8.2 - Particle Accelerators And Detectors Flashcards
How do we investigate the internal substructure of particles like nucleons
Scientists collide them with other particles at very high speeds (very high energies).
What are nucleons
Protons and neutrons
Why must high energy particles be collided compared to lower energies
It is necessary to use high energy particles because at lower energies the particles just bounce off each other, keeping their internal structure secret 🤫🤫
If we can collide particles together hard enough, they will break up, revealing their structure. In most cases, additional particles are created from the energy of the collision.
What’s the challenge for accelerating particles
The challenge for scientists has been to accelerate particles to high enough speeds. Charged particles can be accelerated in straight lines using electric fields, and their direction changed along a curved path by a magnetic field.
What is a linac accelerator also known as
A linear particle accelerator
Tell me about linear accelerators briefly
One of the simplest ways to produce energy high enough for these particle collisions is to accelerate a beam of charged particles along a straight path.
However, this is limited by the maximum achievable potential difference. In order to overcome this problem, the particles are accelerated in stages. They are repeatedly accelerated through the maximum p.d, making the particle energies very high.
Explain how linear accelerators work
If the particles to be accelerated by the linear accelerator are electrons, they are generated by an electrostatic machine and then introduced into the accelerator. Once inside the cylinder, the electrons move In a straight line, as the electrode is equally attracting in all directions. The alternating voltage supply is made to change as the electrons reach the middle of a drift tube, so it becomes negative. This repels the electrons out of the end of that tube and towards the next, and then accelerated towards the next. This carries on until the electrons reach the end of the line, at which point they emerge to collide with a target.
In linac accelerators, why must drift tubes be made longer and longer as the particle is accelerated
In order to keep accelerating particles that are moving faster and faster, the acceleration (drift) tubes must be made longer and longer as the particles travel through each successive one at a higher speed, whilst the time between potential difference flips is fixed as the alternating voltage has a uniform frequency of a few gigahertz.
What’s the limit on the use of linear accelerators
The limit on the use of this kind of accelerator is how long you can afford to build it, remembering that the whole thing must be in a VACUUM so that particles do not collide with air atoms, and it must be perfectly straight.
Was Einstein right? Tell me about relativistic speeds
One of Einstein’s claims in his theory of special relativity is that nothing can accelerate beyond the speed of light. This means that particles in accelerators must be faced with a problem when they are already travelling close to the speed of light and then pass through a p.d. which should accelerate them beyond it.
However, it was demonstrated that at very high speeds, particles deviate from the equation 1/2mv^2 = qv, and do indeed never accelerate beyond the speed of light. It can be shown that whilst the kinetic energy and momentum of particles can continue to increase without limit, their speed does not. This can only happen if the mass of a particle seemingly increase with speed.
This apparent mass increase becomes significant at speeds approaching light speed - known as ‘relativistic speeds’
Look at diagrams and graph on page 95 please
Idk how to explain on here?
Page 95
Why do we accelerate particles in circles
As scientists struggled to produce ever longer linear accelerators, they sought to coil their accelerators up into a circle so that the particles could be accelerated in an electric field repeatedly in a smaller space. To do this, we use the fact that charged particles moving across a magnetic field will feel a centripetal force, and so will move in a circular path. We can work out the radius of this circular path, and use it to construct a circular accelerator of the right dimensions.
How can field lines be shown to be moving out of a page
Drawing a dot
How can we show field lines as going into the page
Drawing a cross
How can we derive the equation:
r = p/Bq
We have previously seen the equation for the force on a charged particle moving across a magnetic field, F = Bqv
The force acts at right angles to the velocity, v, meaning that the particle will follow a circular path. Recall that the equation for the centripetal force on anything moving in a circle is: F = mv^2/r
We can equate these two expressions. Dividing out the velocity from each size and rearranging to find an expression for the radius of a circle gives:
r = p/Bq
What does the equation r = p/Bq mean?
