804 Q2 - Changing Frontiers Flashcards
The last major Indian conflict in America was what?
Wounded Knee Massacre
Who finished Indian removal in the South?
Martin Van Buren
Two provisions of the Dawes Act were what?
1) Break up Reservations 2) Give land to Indian Families and individuals
The Forced migration of all southern Indians was called what?
Trail of Tears
What were Indian ideas about freedom?
Right to enjoy the open sky, right to roam at will, right to live where your ancestors lived
Who wrote “A Century of Disorder”?
Helen Hunt Jackson
The law that allowed Indians to create tribal governments was what law?
Indian Reorganization Act
What treaty did the Indians sign giving all of southern Ohio to the United States?
The Treaty of Greenville
The order of the cycle that happened between white men and Indians was what?
1) Whites moved onto Indian territory 2) Government refused to make whites move 3) Government arranged new treaty
Indians who were trying to surrender, were killed by American soldiers in what Massacre?
Bad Axe Massacre
Who was defeated at the Battle of the Little Bighorn?
George Custer
After what battle, did Indian trouble in the Northwestern Territory end?
Battle of the Thames
Who signed the Indian Removal Act?
Andrew Jackson
Who was the Supreme Court Justice who ruled in favor of the Cherokee keeping their land?
John Marshall
Aspects of American westward expansion hurt the Cheyenne Indians?
Coming of the Railroad - Intrusion of White Settlers - Depletion of Buffalo
Who believed Indians should keep their land because they lived their first?
Henry Knox
Who won the battle of Tippecanoe?
William Henry Harrison
What were the European ideas about freedom?
Right to own land, right to build your own house, right to settle in one place, right to work to make money
Who was the Indian leader at the Bad Axe Massacre?
Black Hawk