some of each property.
Give me an example of what can be seen in a bubble chamber
A hydrogen bubble chamber that has an anti proton and proton collide in the chamber. The resulting tracks of various pairs of particles (pi+ and pi-, e+ and e-) which are created in the collision.
Define pair production
It’s the phenomenon in which a particle and its anti matter equivalent are both created simultaneously in a conversion from energy.
Define annihilation
The phenomenon in which a particle and its anti matter equivalent are both destroyed simultaneously in a conversion into energy which is carried away by force carrier particles, such as photons.
Define the electronvolt
The amount of energy an electron gains by passing through a voltage of 1V.
1eV = 1.6 x 10^-19 J
1MeV = 1.6 x 10^-13 J
What is the Standard model
After a century In which scientists rapidly discovered many sub-atomic particles, they have now established a theory for how these come together to build up the things we see around us. This theory is known as the standard model
As the idea of the atom as indivisible was swept aside by Rutherford and Thomson, so the idea of the proton and neutron as fundamental has also been overturned, what’s happened since
We have probed inside these two nucleons and discovered that each is constructed from smaller particles known as quarks.
Is the electron constructed by smaller parts
The electron has so far survived as being considered fundamental. However, it has two partners - similar types of particles - and each has a neutrino associated with it, forming a group of six fundamental particles known as leptons.
Tell me about quarks
Scientists like to see the universe as balanced, or symmetrical, we have now found that quarks are a group of six (like leptons)
Only the lightest two are found in protons and neutrons. The heavier quarks are found in rarer particles.
Tell me the distinction between the two groups: quarks and leptons
The two groups are distinct because quarks can undergo interactions via the strong nuclear force, whereas leptons do not feel the strong force.
What are the three generations of matter
It is the strong nuclear force that binds nucleons together in the nucleus. In each group of six (leptons and quarks) there are three pairs with a similar order of magnitude for mass, and these are known as the three generations of matter.
Ie first generation is up and down quarks and the electron neutrinos and electron leptons
Tell me about the family of leptons
Electron neutrino
Muon neutrino
Tau neutrino
^in order of generations of matter 1,2 and 3
Mass increases as you go down, neutrinos are lighter than the others
Tau, electron and muon have a charge -1
The family of leptons do not feel the strong nuclear force.
Tell me the characteristics of the first generation of matter for leptons
Consists of the electron and electron neutrino, the lightest leptons
Electron has symbol e^- , mass 0.511 MeV/c^2
Electron neutrino has symbol weird u(subscript e) no charge, mass 0(less than 2.2 x 10^-6)
Tell me about the second generation of matter for leptons
Consists of muon and muon neutrino
Muon has symbol mu (upside down h) charge -1, mass 106 MeV/c^2
Muon neutrino has symbol (weird u/v subscript upside down h) has charge 0, mass 0(less than 0.17 MeV/C^2
Tell me about the third generation of matter for leptons
Consists of tau and tau neutrino
Tau has symbol fancy T and charge -1, mass 1780 MeV/c^2 Tau neutrino (symbol weird u/v(subscript T) has charge 0 and mass 0 (less than 20 MeV/c^2)
What charge do the neutrinos have
0 and negligible mass (assume 0)
Tell me about the family of quarks
They are subject to the strong nuclear force.
As you go from 1st to 2nd to 3rd generation the mass of quarks increases
First generation - up and down quarks (u and d)
Second generation - strange and charm quarks (s and c)
Third generation - bottom and top quark (b and t)
Have charges +2/3 and -1/3
Each generation has one quark with each charge
The masses of particles in the standard model increase over…
Tell me about the discovery of quarks and symmetry
Only the first three quarks - up, down and strange - were known from the middle part of the twentieth century, and the charm quark was discovered in 1974. The symmetry of the Standard model indicated to scientists that there were other particles they had never observed, which should exist - the bottom and top quark. Experiments were carried out to find these and the accelerator experiments at Fermilab discovered bottom in 1977 and top in 1995.
Current particle theory holds that all matter in the universe is constructed from combinations of…
Some of these 12 particles, and no others. The 6 leptons and 6 quarks - each also has an anti particle.
Tell me about anti-particles
Each of the 12 fundamental particles (leptons and quarks) also has an antiparticle. The anti particles have the same mass but all their other properties are opposite to those of the normal matter particle.
How do we write the symbol for an anti-particle
It is the same as the normal particle, with a bar above the symbol.
In a few cases, the anti particle notation treats it as a different particle on its own right and the bar may not be used. The positron (anti electron) does not use a bar but it is written as e^+
Define standard model
Standard model is the name given to the theory of all the fundamental particles and how they interact. This is the theory that currently has the strongest experimental evidence.
