8.1 Introduction to single entity accounts Flashcards
IAS1 Presentation of FS
prescribes what a set of FS should contain and how they should be presented
IAS1 Purpose of FS
- provide info about the financial position, performance and cash flows of an entity that is useful in making economic decisions
- they will also show how effectively management has looked after the resources of the entity, ie. assess the stewardship of management
IAS1 Contents of complete set of FS
- a statement of financial position at the end of the period
- a statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the period
- a statement of changes in equity for the period
- a statement of cash flows for the period
- notes, comprising significant accounting policies and other explanatory info
IAS1 also requires in addition to FS
- comparative info to be shown as prescribed by the std
- entities are also encouraged to present a financial review by management which describes and explains the main features of the entity’s financial performance and position
Responsibility for FS
- The board of directors (and/or other governing body) of an entity is responsible for the preparation and presentation of FS
Concepts and other considerations affecting FS
- Fair presentation
- Going concern
- Consistency
- Accruals basis
- Materiality and aggregation
- Off setting
- Comparative info
IAS1 - Fair presentation
- FS shall present fairly the financial position, performance and cash flows of an entity
- Entities that comply with all relevant accounting stds will virtually always achieve this objective
A fair representation requires that entities
- show a faithful representation of the effects of transactions
- select definitions and recognition criteria in accordance with conceptual framework and apply accounting policies in accordance with IAS8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
- present info in a way that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable info
- provide additional disclosures if the requirements of and IFRS std or IAS are not sufficient to enable users to understand the impact of the transaction
If an entity feels compliance with an IFRS std would be misleading and it needs to depart from the requirement in order to show a fair presentation, the following disclosures should be made (in rare cases)
- that management have concluded that the FS do fairly present the financial position, performance and cash flows
- that the entity has complied with IFRS stds except that it has departed from a Std to show a fair presentation
- the IFRS std that has been departed from and the nature of the departure, ie. the treatment the Std would require, the reason why this would be misleading and the treatment used instead
- the financial impact of the departure on profit/loss, assets, liabilities, equity and cash flows
IAS1 - Going concern
- FS should be prepared on the going concern basis unless management intend to liquidate or cease trading
- this means FS or prepared on the assumption that the entity will continue to trade for the foreseeable future
IAS1 - Accruals basis
- entities are required to prepare their FS (except for cash flow info) using the accruals basis of accounting
- this means transactions should be recorded in the accounting period to which they relate regardless of whether or not cash has been received or paid
- it also means that expenses should be recognised in SOPLOCI so as to match against directly related income
IAS1 - Consistency
- Presentation and classification of items should be consistent from one period to the next
- Changes are allowed if required by an IFRS std or it is deemed more appropriate to change the presentation of info
IAS1 - Materiality and aggregation
- Info is material if omitting, misstating or obscuring it could reasonable be expected to influence decisions that the primary users of general purpose FS make on the basis of those FS, which provide financial info about a specific reporting entity
- Each material class of similar items should be presented separately
- Immaterial amounts should be aggregated with amounts of a similar nature (don’t need to be shown separately)
IAS1 - Offsetting
Assets and liabilities, and income and expenses, should not be offset except when it is required or allowed by an IFRS
IAS1 - Comparative info
should be disclosed in respect of previous period for all amounts reported unless an IFRS requires or allows otherwise
Statement of changes in equity (SOCIE)
- provides a summary of all changes in equity
- this includes the effect of share issues and dividends
- this statement is useful since the total change in equity reflects the increase or decrease in the net assets of the entity in the period and therefore reflects the change in the wealth of the entity in the period
Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income - IAS1 choice of two presentations:
- A statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
- A statement of profit or loss showing profit or loss for the period PLUS a separate statement of other comprehensive income, with a total for total comprehensive income
- Total comprehensive income = profit or loss for period plus other comprehensive income
- Other comprehensive income (OCI) = includes income (gains) and expenses (losses) that are recognised in profit or loss (ie. they are recorded in reserves rather than as an element of the profit for the period, mainly includes any change in revaluation surplus)
- Expenses are based on the function method
SOPLOCI - Material items
- When items of income and expense are material, their nature and amount will be disclosed separately before operating profit
- this can either be done on the face of the statement or in the notes
- Inventory write offs
- Impairment losses
- Restructuring costs
- Disposals of property, plant and equipment
- Litigation settlements
SPL - at a minimum following info must be presented
- Revenue
- Finance costs
- Share of profits and losses of associates and joint ventures
- Tax expense
- Total of discontinued operations