8: Regulation of Cell Motility (Invasion) Flashcards
Explain the different steps in tumor Progession
When do benign Tumors turn to malignant tumors?
- Homeostasis (normal cells)
- Genetic alteration
- Hyper-proliferation
–> Benign
- De-differentiation
- dissasembly of cell-cell contacts
- loss of polarity
- Invasion
- increase motility
- cleavage of ECM proteins and basemsent membranes –> Metastisis
What are the two main types of tumor cell migration?
How do they differ?
Individual cell migration
- Ameoboid cells
- Mesenchymal (single) cells
- Mesenchymal(chain) cells
Collective cell migration
- Cluster cohorts
- Multicellular strands/sheaths
Which factors are needed in individual cell migration?
Individual cell migration requires
- integrins and proteases for Basememnt membrane cleavage
What factors are needed in Cluser/multicellular cell migration of tumors?
- Integrins and proteases to cleave basement membrane
- Gap junctions and cadherins for coordination of movements
What are the characteristics of tumor cell metastisis?
They mimic normal morpholigical movements
- as seen in angiogenesis
- branching morphogenseis like in mamillary gland
- etc.
How does migration of a tumor differ from normal cell migration?
Often they try to mimic morphological cell movement but are different in
- deattaches from another (no cell-cell junctions and signaling)
- grow randomly + unorgansied
- fast growth
How does the Gen profile of migrating tumor cells differn from those that don’t migrate?
- upregulation in cytoskeleton regulation
- and machinery
–> Normally they don’t have more oncogenic mutations but are just more mobile (EGF mouse experiment)
When does a cell move?
Normally due to external stimuli like
- organogenesis and morphogenesis
- wounding
- growth factors/chemoattractants
But can also happen in oncogenesis
- dedifferentiation (tumor formation)
What are focal adhesions?
They are connections between the cell and the extracellular matrix through integrins
- Extracellularly: integrins bind to extracellular ligands
- Intracellularly: multiproteins assemble (Plaque) and are connected to the actin cytoskeleton
What is the role of focal adhesions?
Important in signaling of movement
- anchor the cell
- Signaling: inform the cell about the composition of the ECM –> influence behaviour of cell
What are filopodia?
Finger like projections of cell membrane made of actin filaments, involved in cell motility
Explain the structure of Fillopodia
They are organised in
- straight, crosslinked actin filaments
- fomed by
- Polerymerisation
- Bundling of actin filaments
- Crosslinking of the filaments
What are Lamellipodia?
Shee-like pertrusions of cell membrane, rich in actin filaments needed for cell motility
What are the four steps that repetitively happen in cell movement?
- Extention
- Lamellipodia and Fillopodia grow into direction of movement
- Adhesion
- New adhesions (focal adhesions) with ECM+ Basement membrane found
- Translocation
- Cell body is moves in the direction of the movement, via contraction of actin filaments on the side opposite of movement
- De-adhesion of old adhesion
How does the overall cell shape change in a migrating cell compated to a normal cell?
It will become a polerised (in shape) cell
What are stress fibres?
What is their role in cell migration?
Antiparralel strucztures actin filaments needed in cell migration
–> contraction of the cell