Define Quarks
Quarks are the six fundamental particles that interact with each other using the strong nuclear force (as well as all other forces)
Define leptons
Leptons are the six fundamental particles which do not interact using the strong nuclear force, only the other three fundamental forces.
Define the strong nuclear force
The strong nuclear force is an extremely short range force between hadrons (such as protons and neutrons)
Define anti particle
For each particle there exists an anti particle, which has the same mass but all their other properties are opposite to those of the normal matter particle.
When is a baryon made
If 3 quarks are combined together, the resulting particle is a baryon.
Protons and neutrons are baryons.
What does a proton consist of
Consists of two up quarks and a down quark
What does a neutron consist of
Two down quarks combine with an up quark
Aside from protons and neutrons, tell me about other baryons
Other baryons are more obscure and have very short lives, as they decay through a strong nuclear force reaction that makes them highly unstable.
Yet other baryons, like the sigma, omega and lambda particles, decay via the weak nuclear force and are longer lived, with lives as long as 10^-10 seconds - wow!
Three anti quarks in the anti proton make it an…
When does a meson form
If a quark and an anti quark are combined, the resulting particle is known as a mason.
If a meson is a combination of a quark and it’s antiquark, then the mesons charge must be zero. Eg strange and anti strange
But a anti down and u quark meson (pion +) has a charge of one
What are some examples of mesons
The pion and the kaon are the most common examples of mesons.
What are Hadrons
Quarks can interact via the strong nuclear force. Thus baryons and mesons can interact via the strong nuclear force. Any particles which feels the strong force is called a hadron.
So, baryons and mesons are both hadrons.
Leptons do not feel the strong force and so are in a separate class of particle from the hadrons.
Baryons and mesons are…
What are the four other particles we haven’t mentioned yet, because they are not matter particles
These are known together as exchange bosons
Matter particles interact by the four forces of nature, which are:
gravity, the electromagnetic force, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force.
Each force acts on particles which have a certain property, such as mass in the case of gravity, or electric charge for the electromagnetic force. The process by which these forces act has been modelled by scientists as an exchange of another type of particles - the exchange bosons.
For example, for a proton and an electron to attract eachothers opposite charge, they pass photons backwards and forwards between eachother.
The examination spec for the exchange bosons is limited to…
Photons only
When are gluons exchanged
Gluons - in combination with virtual quark anti-quark pairs - are exchanged between quarks to hold the quarks together.
Exchange bosons have been shown experimentally to be an appropriate model for..
The electromagnetic, strong and weak forces. In the case of gravity, the so called graviton has been theoretically invented to complete the model, but gravitons are yet to be discovered. Many experiments have been set up recently to try and detect gravitons.
What’s the exchange bosons for the electromagnetic force
Photons, symbol gamma, has no charge and no mass.
What are the other exchange bosons
Weak nuclear force has exchange boson - W or Z boson, W^+ , W^- and Z^0 masses around 80-90 GeV/c^2
Strong nuclear force - exchange boson gluon, g, no mass and no charge
Gravity force - exchange boson graviton and characteristics undetermined
Tell me about the evidence for exchange bosons
Whilst gravity is the force we experience most obviously, it is the one scientists know the least detail about. The electromagnetic force is well understood, and the exchange of photons to make it work has also led to an understanding of the generation of photons such as light.
The weak nuclear force is also fairly understood, as the W and Z bosons predicted by theory have since been detected in accelerator experiments in which protons are crashed together. This is particularly strong science, as the evidence of the weak nuclear force bosons had been theoretically predicted and then they were detected in later experiments. Many particle decays where other particles are formed, such as beta decay, occur via a weak nuclear force interaction.
Define baryon
Baryon is a particle made of a combination of three quarks
Define meson
Meson is a particle made of a combination of a quark and an anti quark.
Define Pion
A pion is a meson created from any combination of up and down quark/anti quark pairings.
Define kaon
A kaon is a meson created from any combination of an up and down quark/anti quark pairings
Define hadron
A hadron is a particle which can interact via the strong nuclear force
Define exchange bosons
Are particles that enable the transfer of force. Each of the four fundamental forces has its own exchange boson
Define gravity
Gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces, transmitted by the (theoretical) graviton particle, and affecting all objects
Define the electromagnetic force
The electromagnetic force is one of the four fundamental forces, transmitted by photons, acting between objects with charges.
Define the strong nuclear force
It’s the strongest force of the four fundamental forces, transmitted by gluons acting at very short ranges (10^-15)m between hadrons.
Define the weak nuclear force
It’s one of the four fundamental forces, transmitted by W or Z bosons, acting at extremely short ranges (10^-18)m; it can affect all matter particles.
Define photons
Photons are the quantum of electromagnetic radiation, and force carrier for the electromagnetic force.
Define graviton
A graviton is the force carrier particle (or exchange boson) for gravity.