This means that for a given magnetic field, the radius of the path of a charged particle is proportional to its momentum. At slow speeds, the radius is proportional to velocity (or the square root of kinetic energy), but as these experiments generally send particles at speeds approaching the speed of light, relativistic effects need to be accounted for. In particular, at these very high speeds the particles mass appears to increase, which would also alter its momentum. The overall result is that a particle increasing in speed would travel along an outwardly spiralling path.
What is a cyclotron and how does it work
Ernest Lawrence developed the first cyclotron, a circular accelerator which could give protons about one MeV of energy.
In a cyclotron, there are two D-shaped electrodes (or dees), and the particles are accelerated in the electric field in the gap between them. Whilst inside the dees, the particle will travel along a semicircular path under the influence of the magnetic field, before being accelerated across the gap again, then another semicircle, another acceleration across the gap, and so on. As each acceleration increases the momentum of the particle, the radius of its path within the dees increases, and so it steadily spirals outwards as it emerges from an exit hole and hits the target placed in a bombardment chamber in its path.
It’s alternating current, so as it leaves one electrode/Dee the current switches polarity so charged particle is repelled from one to the other Dee and then travels around etc. Inside the cyclotron is a vacuum.
Why does the p.d need to switch direction
In order to maintain the accelerations at exactly the correct moment, the p.d. needs to switch direction exactly when the particle exits from one Dee to move across the gap between them. This means the voltage supply has to follow a square wave pattern where it flips polarity instantaneously.
The frequency of these polarity switches only depends on the particle being used and the strength of the magnetic field applied.
How can we work out the frequency needed for a cyclotron
The frequency of these polarity switches only depends on the particle being used and the strength of the magnetic field applied.
f = 1/T
T = 2pi x r/v
During on complete period of the alternating voltage the particle will pass through both dees, thus completing a full circle at that radius.
However: r = mv/Bq
So, T = 2pi x mv/Bqv
So by dividing by velocity, and since f = 1/T
F = Bq/2pi x m
Thus the frequency needed is independent of the radius, meaning that a constant frequency can be used and the particle will complete each semicircle through a Dee in the same time. That is until the speed becomes so fast that mass changes through relativistic effects.
What’s the equation for cyclotron frequency when relativistic effects of mass increase are included
F = Bq/2pi x m(subscript 0) x square root of (1 - v^2/c^2)
m(subscript 0) is the particles rest mass.
What does the frequency for the cyclotron depend on
As the frequency of the applied accelerating potential difference now depends on the velocity of particles, this means that to use a cyclotron to generate high energy particle beams, it needs very clever circuitry to produce accurately timed polarity switches. The necessary electronics were first developed in 1945 and the ‘synchrocyclotron’ can accelerate particles as much as 700Mev.
How did the synchrotron develop/what are they
With the development of varying frequency for the accelerating p.d., the next logical step from a cyclotron was to vary the strength of the magnetic field using an electromagnet. This means that the radius of the particle beam’s path could be kept constant by simply increasing the magnetic field strength in line with the increasing momentum.
A single ring accelerator like this is called a synchrotron.
Alternate accelerating tubes and bending magnets can generate very high energy particle beams. Alternatively, these rings can be used to store charged particles by making them circulate endlessly at a constant energy. This is a particularly important use when trying to store anti matter, which will annihilate if it comes into contact with normal matter.
When scientists collide particles what can happen
New elements can be discovered wow!
Define linear accelerator
A linear accelerator is a machine which accelerates charged particles along a straight line
Define cyclotron
A cyclotron is a circular machine that accelerates charged particles, usually following a spiral path
Define synchrotron
A synchrotron is a machine that accelerates charged particles around a fixed circular path.
Why was the Geiger muller tube invented
Both school laboratory electron diffraction and Geiger and Marsdens alpha scattering experiment rely on observing light given off from a fluorescent screen when it is hit by a particle. In order to obtain accurate enough data to reinvent the structure of the atom, Geiger and Marsden spent two years sitting in a darkened room, for eight hours at a time, counting the flashes of light they saw through a microscope. Geiger found this so frustrating that he jointly invented the Geiger-muller (GM) tube to detect particles, which could then be counted electronically.
