8 Skeletal Muscle as an Effector Organ Flashcards
skeletal mm def
usu attached to the skeleton; used for locomotion and maintaining body posture
visceral mm
mm that lines the walls of internal organs and blood vessels (vascular)
cardiac mm
heart mm
striated mm
skeletal and cardiac
smooth mm
lack striations - vascular and visceral mm
voluntary mm
receive signals from CNS - most skeletal mm
involuntary mm
mostly receives signals from ANS - visceral and cardiac mm
attaches mm to bone
proximal attachment of mm
distal end of mm attachment
muscle fibers
skeletal mm cells
connective tissue surrounding individual mm fibers
connective tissue surrounding bundles of muscle fibers (fasciculi)
connective tissue surrounding the ENTIRE muscle
muscle fibers is composed of smaller fibrous structures called _____
myofibril is divided into ___ and ____ filaments
thick and thin
think filaments are ___ bands
A bands
thin filaments are ___ bands
i bands (think of “i” as a thin letter)
the M line runs down the center of the
A band
___ runs across the center of the I band
Z line/Z disk
sarcomere is defined as the space from ___ to ____
Z disk to Z disk
when mm contracts, this appears shorter (but not really, it just overlaps more)
I band
thin filaments are composed of
actin, tropomyosin, troponin
thin filaments are the main site of
calcium regulation
two states of actin molecule
G actin - monomeric
F actin - polymer of G actins
tropomyosin is composed of
a-helical chains
troponin has these 3 proteins
calcium sensor in skeletal and cardiac mm
“glue” that holds troponin-tropomyosin-actin together
these two components are involved in tension generation
these two components are regulatory proteins
thick filaments are made primarily of
myosin, a dimer with two globular heads, plus a rod-like area
attached to each globular head portion of myosin are
two essential light chains and two regulatory light chains
myosin thick filament consists of
two chain coiled structure with amino-terminal regions (S1 regions)
___ region of myosin binds ATP and actin
head region
outer membrane surrounding each muscle fiber
consists of plasma membrane (plasmalemma) and basement membrane
plasma membrane of skeletal mm fiber contains no ___ like cardiac mm
gap junctions/tight junctions
tubular extensions of the sarcolemma that extend deep into the fiber from the surface
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
muscle’s ER, adapted for uptake, storage, and release of Ca2+ ions; a tubular network
terminal cisternae
enlarged portion of SR containing T-tubules
Ca2+ stored here
group of 1 T-tubule and 2 terminal cisternae
H zone
composed of thick filament only, in the center of the diagram (M line runs right through it)
The A band technically consists of
both thick and thin filaments
excitation-contraction coupling
depolarization of the sarcolemma, calcium released into cytoplasm, binding of calcium to regulatory sites to initiate crossbridge cycling
Ca2+ binding to ___ removes blocking action of ____
1/ troponin
2/ tropomyosin
the ____ AP causes release of Ca2+ from terminal cisternae of SR
Ca2+ ions bind to _____ to initiate contraction
a protein in the SR that binds Ca2+
in the resting state, _____ interferes with interaction between actin and myosin
Calcium binding to troponin-C causes tropomyosin to conformationally change, exposing _____
myosin-binding sites on actin filaments
the active site is on the ____
thin filaments
each tropomyosin molecule exerts control over ___ actin monomers
the crossbridge can get ready for a new cycle once
ATP binds to myosin
in the absence of ____, myosin molecules become permanently attached to actin filaments to form actomyosin complex, causing _______
ATP, rigor mortis
muscle contraction occurs as long as ___ and ___ are present
ATP, Ca2+
this structure stores calcium ions
sarcoplasmic reticulum
cardiac mm AP is activated by
cells in the muscle itself, which spreads from cell to cell
intercalated disc
connects cardiac cells and allow them to function as one
desmosome/tight junction
mechanical connection between cells
gap junction
electrical connection between cells
cardiac muscle metabolism is mostly ____