81-105 LT Quiz Flashcards
81a.Meningococcal infection →
chemoprophylaxis for close contacts
81b Enteroviral meningitis →
no specific prevention or treatment
81c Herpetic encephalitis →
has specific antiviral treatment
81d Tick-borne encephalitis →
vaccine-controlled infection in Lithuania.
A patient with apraxia is unable to
Make a purposeful, planned action
Lesions of which cranial nerve pairs result in total ophtalmoplegia?
68 male, impaired
coordination, orientation, changed behavior, right hemiparesis. Symptoms
progressing for last 3 days. There is no brain trauma. CV pathologies. Brain CT #left cerebral
hemisphere hypodense 1,5cm fluid collection. Which pathology?
Chronic subdural hematoma
Which of these patients has highest risk to develop intracranial aneurysm:
Long-term smoker, with moderate arterial hypertension
Cytotoxic edema related to:
Swelling of astrocytes
Spinal neuroma is
Intradural extramedullary lesion
Characteristic to diffuse axonal injury:
Long-term coma
Which mononeuropathy causes inability to toe walk?
Symptoms of either central or peripheral nervous system lesion?
Paraparesis, dysphagia, dysdiadochokinesia, dysarthria, monoparesis
Correct statement about Electrical Muscle stimulation (EMS):
Physiological impulse to pause ratio is 1:3.
Denervated muscles contract while pulses lasting more than 10 milliseconds are active.
The duration is extended gradually, first 10 minutes, then to 20-30 minutes
Spasmodic torticollis treatment:
Which of these tumors is characterized by focal seizures in the legs (limbs)?
Parasagital meningioma
30-year-old man, excrutiating piercing headached (left orbit and temple), lacrimation and nasal congestion. Episodes last up to 1 hour and several times a day & at night. During these episodes redness of the eye and sweating of the face. What is your preliminary diagnosis?
Cluster headache
TENS indication
phantom pain after amputation
Which of the following statements about ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is true?
- ALS is the leading mortality cause among all motor neuron diseases
- Etiology of sporadic ALS is currently unknown
A 55-year-old male with arterial hypertension and diabetes developed an acute ischemic stroke in the projection of internal capsule that
manifested with isolated hemiparesis. Where does the damaged tract decussate?
Junction between medulla oblongata and spinal cord
A 21-year-old female patient presents with diplopia while looking to the left. Neurological examination reveals impaired adduction of the
right eye accompanied with monocular horizontal left–beating nystagmus of the left eye. Convergence and other eye movements are
normal. Where is the lesion located?
Right medial longitudinal fasciculus
Symptoms indicate that the lesion is located in the central nervous system (CNS), but does not indicate where exactly in the CNS?
Impaired position sense
Babinski reflex
Movement & Fundamental muscles of “Functional Hand” after spinal cord injury
wrist extension
extensors carpi radialis
64, male long history of hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, atrial fibrillation. suffered an ischaemic stroke with right-sided hemiparesis. There are reduced limb muscle tone, diminished tendon reflexes, hemihyperesthesia, and hemianopia
on the left, positive Babinski sign bilaterally. What diagnostic
investigation is required immediately?
Head CT