8: Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders Flashcards
Prevalence of Schizophrenia
1% of the population
Phases of Schizophrenia
Prodromal (Declining functioning, no hallucinations)
Active (Greater than 1 month of active symptoms)
Residual (Stabilized state of residual disorder after recovery)
Schizophrenia occurs more often among…
…the impoverished
Prognostic factors for schizophrenia (3)
- Premorbid functioning
- Age (younger emergence = greater severity)
- Rapidity of onset
Overt expression of unusual perceptions, thoughts, and beliefs
Positive symptoms
The inability to distinguish between the real and the unreal
Positive symptoms of schizophrenia (4)
- Heightened perceptions
- Hallucinations
- Delusions
- Disordered thinking and speech
Negative symptoms of schizophrenia (4)
- Loss of volition
- Social withdrawal
- Poverty of speech
- Blunted and flat affect
False belief that oneself or one’s loved ones are being persecuted, watched, or conspired against
Persecutory delusions
Belief that everyday events, objects, or other people have unusual personal significance
Delusion of reference
Belief that one’s thoughts are being controlled by outside forces
Delusions of thought insertion
False belief that one has great power, knowledge, or talent
Grandiose delusion
Psychomotor symptoms of schizophrenia
Awkward movements, repeated grimaces, or odd gestures
Extreme onset of psychomotor symptoms in schizophrenia constitutes…
The disorganized thinking of those afflicted by schizophrenia is called…
Formal thought disorder
Criteria for Schizophrenia
- One positive symptom and one other symptoms for at least 1 month
- Social/occupational dysfunction
- Lasts at least 6 months
A possible cause for schizophrenia may be a ____ at work
Diathesis-stress relationship
Considerations for medications (4)
- Impact on quality of life
- Subjectivity tolerability
- Cost
- Convenience
Types of antipsychotic medications
- Conventional (alleviates positive symptoms more than negative symptoms; can cause extrapyramidal symptoms)
- Atypical (may or may not be better; no pyramidal symptoms; risks for weight gain, abnormal lipid levels, and sexual dysfunction)
Mood disorder in conjunction with schizophrenia
Schizoaffective disorder
Schizophrenia which lasts for 1 to 6 months
Schizophreniform disorder
Schizophrenia which lasts only 1 day to 1 month
Brief psychotic disorder
Disorder characterized by emergence of delusions with no other symptoms
Delusional disorder
Disorder characterized by social deficits and cognitive or perceptual distortions
Schizotypal personality disorder
Psychosis that occurs among 2 close people
Shared psychotic disorder
Drugs that treat schizophrenia by blocking reuptake of dopamine
- Phenothiazines
- Neuroleptics
In schizophrenia, excess dopamine may be present in the…
Mesolimbic pathway
Social drift and schizophrenia
Schizophrenia disrupts education and functioning, leading to drift downwards in social class
Hostility and/or over-involvement by family members/friends of a mentally ill person
Expressed emotion
Neurological side effect of medication that involves involuntary movements of the tongue, face, mouth, or jaw
Tardive dyskinesia
Factors that helped bring out depopulation of state mental hospitals (3)
- Antipsychotic drugs
- Legal rights for the mentally ill
- Deinstitutionalization movement
Trends in mental treatment (5)
- Conflict over rights vs needs
- Fragmentation of MH system
- Criminal justice system problems and overhaul
- Grass roots advocacy and recovery
- Evidence-based treatments
Evidence-based Treatments (6)
- Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment
- Illness/Wellness Management and Recovery (Understand illness and develop approach for treatment)
- Supported Employment (Job with assistance and support)
- Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
- Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment
- Psychoeducational Family Intervention
ACT (4)
- Services targeted at SMI
- ACT team provides all services
- Shared team responsibility
- Community-based interventions
Psychoeducational Family Intervention (4)
- Education about mental illness
- Focus on family support and crisis intervention
- Problem solving
- Reducing expressed emotion
Effective factors for SMI treatment (5)
- Positive view of people with SMI
- Self-determination focus
- Oriented towards recovery
- Learning and skill training
- Use of nonprofessional resources