8 SS 1st SEM Flashcards
Second amendment
Right to bear arms
First amendment
Basic freedoms
Speech, religion, press, assemble
Third amendment
Quartering of soldiers
Fourth amendment
Search and arrest
Fifth amendment
Rights in criminal cases
Sixth amendment
Right to a fair trial
Seventh amendment
Rights in civil cases
Eighth amendment
Bail,fines, punishment
Amendment 9
Rights retained by the people
Amendment 10
States rights
John Locke
Created natural rights
Rights of colonists
Bill of rights
Purpose of government
To bring people together
Types of government
Autocracy, oligarchy, democracy
Where is New England located?
Middle colonies location
Middle East coast
Southern colonies
Southern east coast
Slaves BIG
Primary source
Came from the source that saw it of did it
Secondary source
Person who had it told to them
Right to govern themselves
Unjust way of ruling
Thomas Jefferson
Founding father
3rd president after John Adams
Loved music
Not well dressed
Deep loyalty to Britain
Take back or cancel a law
Small army for emergencies
Refuse buy goods from a source
Organized refusal
French and Indian war
Cause was territory and power between France and Britain
France gave Canada to Britain
Frost continental congress date?
Proclamation of 1763
Line down appellation mountains
Intolerable acts
Harsher punishments for people who disregarded the government
Tea act
Tax on tea
Town shed acts
Taxed items from Britain
Boston tea party
Tea tax refusal act
Patriots dressed up as Indians threw tea pinto the Pearl Harbor
Boston massacre
Mass killing in the streets
Quartering act
Housing soldiers
Stamp act
Buy a stamp for every piece of paper
Common sense
Idea of independence
Thomas Paine
Published common sense
Natural rights
All men created equal
Olive branch petition
Peace treaty with Britain
Olive branches are the ancient symbols of peace
Why was the Declaration of Independence written
Declare independence with Britain
Revised version of Declaration of Independence
James Madison
Founding father
Articles of confederation
Each state had a vote
Congres imposes taxes
Developing western lands
Small territories
After gaining 60,000 people, could apply to congress to become a state
Shays rebellion
Different kinds of money were printed and no one knew what anything was worth
Challenges of constitutions convention
Hot and sweaty
Many different opinions
Virginia plan
3 branches or parts
3/5 compromise
Each slave counted a 3/5 of a person
Constitution date is signing?
September 17,1787
New Jersey plan
Smaller states should have equal say in country issues and government
When did the constitution become a law?
Popular sovereignty
Idea that governments power comes from the people
Proposed law
Accuse an official of a crime
Added to constitution
People basic rights.
Judicial review
decide whether laws or actions are constitutional
Legislative branch
Makes the laws
Executive branch
Carries out laws
Judicial branch
Supreme Court interprets laws
House and senate
Having law making parts
Veto power
Checks and balances
Allows power to all branches equal and every branch checks another branch
Limited government
Limits to changes
Telling what they want tour country to be
Basic content of first three amendments
Basic freedoms (religion,press,speech,assembly)
Right to bear arms
Quartering soldiers
Bill of rights
Part of constitution
Must have before search or arrest
What did James Madison not want?
Bill of rights
Reason for Bill of rights
So the government didn’t get too much power
People who help president in different areas of government
Whiskey rebellion
Tax put on whiskey and people did not like it
French Revolution
France tried to get rid of their king
President Washington’s farewell address
Make as many friend with other countries not enemies
Federalist and republican debates
Did not think the same way about this the country should be ran
Relations with Britain and France
Republicans had a great relation
Alien and sedition acts
Kept trouble makers under control
Alexander Hamilton and creation of national bank
1933 collected taxes, printed money, banks
Election of 1800
Aron burr , move to DC
War Hawks
Want war
Pinkney treaty
With France for land
Jays treaty
Treaty with France
War of 1812 ideas (3)
Britain invaded DC
Us invaded Canada and lost (thought they won)
“Star spangled banner” was created
What states are part of New England? (5)
New Hampshire Maine Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island
What states are part of the middle colonies? (4)
New York
New Jersey
When did the articles come before or after declaration?
Who was in favor of no branch government?
What was the 3 branches part of? What power?
Separation of powers
What power as not part of the presidents cabinet?
How big was the Virginia plan?
What was the biggest thing the national bank did?
Gave out loans
What were the anti federalists against?