In order for any particle reaction to occur, the overall reaction must conserve….
Various properties of the particles involved. The total combination of mass/energy must be the same before and after the reaction.
Furthermore, momentum and charge must also be conserved.
Baryon number and lepton number must also be conserved in reactions
Essentially how do accelerator collision experiments create large mass particles
A reaction can overcome any apparent mass difference by having the particles begin or end up with more kinetic energy to make up the difference. This is essentially how accelerator collision experiments can create large mass particles: particles with high kinetic energies can have the energy converted into mass to generate a host of particles with less energy. Reactions can also have similar flexibility to ensure momentum conservation.
Charge must be…
Conserved for any particle interaction to be possible.
How can we quickly see if charge is conserved by checking the…
Reactions equation.
Eg consider alpha decay and beta minus decay, charge is conserved.
Is it easy to detect neutrinos and anti neutrinos
The reaction for beta minus decay led to the development of the theory that neutrinos and anti neutrinos exist. They are almost massless and have no charge, so are almost impossible to detect.
Why did people think neutrinos existed
If the same nuclear change were producing the same single particle every time, then for mass-energy to be conserved, the beta particles would have to have the same energy every time. This is the case for alpha particles. However, scientists found that beta particles from nuclei of the same isotope have a range of kinetic energies. This suggested that another particle was flying away with some kinetic energy, so that the total kinetic energy was always the same.
The products from beta decay processed include..
Either an electron (beta minus) or a positron (beta plus). This means that you may see either symbol for beta decay equations:
0 B^-
0 B^+
For the possibility of a reaction occurring, what 2 other numbers must be conserved
Baryon and lepton number
What baryon number does each quark have
Each quark has a baryon number, B, of +1/3 and so a baryon has a value of B = +1
Anti particles have the opposite number
Each lepton has a lepton number of…
L = +1
Anti particles have the opposite number
What’s the total baryon number of mesons
As mesons are quark/anti quark combinations, they total baryon number is 0
Particle reactions can also only occur if …
they conserve baryon and lepton numbers overall. This means the total for each property must be the same before and after any reaction, or else it cannot occur.
When we check whether a reaction is possible what should we look at
Charge, baryon number, lepton number must all be looked at - must be the same on both sides of the equation.
Neutrinos must exist in beta decay for lepton number to be conserved
Baryons have a lepton number of…
Leptons have a baryon number of
Tell me about the property of strangeness
The strange quark adds an additional property to reactions, which must usually also be conserved.
This is called strangeness, S. each strange quark has a strangeness of -1, each anti strange quark has S = +1, and all other particles have zero strangeness.
Strong and electro magnetic force interactions must conserve strangeness.
What suggests that for us monitoring very fast moving particles, their lifetimes before they decay would be longer than the theoretical predictions
We have seen previously that when a particle is accelerated to a significant fraction of the speed of light, it’s mass appears to increase. Einstein also predicted that, at these speeds, time would be slower than it is for an external observer. This would suggest for us monitoring very fast moving particles, their lifetimes before they decay would be longer than the theoretical predictions.
What was one early piece of evidence of extended particle lifetimes
The evidence cake with the detection of muons at sea level. High energy cosmic rays interact with the nuclei of atoms high in the atmosphere to create muons, which have a lifetime of about 2 micro seconds. These should all decay in much less than the time to travel down to the earths surface, and we should hardly detect any at sea level.
However, they are detected at low altitudes in significant numbers. The reason is that they are travelling very fast (for example 0.98c). As far as the muons are concerned, they still decay in the same short time; but for us as external observers, their time moves slowly enough for them to travel tens of kilometres down to our experiments on the ground. This phenomenon was first confirmed experimentally by Rossi and Hall in 1940.
How does the principle of relativistic lifetimes also affect the particle interactions observed in accelerator collision experiments
The particles live longer, and travel further, than we might expect because they are moving so fast. This allows a host of additional interactions to happen, as they meet particles they might not otherwise have had time to come into contact with. Also, the fast moving particles will travel much further through the detectors than non relativistic lifetimes would allow, and so can be more easily observed.
If the exotic particles produced in the LHC collision chamber decayed within the chamber before escaping it, none would be detectable, as the detected cannot be placed right at the collision point.
Define alpha decay
Alpha decay is the radioactive process by which a particle combination of two protons and two neutrons is ejected from a nucleus.
Define beta-minus decay
Beta minus decay is the radioactive process in which a nuclear neutron changes into a proton, and an electron is ejected from the nucleus.
Define baryon number
A baryon number is the quantum number for baryons, whereby each proton or neutron (or other baryon) has a value of B = 1
Define lepton number
A lepton number is the quantum number for leptons, whereby each lepton has a value of L = 1
Define strangeness
Strangeness is the quantum number for strange quarks, whereby each one has a value of S = -1