6 Membrane Potential and Action Potential Flashcards
Ohm’s Law
V = IR
electrical potential = volts*resistance
information is conveyed down axons by electrical signals called _____
action potentials
RMP of a cell
-65 to -75 mV
RMP def
electrical potential difference across the nerve membrane
true or false: maintenance of the RMP requires expenditure of metabolic energy?
membrane potential becomes more negative (increases)
membrane potential becomes less negative
the only ions that can pass through the plasma membrane are
K+ ions
equilibrium potential for K+
aka Ek
the electrical potential at which there is no longer any net movement of K+ down its concentration gradient
Ek =
ENa =
ECl =
if you increase the extracellular concentration of K+, the membrane potential becomes _______
depolarized (less negative)
(prolonged depolarization is lethal! - it make excitable tissues inexcitable)
if you increase the intracellular concentration of K+, the membrane potential becomes ______
hyperpolarized (more negative)
critical value of the membrane potential or the level of depolarization at which an impulse is initiated
“all or none”
a stimulus will trigger a complete action potential or none at all
a larger stimulus does not increase the size of the AP
rapid depolarization (reduction) in membrane potential from resting values toward zero
reversal of the membrane potential during the peak of the action potential
reduction of membrane potential from resting value towards zero
return of the action potential towards resting potential
increase in membrane potential from resting potential
the membrane overshoots and goes extra negative during this period, then levels off back at its normal negative level
absolute refractory period
time following an action potential during which a stimulus cannot elicit a second action potential - Na channels cannot open
relative refractory period
time during which only an extra strong stimulus can trigger an AP - some Na channels restored to primed state
explain how APs are conducted down unmyelinated axons
Na+ ions that produce the AP upstroke diffuse down the axon, depolarizing adjacent membranes - this opens voltage gated Na+ channels and starts the process at adjacent neurons
explain how APs are conducted down myelinated axons
APs spread by “saltatory conduction” jumping from one node of Ranvier to the next; local current spreads along the axon and depolarizes the membrane of the next node
*voltage gated sodium channels are restricted to the membrane at the nodes of Ranvier
Na+/K+ ATPase
pumps 3 Na+ out
pumps 2 K+ in
net loss of one positive charge from the intracellular space
unmyelinated fiber speed
Velocity is proportional to the square root of the axon diameter
pain signals in vertebrates
myelinated fibers
insulation causes velocity of signal to be approx. linearly related to axon diameter