8) Stalin's cultural revolution Flashcards
Who was airbrushed out of photographs?
Trotsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev, Kamenev and other ‘enemies’ of Stalin
Who was mostly blamed for problems in farming and factories?
Kulaks or saboteurs (wreckers)
What was set up in 1932 to check on/control the work of authors?
The Union of Soviet Writers
What were the 2 main Communist newspapers?
Pravda (truth) and Izvetiya (news)
What did Stalin want from newspapers?
They shouldn’t report news from the outside world
What was ‘Socialist Realism’?
Clear and simple messages about the success of Communism and ‘joyfulness’ of living in the Soviet Union through film, art and music.
What new city did Kataev write about?
Who made the film ‘Alexander Nevsky’?
Sergei Eisenstein
What did Stalin try to remove from Russia as a result of them being a threat to the Cult of Stalin?
Religious groups such as Russian Orthodox, Muslim and Jewish
By the beginning of WW2 (1941) how many Russian Orthodox priests had not been arrested?
Approximately 5,600 (there were approximately 60,000 in the early 1920’s)
How did Stalin treat those from an Islamic background?
1) Mosques and Muslim schools were banned
2) Pilgrimages to Mecca were banned
3) Islamic law was banned
4) Women were encouraged to unveil
What Jewish buildings were banned?
Schools, libraries and Synagogues
What was set up to promote anti-religious propaganda?
‘The League of Militant Atheists’ or ‘Society of the Godless’
Approximately how many Soviet citizens remained religious by 1937?
50 million
What made Stalin allow religious freedom again?
Using it to bring about unity when WW2 started.
By 1939 what percentage of children were attending school?
94% of urban dwellers (people in cities), 86% of the rural population.
What did Stalin’s education system focus on?
Technical and scientific skills needed to make the 5 year plans work.
How did education help Stalin stay in power?
Education was used as propaganda (children were taught that Stalin was the ‘Great Leader’ and they were taught ‘Stalin’s’ History of the USSR)
What did Stalin’s History of the USSR promote?
The idea that Stalin played a greater part in the October 1917 revolution than he actually did.
What was made compulsory in schools ?
The teaching of Communist ideology
What youth groups were created to promote Communism/Stalin?
1) The Octobrists (8-10 years old)
2) The Yung Pioneers (10-16 years old)
3) The Komsomol (16-28 years old)
What was frequently named after Stalin?
Streets and cities (eg. Stalingrad)
What nicknames did newspapers give Stalin?
‘Man of Steel’, ‘Shining Sun of Humanity’ and ‘Voxhd’ (the Boss)
The use of propaganda, media and culture created what for Stalin?
‘The Cult of Stalin’
What did Stalin do to many famous photographs of Lenin?
He faked/changed many of them so that he was seen as close to Lenin.