8.1.5 - Child at Risk of BV Anomaly Flashcards
Risks for BV issues in children
- FH
- premature birth
- birth problems
- GH conditions
Appropriate examinations
- Stereopsis
- Reduced early on puts child at risk
- VAs
- If assymetrical or they don’t like one eye compared to the other to be covered then indicates start of amblyopia
- Squint
- If early onset, then automatically at risk of amblyopia
- 20 base out
- Looks for any suppression
- CT
- Looking for a squint generally speaking
- Sometimes an esophoria or exophoria can start decompensating early on depending on extent of fusional reserves and cause a tropia. If within critical period then suppression can build to prevent diplopia
- Pull up amplitude test
- Accommodative insufficiency will affect Down syndrome patients!
- It can also affect normal children so it must be measured to allow the correct Rx to be given for close up tasks, otherwise their education will be affected
- Dynamic - a lag greater than 1 D suggests a degree of hypermetropia that the child cannot manage. An unequal lag between the two eyes suggests a degree of anisometropia that is poorly compensated for
- Motility
- Shadow test - to check AC angle
- Ret - Cyclo normally