How does the GM tube work/detect particles
The GM tube works on the fundamental principle that is common to most particle detectors: ionisation. As the particle to be detected passes through the tube, it ionises atoms of gas (typically argon) which fills the tube. The ions and electrons produced are accelerated by an electric field between electrodes in the tube and then discharged when they reach the electrodes. This produces a pulse of electricity, which is counted by a counter connected to the tube. Many different types of detector have been invented by particle physicists, but the majority detect ionisation caused by the particles to be detected.
Evaluate particle detectors/ what the issue with them
Particle counting detectors have their uses, but they cannot commonly distinguish between different types of particles, a characteristic that is becoming increasingly important in detectors. Modern particle physics experiments are carried out using such high energies that they can produce hundreds of different types of particles. Unless the detectors used in these experiments can identify properties of the particles, such as their energy, charge or mass, then the experimental results will be useless.
How can we identify ions
A mass spectrometer deflects an ion using a magnetic field. The ion can then be identified by the amount of deflection, since this is dependent on the mass and charge of the ion, and the strength and direction of the magnetic field used.
What is a bubble chamber
The bubble chamber acts like a combination of jet plane vapour trails and the bubbles that suddenly appear when you open a bottle of fizzy drink.
Superheated liquid hydrogen bubbles into gas form at any point where ions are generated within it. These bubbles can be observed within the liquid and thus the trails show the paths of moving particles.
Tell me what we can work out from an image of particle tracks detected by a hydrogen bubble chamber
The particle tracks show how particles can be tracked as they progress through a bubble chamber, and those affected by the magnetic field across it follow curved paths. As in the mass spectrometer, the radius of curvature of the tracks will tell us the mass and charge of the particles. In addition, we can analyse interactions as they happened, as the tracks sometimes end abruptly or have sharp changes in the direction when they collide. In some cases, particle tracks appear to start from nothing. These show instances where particles have been created from uncharged particles that do not show up.
Define bubble chamber
A bubble chamber is a particle detection system in which the particles trigger bubbles to be created in a superheated liquid, typically hydrogen.
What have they created at CERN
They have a big synchrotron
They have constructed the biggest machine in the history of planet earth. This is the large Hadron Collider (LHC) - a gigantic synchrotron over 8km in diameter, built 100m underground on the border between Switzerland and France. At a total building cost of just under 4 billion Euro’s, it is the largest experiment ever undertaken. When running, it’s temperature is 1.9k, making the LHC the coldest place in the solar system (excluding colder man made experiments)
What does the large Hadron collider experiments aim to do
The machine is designed to collide protons into each other at energies of 14TeV, travelling at 99.999991% of the speed of light.
These conditions emulate those occurring in the universe 1 billionth of a second after the Big Bang. LHC scientists are hoping that this will then produce particles and interactions not seen since the Big Bang.
What energies /properties do LHC interactions have
In its first 3 years of operation, each collision had a total energy of up to 8TeV, and CERNs schedule was to reach 14TeV in mid 2015.
Such high energies can probe the structure of the nucleons themselves. At such high energies, the beams of protons counter rotating around the 27km ring will cross each other’s paths 30 million times per second.
What are the names of 4 critical experiments in the LHC
They are each named by an acronym
What do the 4 experiments at LHC have in common
Each of these experiments has an incredibly complex detector built in a cavern around the accelerator, and one of the beam crossing points is at the centre of each detector.
Each one is aimed at detecting particular products from the collisions; each is searching in several different ways for specific undiscovered but theoretical particles.
How do detectors identify theoretical particles in the LHC
The detectors include strong magnetic fields and will track the movements of particles through the space that the detector occupies. As mass-energy and momentum are always conserved in particle interactions ,along with charge, the records of particle tracks can be interpreted to identify the particles in the detector and any reactions that they undergo.
Tell me about the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment (CMS) at LHC
One of the two teams that jointly announced discovery of the Higgs Boson in July 2012 was from the CMS experiment.
There are several hypothesis in different areas of theoretical physics that may gain confirmation evidence from the LHC. Some of these may sound a little bizarre, eg, it is hoped that the CMS will observe mini black holes, dark matter, supersymmetric particles and gravitations.
The CMS is set up with various detecting chambers for different types of particle, and has 100 million individual detectors organised in a 3D barrel containing as much iron as the Eiffel Tower. By monitoring the tracks of particles, their charges and masses can be determined. The energies and momenta can also be measured and the fact that they must be conserved , means that all this data analysed together can identify all the particles and reactions in each collision.
Tell me about the Large Hadron Collider Beauty experiment (LHCb)
This detector looks out for the decays of both the bottom quark (sometimes called beauty) and the charm quark by looking for mesons containing these. This is particularly aimed at working out why our universe contains mostly matter and very little anti matter, when theoretically the two should appear in equal amounts.
Tell me about A Large Ion Collider experiment (ALICE)
Although ALICE initially observed the proton-proton collisions that the LHC started with, this detector is particularly intended to study the collisions of heavy ions, such as lead, accelerated to almost the speed of light. These collisions are in the second phase of LHC operation, and it is hoped they will create a quark-gluon plasma, which has been predicted by quantum mechanics theory.
Tell me about ATLAS in LHC
The Atlas detector is 45m long and 25m high. It was the other experiment to provide experimental data verifying a new particle that is likely to be the Higgs Boson. Among its potential further discoveries to come are extra dimensions of space, microscopic black holes, and evidence for dark matter particles in the universe.
Originally, ATLAS was an acronym for A Toroidal Lhc ApparatuS, but this has largely been dropped and it is simply the name of the experiment.
What are the 9 things a detector must be capable of doing
Measure the directions, momenta and signs of charged particles
Measure the energy carried by electrons and photons in each direction from the collision
Measure the energy carried by hadrons (protons, pions, neutrons, etc) in each direction
Identity which charged particles from the collision, if any, are electrons
Identify which charged particles from the collision, if any, are muons
Identify whether some of the charged particles originate at points a few millimetres from the collision point rather than at the collision point itself (signalling a particles decay a few millimetres from the collision point)
Infer (through momentum conservation) the presence of undetectable neutral particles such as neutrinos.
Have the capability to process the above information fast enough to permit flagging about 10-100 potentially interesting events per second out of the billion collisions per second that occur, and recording the measured information.
The detectors must also be capable of long and reliable operation in a very hostile radiation environment.
In developing LHC experiments, the scientists had to work out what they needed the detectors to be able to do. The points above are listed on the ATLAS website as their aims.
What must a detector at LHC be able to measure
Measure the directions, momenta and signs of charged particles
Measure the energy carried by electrons and photons in each direction from the collision
Measure the energy carried by hadrons (protons, pions, neutrons, etc) in each direction
What must a LHC be able to identify
Identity which charged particles from the collision, if any, are electrons
Identify which charged particles from the collision, if any, are muons
Identify whether some of the charged particles originate at points a few millimetres from the collision point rather than at the collision point itself (signalling a particles decay a few millimetres from the collision point)
What must the LHC detectors be able to infer and have the capability of
Infer (through momentum conservation) the presence of undetectable neutral particles such as neutrinos.
Have the capability to process the information fast enough to permit flagging about 10-100 potentially interesting events per second out of the billion collisions per second that occur, and recording the measured information.
The detectors must also be capable of long and reliable operation in a very hostile radiation environment.
Tell me about LHC data analysis and the Grid
It has been estimated that, when running, the amount of data resulting from the LHC experiments is approximately 10% of that produced through all human activities across the world.
To analyse the raw data from the incredibly complex detectors, a system of computer analysis called the Grid was developed. This enables thousands of computers across the world to be linked together via the internet in order that their combined computing power can be used to study the experimental results and search out any which indicate the new discoveries it is hoped the LHC will produce. Of every 10 billion collision results, only about 10-100 are ‘interesting’ reactions. The ones that show things we already know need to be quickly filtered out of the data so that computing power is not wasted.